




它有305英尺高,151英尺高,铜像本身,其余部分由一个底座和一个底座组成。雕像由法国雕塑家Frederic auguste bartholdi设计,具有新古典主义风格和新艺术元素,是罗马女神自由和个人自由的代表作品。古斯塔夫·埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)负责框架,基座由美国建筑师理查德·莫里斯·亨特(Richard morris hunt)设计。

The Statue of Liberty is perhaps the most famous national monument in the United States. Its official name is the World of the Free Enlightenment. In 1886, in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of American independence, it was a gift from the French to the American people.

It is 305 feet tall, 151 feet tall, the bronze statue itself, the rest of which consists of a base and a base. Designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste bartholdi, the sculpture has neoclassical style and new artistic elements, and is a representative work of freedom and individual freedom of the Roman goddess. Gustave Eiffel is responsible for the framework and the base is designed by Richard Morris Hunt, an American architect.



幸运的是,《纽约时报》(New York times)的出版人约瑟夫·普利策(Joseph Pulitzer)组织了一场为全国读者筹集10万美元(约合230万美元)资金的活动,承诺不管捐款人捐了多少钱,都会把他们的名字印出来。


The cost of building and transporting the statue was paid by the French, while the base was left to the Americans. However, when the U.S. government was unable to raise enough funds, the whole project was threatened.

Fortunately, Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York Times, organized a campaign to raise $100,000 (about $2.3 million) for readers across the country, promising to print their names no matter how much money donors contributed.

Located on Bedlow Island in New York Harbor, now known as Freedom Island, the statue faces southeast and welcomes ships from the Atlantic Ocean. In 2016, the Statue of Liberty will attract about 4.5 million visitors - much more than in previous years.





Yellowstone National Park, which covers an area of nearly 3,500 square miles, mainly in Wyoming, is one of the most fascinating and unique national parks in the world. There are many kinds of wildlife (many of which are endangered), huge natural forests, numerous waterfalls, about half of the world's geothermal landforms and two-thirds of the Earth's geysers (more than 300).

The park is also one of the largest complete ecosystems in the North Temperate Zone of the Earth. When it was first discovered in 1869, explorers David Falsham and Charles W. Cook described Yellowstone Lake as a "surreal landscape".

Later they wrote a story about the expedition, but most magazine editors thought it was too far-fetched.




Yellowstone National Park, which covers an area of nearly 3,500 square miles, mainly in Wyoming, is one of the most fascinating and unique national parks in the world. There are many kinds of wildlife (many of which are endangered), huge natural forests, numerous waterfalls, about half of the world's geothermal landforms and two-thirds of the Earth's geysers (more than 300).

The park is also one of the largest complete ecosystems in the North Temperate Zone of the Earth. When it was first discovered in 1869, explorers David Falsham and Charles W. Cook described Yellowstone Lake as a "surreal landscape".

Later they wrote a story about the expedition, but most magazine editors thought it was too far-fetched.



Niagara Falls. Now, even if it's not the highest one, Niagara Falls is definitely worth visiting. Niagara Falls, located at the junction of Canada (Ontario) and the United States (New York), is the largest waterfall in the United States.


More than 3160 tons of water flow through the waterfall at 32 feet per second. There are three waterfalls. The United States and Bride Veil Falls are located on the American side of the border, separated by Luna Island. About 75,750 gallons of water flow through the waterfall every second. The larger Horseshoe Falls, owned by Canada and the United States, have a margin of 2,600 feet and can see more than 600,000 gallons of water per second from 167 feet.






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最后编辑于:2023/7/12 拔丝英语网



