

签证服务恢复,美国驻华大使馆临时代办米德伟(David Meale)、签证处主管官员和员工热情欢迎签证申请者(图为他们在美国驻华大使馆签证处外面合影)。

CDA Meale, Embassy Beijing NIV Section Leadership, and staff enthusiastically welcome applicants as visa services resume. (Pictured outside of the U.S. Embassy Beijing Consular Section).

“看起来很棒,可以开始啦!”临时代办米德伟(David Meale)和总领事魏子萱(Sharon Weber)在签证处公共等候区的面谈窗口前讨论签证服务恢复。

“Looks great, ready to go!” In front an interview window inside the NIV public area, CDA Meale and Consul General Weber chat about the resumption of visa services. 

今天,北京美国驻华大使馆和美国驻广州、上海、和沈阳总领馆的签证服务恢复啦!美国驻华大使馆临时代办米德伟(David Meale)表明,恢复前往美国的国际旅行将加强美国和中华人民共和国人民间的关系,美国致力于促进旅行的努力一如既往,正如2021年5月以来驻华使团已发放了超过9万份学生签证所证明的。


International travel bolsters people-to-people ties----U.S. Visa Services Return! 

We resumed visa services today at U.S. Embassy Beijing and the U.S. Consulates General in Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenyang.  U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Meale commented that resuming international travel to the United States bolsters people-to-people ties between the United States and the PRC.  The U.S. commitment to facilitating travel is as strong as ever as evidenced by the more than 90,000 student visas Mission China has issued since May 2021.  

For more updates on U.S. visa policy, please follow @美国使馆签证处 [Consular Beijing’s Weibo] https://www.weibo.com/usembassyvisa

最后编辑于:2023/8/1 拔丝英语网



