







Vatican translator's expression on Biden trip contrasted with grim demeanour during Trump visit

The Independent

The Vatican translator for Pope Francis had drastically different facial expressions in the meeting with President Joe Biden on Friday compared to the meeting with former President Donald Trump.

Twitter users enjoyed the side-by-side comparison video of the translator, showing Mr Biden’s meeting with the pope on Friday, and Mr Trump’s meeting with Francis on 24 May 2017.

Former Obama White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri called the comparison “amazing”.

Before they even met, Mr Trump’s relationship with Francis was already fraught. During the 2016 campaign, the pope appeared to criticise Mr Trump and his policy idea of building a wall along the US border with Mexico. The pope said those who want to build walls instead of bridges are “not Christian”.

When slamming the pope’s comments, Mr Trump suggested the Argentinian was a Mexican pawn. When the pair finally met, images of a grumpy-looking pope standing next to the first family went viral and were used for countless jokes.

Professor Shaun Casey at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University told NPR that US presidents meeting the pope is a “modern phenomenon”.

The first meeting took place in 1919 during President Woodrow Wilson’s time in office when he met Pope Benedict XV and the next meeting didn’t take place until 1959 when President Eisenhower met Pope John XXIII.

Mr Biden is only the second Catholic US president, following President John F Kennedy. Mr Biden told Francis on Friday that he’s the “only Irishman you’ve ever met who’s never had a drink”.

Professor Casey told NPR that the Obama and Biden administrations “discovered in Pope Francis a very willing partner to address some of these massive global issues like climate change, like refugees”.

“When you see that political policy overlap, you see a deepening of the ties and deepening of the relationship between the two entities,” he added. “And we are in one of those moments.”

“Biden is actually repairing a fractured diplomatic relationship,” the professor said, adding that the meeting will be “a signal to the Vatican that you have a partner now in the White House”.


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Vatican translator's expression on Biden trip contrasted with grim demeanour during Trump visit

The Independent

The Vatican translator for Pope Francis had drastically different facial expressions in the meeting with President Joe Biden on Friday compared to the meeting with former President Donald Trump.


相比于和前统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的会面,教皇方济各(Pope Francis)的梵蒂冈翻译在周五和总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)会面时表现出了截然不同的面部表情。



1)表示“严酷的;令人沮丧的”,英文解释为“A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept.举个?:

There was further grim news yesterday.


2)表示“(地方)阴沉的”,英文解释为“A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance.举个?:

The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.





demeanour /dɪˈmiːnə/ 表示“外表;风度;行为;神态举止”,英文解释为“a way of looking and behaving”举个?:

There was nothing in his demeanour that suggested he was anxious.





Vatican /ˈvætɪkən/ 作形容词,表示“梵蒂冈的;梵蒂冈城的”,英文解释为“belonging to or relating to the Vatican or to Vatican City”,作名词,the Vatican 表示“罗马教皇,梵蒂冈,罗马教廷”,英文解释为“the Pope (= the leader of the Catholic Church) or the officials who represent the Pope”。



Twitter users enjoyed the side-by-side comparison video of the translator, showing Mr Biden's meeting with the pope on Friday, and Mr Trump's meeting with Francis on 24 May 2017.






pope /pəʊp/ 表示“罗马天主教教皇”,英文解释为“The pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church.”



Former Obama White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri called the comparison “amazing”.


前奥巴马白宫通讯主任珍妮弗·帕尔米耶里(Jennifer Palmieri)称这种对比“令人惊讶”。

Before they even met, Mr Trump's relationship with Francis was already fraught. During the 2016 campaign, the pope appeared to criticise Mr Trump and his policy idea of building a wall along the US border with Mexico. The pope said those who want to build walls instead of bridges are “not Christian”.





表示“令人极度忧虑的,十分担心的;令人担忧的”,英文解释为“If you say that a situation or action is fraught, you mean that it is worrisome or difficult.举个?:

It has been a somewhat fraught day. 





作名词,表示“基督徒”,英文解释为“someone who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus Christ”;作形容词,表示“基督教的;仁慈的;友好的;乐善好施的”。


When slamming the pope's comments, Mr Trump suggested the Argentinian was a Mexican pawn. When the pair finally met, images of a grumpy-looking pope standing next to the first family went viral and were used for countless jokes.





slam表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个?:

The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie."


?类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.




pawn /pɔːn/ 可以指“(国际象棋的)兵,卒”,也可以引申表示“被利用的人;走卒”,英文解释为“a person or group whose actions are controlled by more powerful people举个?:

The hostages are being used as political pawns.




?此前在刚刚,孟晚舟抵达深圳文中提到另一个词:cipher /ˈsaɪfə/ 表示“人所利用的小人物;无名小卒;无足轻重的”,英文解释为“a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important举个?:

The interim government is a mere cipher for military rule.




grumpy /ˈɡrʌmpɪ/ 表示“脾气坏的,易生气的;抱怨的”,英文解释为“easily annoyed and complaining举个?:

I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.




表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by emailphone, etc.”举个?:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.


?常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.



Professor Shaun Casey at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University told NPR that US presidents meeting the pope is a “modern phenomenon”.


乔治敦大学沃尔什外交学院的肖恩·凯西(Shaun Casey)教授告诉NPR,美国总统会见教皇是一种“现代现象”。

The first meeting took place in 1919 during President Woodrow Wilson's time in office when he met Pope Benedict XV and the next meeting didn't take place until 1959 when President Eisenhower met Pope John XXIII.


第一次会面发生在1919年伍德罗·威尔逊总统(President Woodrow Wilson)在任期间,当时他会见了教皇本笃十五世(Pope Benedict XV),而下一次会面直到1959年艾森豪威尔总统(President Eisenhower)会见教皇约翰二十三世(Pope John XXIII)才发生。

Mr Biden is only the second Catholic US president, following President John F Kennedy. Mr Biden told Francis on Friday that he's the “only Irishman you've ever met who's never had a drink”.






Catholic /ˈkæθəlɪk/ 表示“天主教(徒)”,英文解释为“Roman Catholic举个?:

Is he (a) Catholic?



Professor Casey told NPR that the Obama and Biden administrations “discovered in Pope Francis a very willing partner to address some of these massive global issues like climate change, like refugees”.



When you see that political policy overlap, you see a deepening of the ties and deepening of the relationship between the two entities,” he added. “And we are in one of those moments.





可以作名词,也可以作动词,1)表示“(活动、课程或时间)相互重叠,有共同之处”,英文解释为“If two or more activities, subjects, or periods of time overlap, they have some parts that are the same.举个?:

My musical tastes don't overlap with my brother's at all.


2)表示“(与…)交叠,(与…)部分重叠,叠盖”,英文解释为“to cover something partly by going over its edge; to cover part of the same space举个?:

The fence is made of panels that overlap (each other).




Biden is actually repairing a fractured diplomatic relationship,” the professor said, adding that the meeting will be “a signal to the Vatican that you have a partner now in the White House”.






1)表示“(使)(骨头等硬物)破裂,(使)断裂,(使)折断”(If something hard, such as a bone, fractures, or is fractured, it breaks or cracks.举个?:

She fractured her skull in the accident.



2)表示“(使)(组织或社团)分裂,(使)解体”,英文解释为“to divide an organization or society, or (of an organization or society) to be divided”。

via LearnAndRecord

最后编辑于:2021/10/30 拔丝英语网



