





大众汽车集团,成立于1938年,总部位于德国沃尔夫斯堡,是欧洲最大的汽车公司,也是世界汽车行业中最具实力的跨国公司之一 。,其业务领域包括汽车的研发、生产、销售、物流、服务、汽车零部件、汽车租赁、金融服务、汽车保险、银行、IT服务等。



即使业务领域广泛,员工众多的世界大企业也要用最简短,最精确的语言在门户网页介绍公司的业务范围、远景、规划等。不用怀疑这一定经过反复推敲的,语法、用词都无可挑剔!让我们一起来看看 VOLKSWAGEN GROUP 是怎么介绍自己的:

The Volkswagen Group, with its headquarters in Wolfsburg (沃尔夫斯堡), is one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers and the largest carmaker in Europe.

The Volkswagen Group has ten strong brands, which between them meet all mobility needs. They are divided into the brand groups volume, premium and sport, are working transparently and independently for the common success of the group, and are developing their own global position and strategic alignment. In addition to its core brands, the Volkswagen Group can also rely on the support of strong companies and strategic partners in the fields of technology, digitalisation and mobility services, in order to accelerate the transformation into a technology group. The goal is to provide attractive, safe and environmentally-friendly vehicles and mobility services, today and in the future. 

The Volkswagen Group and its brands act responsibly towards the environment, economy and society. By taking responsibility for future generations, the company is able to guarantee its stakeholders and customers better solutions for any mobility need. (165 words)

1. transparently a.显然的




Circular Economy

The finite nature of natural resources and the social and environmental consequences of mining raw materials make uncoupling economic growth from resource consumption and the development of a circular economy key sustainability topics. (由自然资源的有限性以及矿物原材料开采的社会和环境后果导致的资源消耗和发展循环经济的发展脱钩成为可持续发展的关键议题) Against this background, there are extensive opportunities for companies to tap into new business models and markets or to give themselves an edge in the competition for limited resources with changed use concepts. At the same time, new legal requirements need to be met. For example, policymakers at international and national level have made it their aim to regulate markets more aggressively in the future in an effort to speed up the transformation towards resource efficiency and a circular economy. (举例)One important driver of the circular economy is the ongoing decarbonization of the Volkswagen Group: The growing use of secondary materials and the establishment of closed material loops is helping to significantly reduce our CO2 emissions. (解决方法)

1. finite a.有限性

2. uncoupling a. 拆开的,脱钩的

3. aggressively a. 积极的

4. decarbonization n. 脱碳




最后编辑于:2024/1/25 拔丝英语网



