柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone


柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone

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柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone


柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone

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She Lost Her Dog — and Found Him at a Dog Meat Stand


柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone


Minutes after Chuqi was unleashed during a morning walk, a stranger snatched the 4-year-old shiba inu and darted into narrow alleys nearby.



The pet owner, surnamed Wang, was at her home in the southern city of Zhuhai that morning while her father was walking the dog. She tracked Chuqi on a mobile tracking device — it alerted her pet was outside the assigned area — before he disappeared in an area bordering the city of Zhongshan.




unleash这里表示解开皮带以放开〔狗〕to let a dog run free after it has been held on a leash。

这个词汇的引申含义为释放出,发泄〔力量、感情等〕:to suddenly let a strong force, feeling etc have its full effect,比如说:The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。


shiba inu,柴犬,这个其实是柴犬的拉丁文音译,柴犬日文名为しばいぬ(又名西八犬),现代柴犬主要是在19世纪培育出来的。

dart这里是动词,表示猛冲,突进:to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction,比如说:•Jill darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.吉尔冲上前把他从火边拉开。

border 动词用法,意思是与…接壤,与…毗邻:if one country, state, or area borders another, it is next to it and shares a border with it,举个例子:•countries that border the Mediterranean地中海沿岸的国家

border on sth 近似,接近:to be very close to being something extreme,比如说:•His confidence bordered on arrogance.他的自信近乎自负。


Wang immediately reported to the police that her dog had been stolen. Fearing the worst, she then drove to the area last shown on the tracking device — an area also known for selling dog meat.



There, in front of a store run by an elderly woman, she saw a red plastic bag with what appeared to be chopped meat inside. She also saw a microchip — that of Chuqi.



“I just lost it, I couldn’t hit or scold anyone, my hands were shaking. I felt angry, resigned, and helpless. My tears began to pour as soon as I got into the car,” she wrote in a Weibo post on July 30, urging locals to help find the suspect.



Wang’s plea for help underscores the issue of trading dogs as a meat source, which despite backlash from locals, authorities, as well as animal rights organizations, continues on black markets. For years, the city of Yulin in southern China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has been notorious for hosting an annual dog meat festival, although the local government withdrew as the official host in 2014 due to social pressure.



suspect这里是名词用法,注意重音在前/'sʌspɛkt/ ,意思是〔犯罪〕嫌疑人,可疑分子:someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime
plea这里是名词,恳求;请求;A plea is an appeal or request for something, made in an intense or emotional way.举个例子:She made an impassioned plea for help. 她恳切地求助。a plea to industries to stop pollution 请求实业界停止污染。
underscore这是动词,意思是强调;突出;强化;If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance. 举个例子:The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。
withdraw使)退出〔活动、组织等〕:to stop taking part in an activity, belonging to an organization etc, or to make someone do this,比如说:•A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.膝盖受伤让她不得不退出了比赛。



In July, around the same time when Chuqi was abducted, animal rights activists found 68 dogs near Yulin reportedly being taken to slaughterhouses. After being discovered, they were transferred to a shelter.



With a growing number of pet owners in China and heightened awareness of animal rights, consuming dog meat is now largely seen as immoral and backward in urban areas. In mid-July, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced that dogs “are not livestock,” warning people from being involved in the dog meat trade.



abduct /əb'dʌkt/ 劫持,绑架to take someone away by force; 【近义词kidnap】,举个例子:•She was abducted late last night.她昨天深夜遭到绑架。

柴犬当街被偷,找到已被煮成狗肉 | Sixth Tone

slaughterhouse屠宰场;A slaughterhouse is a place where animals are killed for their meat.
livestock 牛、羊等家畜,牲畜,牲口;Animals such as cattle and sheep which are kept on a farm are referred to as livestock.


Zhuhai, the city where Chuqi was abducted, banned the consumption of dog and cat meat last April, but nearby Zhongshan doesn’t have any regulations in place. Animal rights activists say that the absence of a national animal protection law means such announcements and local prohibitions have little effect, while animal abuses and violence against pets continue.


最后编辑于:2021/8/12 拔丝英语网



