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非移民签证电子申请表DS-160 -
有效期6个月以上的有效护照 -
1张在最近六个月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(5.1厘米x5.1厘米)照片 -
美国学校或项目提供的I-20表 -
面谈预约单 -
$160申请费,SEVIS FEE打印收据,在线提交
面试预约确认页:在预约面试时,将收到面试预约确认页,包含面试日期、时间和地点等信息。 -
DS-160确认页打印件 -
1张在最近六个月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(5.1厘米x5.1厘米)照片 -
所有新旧护照 -
美国学校或项目提供的I-20表 -
Offer Letter (打印) -
成绩单(大学/高中成绩、G/T成绩、GMAT、SAT成绩) -
毕业证,学位证 -
CV -
赴美研究/学习计划及相关的详细信息 -
完成美国的学业后会如期回国的家庭,经济等方面证明(如房产证,户口本等) -
资金证明:证明有充足的资金支付第一学年的所有开销,并且能够为在美停留期间的所有剩余开销找到足够的资金来源(银行对账证明,存款证明等需要出示原件) -
资金资助人关系证明 -
What is the name of the college or university you are planning on going to and why did you choose to go to this specific university or college? -
你在美国将会就读哪所大学?为什么选择这所大学? -
What is your purpose of studying in the United States? -
您在美国学习的目的是什么? -
To how many universities did you apply to and why? -
你总共申请了多少学校?为什么? -
Did you get accepted by all of them? What are the names of the universities you got accepted to? -
你被哪些学校录取了? -
Do you know your undergraduate Academic GPA or Percentage? -
你的GPA是多少? -
Let us know more about your university: Where is it, which degree did you study or which degree are you planning on studying? -
请简单介绍你一下你的学校,在哪儿?你学习什么专业?(Vivian当年读书的时候还被问道你选择田纳西,那里有什么你知道的好玩的吗?什么出名?) -
Tell us the name of the professors you are in contact with from the US university. -
你在美国学校的导师叫什么? -
What are the reasons for you coming to study in the United States? -
为什么你要到美国学习? -
How long are you planning to stay in the United States? -
你计划在美国呆多久? -
How do you know about this university? -
你有多了解这所学校? -
Tell us more about your academic background. -
请给我介绍一下你的学术背景。 -
Have you been to the US before? -
你以前去过美国吗? -
Why not study in Canada, Australia or the UK? -
为什么不选择去其它国家读书呢? -
Why do you want to do a Master’s or Ph.D. degree? -
为什么想读研究生/博士呢? -
Why don’t you want to study this major in your home country? -
为什么不在本国学习这个专业呢? -
What is your intended program of study in the United States? -
您在美国的预期学习计划是什么? -
Have you made any arrangements for housing/accommodation in the United States? -
Who is paying for your education? -
谁为你付学费呢? -
Tell us more about your father’s/mother’s job and income and how long they have been working for the company. -
请给我们讲一下你父母的工作,收入以及他们为公司工作多久了? -
What is your sponsor’s annual income? -
你父母的年收入是? -
How much does your university cost for a year? -
你的学费一年是? -
Does your sponsor pay for all of it or did you also get a loan? -
你的父母为你付所有的学费吗?你还需要助学贷款吗? -
Did you get offered a scholarship at your school? -
Do you have brothers and sisters? -
你有兄弟姐妹吗? -
Are any of them living in the United States or do you have any other relatives who live in the United States? -
你有家人,亲戚住在美国吗? -
In which country and in which city do your parents live? -
你家人住在哪里? -
As we can see you have brothers and sisters, will your parents be able to afford your education abroad in the United States? -
如果你有兄弟姐妹,请问你的父母可以支持你在美国的教育经费吗? -
Do you have any relatives studying at the same university you are planning to go to? -
If you work, why do you plan to leave your current job in order to go abroad to study? -
如果你已经有工作,为什么想辞职读书? -
Please show us your CV or any other paper which shows your work experiences. -
请给我们看一下你的有关工作的CV -
Do you also have savings? -
你有存款吗? -
Once you have finished your studies, do you plan to stay in the United States to work? -
Why do you like the United States as a country? -
为什么喜欢美国呢? -
What are your expectations after having completed your studies and returning to your country? -
你毕业回来以后有什么期待么? -
What are your plans after graduate? -
毕业以后的计划是什么呢? -
What are your career goals after your studies? -
以后的职业规划是什么呢? -
Are you planning to go home during your summer vacation? -
暑假有计划回国吗? -
We can see you got a scholarship, why do you think they gave it to you? -
本文由@Vivian在五月天 原创,著作权归北美省钱快报共同所有,未经许可不得转载。文章仅代表作者看法,如有更多内容分享或是对文中观点有不同见解,省钱快报欢迎您的投稿。
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