

1. risk management 风险管理

2. risk minimization 风险减至最小限度

3. risk money (出纳员)短款补贴

4. risk premium 风险补贴,风险溢价

5. risk prevention 风险防范

6. risk project 风险项目

7. risk protection 风险保护

8. risk ratio 风险率

9. risk transfer 风险转移

10. risk transformation 风险转移

11. risk/venture capital 风险资本

12. risk-adjusted discount rate 风险调整折现率

13. risk-covering insurance 风险保险

14. risk-return characteristics 风险与收益特性

15. risks contribution 风险分摊

16. risk-taking company 风险企业

17. risky cost 风险成本

18. risky investment 风险投资

19. risky loans 有风险贷款

20. risky reserve 风险储备

21. risky revenue 风险收入

22. run on a bank 银行挤兑

23. safe deposit facilities 保险箱业务

24. safety deposit boxes 保管箱

25. sale and leaseback agreement 出售资产与回租安排

26. sale of property 出售物业

27. sales tax 销售税

28. sales taxes 销售税

29. salt tax 盐税

30. saving account (S.A.) 储蓄帐户

31. savings accounts 储蓄存款帐户

32. savings and loan association 储蓄与放款合作协会

33. savings and loan share accounts 储蓄贷款协会的股金券

34. savings bank 储蓄银行

35. savings deposit 储蓄存款

36. scientific research unit bonus tax 科研单位奖金税

37. screen (stocks) 选股

38. securities brokerage services 证券经纪业务

39. securities underwriting services 证券承销业务

40. security bond 保付单

41. security for an obligation 债权担保

42. seek a market 寻求入市机会

43. self-liquidated loans 自偿性商业贷款

44. self-owned capital ratio 自有资本比率

45. sell forward 远期卖出

46. seller's risks 卖方风险

47. selling bank 卖方银行

48. selling risk 销售风险

49. settlement 交割

50. settlement price 结算价格

51. shifting risk 转嫁风险,转移风险

52. shipping tonnage duty 船舶吨税

53. short arbitrage 空头套利

54. short position 空头

55. short purchase 买空,空头补进

56. short rate 短期汇率

57. short seller 卖空者

58. shortage of financial resources 财源短缺

59. short-lived securities 短期有效证券

60. short-term deposits 短期存款

61. short-term funds 短期资金

62. shunting (美)套利、套汇

63. side-work bank 兼业银行

64. simple interest 单利

65. single exchange rate 单一汇率

66. sinking fund 偿债基金

67. slack of finance 银根松缓

68. slaughtering tax 屠宰税

69. sliding peg (汇率)滑动钉住

70. small business finance 中小企业融资

71. small leases 小型租赁

72. small-order automatic system 小额定单执行系统

73. social security payments 支付社会保障金

74. socialized medical insurance 社会医疗保险

75. soft currency 软币

76. solicitor's fee 律师费

77. source of finance 融资渠道

78. special bank 特殊银行

79. special consumption tax (special consumer tax)特别消费税

80. special deposit 特种存款

81. special finance 特别融资

82. special fuel oil tax 烧油特别税

83. special regulation tax 专项调节税

84. specialized foreign exchange bank 外汇专业银行

85. specific insurance 特殊保险

86. speculating risks 投机风险

87. speculation 投机

88. speculation in stock 股票投机

89. speculation on foreign exchange 外汇投机

90. spot and forward prices 即期与远期价格

91. spot exchange 现汇

92. spot exchange rate 单方面外汇买卖

93. spot exchange transactions 即期外汇业务

94. spot rate of exchange 即期外汇汇率

95. spread 差额,利差,利润幅度

96. spread between domestic and overseas int 国内外利润差额

97. square position 差额轧平(未抵冲的外汇买卖余额的轧平状况)

98. stagflation 滞胀

99. stamp duty 印花税

100. stamp tax 印花税


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