After the ate a(n) _________ dinner, he fell asleep and dream peacefully when a lump of coal fell onto the hearth and woke him up.
A. enormous
B. tremendous
C. large
D. vast
A. enormous: adj. 巨大的;大量的;庞大的(指体积、数量或程度远远超过一般标准。enormous dinner可表示“丰盛的晚餐”)
B. tremendous: adj. 巨大的,极大的;极好的,精彩的(指某物很大,大得惊人;也可用作引申意义。)
C. large: adj. (尺寸、范围、容量)大的;广泛的(多指面积,数目或数量大。)
D. vast: adj. 巨大的,广大的(多指空间、面积、范围的巨大,不涉及重量。)
We continued to employ the minimum purchase price policy for grains as an effective means to ensure reasonable grain prices, and we appropriately raised the minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat, thus keeping grain production stable. We put more responsibility on city mayors to ensure the supply of non-staple foods and strengthened regulation over the hog market to cope with sharp fluctuations in hog and pork prices. Activities related to price indexes were standardized, and coordinated oversight over spot markets and futures markets was markedly improved.
1. ①坚持粮食最低收购价政策托底定位,②适当提高稻谷、小麦最低收购价,稳定口粮生产。
①We continued to employ the minimum purchase price policy for grains as an effective means to ensure reasonable grain prices, and ②we appropriately raised the minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat, thus keeping grain production stable.
3)句意理解与表达。“坚持粮食最低收购价政策托底定位”中,主要理解“托底”的含义,粮食最低收购价是市场“托底价”,此处说明采用粮食最低收购价政策,将其作为稳定粮食价格的有效手段(可保障农民种粮基本收益):We continued to employ the minimum purchase price policy for grains as an effective means to ensure reasonable grain prices。
类似的,“坚持宏观政策要稳、微观政策要活、社会政策要托底”:We ensured that the government’s macro policies are stable, micro policies are flexible and social policies meet people’s basic needs(此处“托底”指的是满足人们基本需求)。
“国务院明确提出要强化社会救助制度建设,用这个制度来托底”:The State Council stressed the importance of strengthening the social aid system to meet people’s essential needs.
2. ①压实“菜篮子”市长负责制,②加强生猪市场调控,③缓解生猪猪肉价格大幅波动。
①We put more responsibility on city mayors to ensure the supply of non-staple foods and ②strengthened regulation over the hog market ③to cope with sharp fluctuations in hog and pork prices.
说明:1)句子结构。近年来猪肉占整个肉类产量的比重一直稳定在 64%左右,是我国城乡居民不可或缺的“菜篮子”产品。分析意群可知,①是总述句,落实责任。②具体描述猪肉市场调控,③是②的目的,翻译时,注意显化两分句之间的关联。
2)句意理解与表达。“压实‘菜篮子’市长负责制”中,“菜篮子”借指城市居民蔬菜及其他副食的供应,此处可理解为“强化市长保障副食品供应的责任担当”:put more responsibility on city mayors to ensure the supply of non-staple foods。
类似的,例如“‘米袋子’省长责任制和‘菜篮子’市长负责制”:systems of holding provincial governors accountable for grain supplies and city mayors for daily food supplies。
当然,有时候也可以保留“‘菜篮子’”的意象,例如“各方面要共同努力,装满‘米袋子’、充实‘菜篮子’,把14亿多中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中”:Everyone must work together to ensure that the country’s “rice bag” and “vegetable basket” are well-filled, and that we have a secure food supply for more than 1.4 billion Chinese people.
3)动静转换。英文偏静态,多体现名物化或者介词优势。例如“②加强生猪市场调控,③缓解生猪猪肉价格大幅波动”:strengthen regulation over the hog market ③to cope with sharp fluctuations in hog and pork prices.,动词“调控”、“大幅波动”分别转换处理为名词(短语)。
3. 规范价格指数行为,期货现货市场联动监管明显加强。
Activities related to price indexes were standardized, and coordinated oversight over spot markets and futures markets was markedly improved.
粮食最低收购价政策:the minimum purchase price policy for grains
压实“菜篮子”市长负责制:put more responsibility on city mayors to ensure the supply of non-staple foods
期货现货市场:spot markets and futures markets