


很多时候,越是简单短小的单词,其含义和用法越丰富。比如,动词 “get”——除了可表示 “获得” 以外,它还可以表示 “明白;到达” 等等。看视频,学习 “get” 的五个主要用法。


Five uses of get 

Today, I'm going to give you five uses of the verb get. So you get five lessons for the price of one!

Number one – get can mean buy or obtain. I got myself a new phone last weekend.

Number two – get can mean receive. So you can get a present, an email, or bad news. One second, I just got a message. 

Number three – get with an adjective can mean become. Ugh! So many messages! I'm getting really annoyed!

Number four – get can also mean understand. Hang on, someone's just sent me a joke… I don't get it! ‘In tents!’ I get it!

Number five - get can also mean arrive. I need to get home early. So I'm off!

I love getting messages from you all. So write some comments using one of these uses of get!


1 Get can mean buy or obtain

动词 “get” 可以表示 “购买,获得”。

I got myself a new phone last weekend.

- Look what I've got for you!

2  Get can mean receive

动词 “get” 可以表示 “收到”。

- I just got a message.

- Did you get my email?

3 Get with an adjective can mean become.

动词 “get” 后接形容词可以表示 “变得……”。

- So many messages! I'm getting really annoyed!

- The soup is getting cold.

4 Get can also mean understand.

动词 “get” 可以表示 “理解,明白”。

I don't get the joke.

Sorry, I don't get what you mean. 

Get can also mean arrive.

动词 “get” 还可以表示 “到达”。

- I need to get home early so I'm off!

- What time will you be able to get here?



最后编辑于:2024/1/10 拔丝英语网


