China Agricultural University
Northwest A&F University
(Northwest Agricultural & Foresty University)
Huazhong Agricultural University
Nanjing Agricultural University
Northeast Agricultural University
Sichuan Agricultural University
South China Agricultural University
Beijing Forestry University
Nanjing Forestry University
Northeast Forestry University
需要注意的是,这10所农林系大学中,“农业大学”的翻译为“Agricultural University”,“林业大学”的翻译为“Foresty University”。
而“西北农林科技大学”的翻译则为“Northwest A&F University”,“A&F”是“Agricultural and Forestry”的缩写。
“华中农业大学”的翻译则为“Huazhong Agricultural University”,它的地域词“华中”并没有翻译成“Central China”,而是用汉语拼音“Huazhong”取代。
多样化粮食生产 diversified food production
紧急粮食援助 emergency food assistance
农产品补贴 farm subsidy
粮食加工、保存和储藏技术 food processing, preservation and storage technologies
食品安全 food security
土地退化 land degradation
开垦荒地 land reclamation
主要粮食出口国 major grain exporters
生态农业 organic agriculture
保护耕地 protect arable land
病虫害防治 pest and disease control
播种面积 sown area
滴灌 drip irrigation
扶贫 poverty alleviation/anti-poverty effort
耕地保护制度 system for protecting arable land
国家收购粮 grain purchased by the state
旱地 arid/non-irrigated land
洪涝灾害 flood and waterlogging
加强农产品市场调控 strengthen regulation of the farm products market
减免农业税 reduce and exempt the agricultural tax
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants
经济作物 cash crops
开垦荒地 reclaim wasteland
科教兴农 invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education
联合国粮食与农业组织 the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
粮食储备 grain reserves
三农 issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people
特色农业 agriculture based on local features
农村户口 a rural household registration
水利设施 water conservancy facilities
水土保持 water and soil conservation
水土流失 soil erosion
畜牧业 animal husbandry
油料作物 oil-bearing crops
有机肥 organic fertilizer
杀虫剂残留物 pesticide residue
退耕还林 turn marginal farmland into forests
荒漠化 desertification
石漠化 stone desertification
良种补贴 subsidies for superior crop varieties
粮食作物 cereal crops
农民工 rural migrant workers
农业科技创新成果推广 expand application of innovations in agricultural science and technology
土壤肥力 soil fertility
脱贫 shake off poverty
自然灾害 natural disasters
“健康中国” the Healthy China initiative
乡村振兴战略 rural vitalization
耕地保护制度 farmland protection system
转基因作物 genetically modified crops
水产品 aquatic products
农民合作社 farmers' cooperatives
土地流转 land transfer
农业机械化 mechanization in agriculture
病虫害防治 pest and disease control
播种面积 sown area
动植物检疫 animal and plant quarantine
水稻 rice、paddy
小麦 wheat
青稞 highland barley
玉米 corn、maize
蚕豆 broad bean
高粱 sorghum
土豆 potato
红薯 sweet potato
紫薯 purple sweet potato、solanum tuberdsm
桃子 peach
苹果 apple
香蕉 banana
猕猴桃 kiwi
梨 pear
火龙果 dragon fruit
百香果 passion fruit
杏 apricot
李子 plum
樱桃/车厘子 cherry
草莓 strawberry
蓝莓 blueberry
西瓜 watermelon
哈密瓜 hami melon
荔枝 lychee
菠萝 pineapple
菠萝蜜 jack fruit
榴莲 durian
橘子 tangerine
葡萄 grape
甘蔗 sugar cane
橙子 orange
柚子 pomelo、grapefruit
山竹 mangosteen
芒果 mango
桂圆 longan
桑葚 mulberry
甜瓜 melon、muskmelon
椰子 coconut
石榴 pomegranate
木瓜 pawpaw
杨桃 carambola、starfruit
黄桃 yellow peach
枇杷 loquat
无花果 fig
萝卜 turnip、radish
白菜 Chinese cabbage
卷心菜 cabbage
芹菜 celery
韭菜 chives、fragrant-flowered garlic
大蒜 garlic
大葱 leek、scallion
姜 ginger
胡萝卜 carrot
西葫芦 zucchini、marrow squash
番茄 tomato
辣椒 hot pepper、chilli
莴苣 lettuce
菠菜 spinach
油麦菜 leaf lettuce
洋葱 onion
山药 Chinese yam
茄子 eggplant
黄瓜 cucumber
海带 kelp
蘑菇 mushroom
苦瓜 bitter gourd、balsam pear
黄豆芽 soybean sprout
绿豆芽 mung bean sprout
西蓝花 broccoli
花椰菜 cauliflower
冬瓜 white gourd
南瓜 pumpkin
香菜 coriander
茼蒿 crowndaisy chrysanthemum
空心菜 water spinach
蒜苔 garlic sprout
丝瓜 luffa、sponge gourd
春笋 bamboo shoot in spring
秋葵 okra、gumbo
芦笋 asparagus
紫菜 nori
花生 peanut
向日葵 sunflower
核桃 walnut
芝麻 sesame
橄榄 olive
大豆 soybean
油菜 rape