

语雀笔记文档连接:https://www.yuque.com/huangnian-a723u/xspewx/qleb3q4tchzrqxtt?singleDoc# 《景观专业词汇》




  1. 规划planning

  2. 草图sketch;rough map

  3. 平面plan

  4. 剖面section

  5. 立面elevation

  6. 透视perspective

  7. 示意图diagram

  8. 容积率coverage

  9. 城市设计urban design; civic design

  10. 区域规划regional planning

  11. 步行轴ped axis

  12. 总体规划general planning; master planning

  13. 分区规划district planning

  14. 近期建设规划immediate plan

  15. 城市详细规划detailed planning

  16. 控制性详细规划control detailed planning

  17. 修建性详细规划site plan

  18. 居住区规划residential district planning

  19. 城市化urbanization

  20. 城市生态urban ecology

  21. 可持续发展sustainable development

  22. 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of

  23. Historic Cities

  24. 旧城改建urban redevelopment

  25. 开发区development area

  26. 城市化水平urbanization level

  27. 城市群agglomeration

  28. 城镇体系urban system

  29. 卫星城satellite town

  30. 城市基础设施urban infrastructure

  31. 居民点settlement

  32. 市municipality; city

  33. 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure

  34. 牧场pasture

  35. 市域administrative region of a city

  36. 商业区commercial district

  37. 行政中心administration center

  38. 商业街commercial street

  39. 科技园technological region

  40. 校园规划campus planning

  41. 城市中心区urban center district

  42. 居住单元flat

  43. 历史地段history district

  44. 民政区域civil district

  45. 水警区waters guard district

  46. 居住区规划residential district planning

  47. 护林区ranger district

  48. 工业区industrial district

  49. 林木种子公园tree seed orchard

  50. 快速公路thruway

  51. 城市美学urban esthetics

  52. 游憩空间esplanade

  53. 系统工程systems engineering

  54. 城市更新理论urban renewal theory

  55. 绿地/绿化带greenbelt

  56. 绿化覆盖率percentage of greenery coverage

  57. 绿地率ratio of green space

  58. 工厂绿化landscaping within factory

  59. 广场绿化landscaping of square

  60. 居住区绿化landscaping of residential area

  61. 谷底植栽场improved vegetation & wild life

  62. 公共建筑绿化landscaping around public building

  63. 室内绿化indoor garden

  64. 城市绿化urban virescence

  65. 城市绿化系统urban green space system

  66. 公共绿地public green space

  67. 专用绿地specified green space

  68. 防护绿地green buffer

  69. 建筑空间architecture

  70. 剧院show place; theater

  71. 茶楼(馆) caff;tea shop

  72. 专卖店monopolistic shop

  73. 博物馆museum

  74. 电影院cinema;movie house

  75. 商场emporium; shopping mall

  76. 体育馆palaestra

  77. 青少年宫callan house; children’s palace

  78. 图书馆library

  79. 棋牌室relaxation room

  80. 健身房gymnasium

  81. 书店book store

  82. 客厅parlor

  83. 阳台balcony

  84. 浴室bathroom

  85. 橱柜cabinet

  86. 合院式建筑courtyard building

  87. 餐厅dining-room; dining hall

  88. 入口entrance

  89. 厨房kitchen

  90. 屋顶roof

  91. 小孩房kid room

  92. 儿童游乐室/玩具室dollhouse

  93. 起居室living room

  94. 门廊porch

  95. 更衣室change room

  96. 休息室pavilion

  97. 私家花园private garden

  98. 居民resident

  99. 共享地带shared zone

  100. 工人房servants hall

  101. 比例scale

  102. 元素element

  103. 会议中心conference center

  104. 园林景观view of the garden

  105. 乔木arbor

  106. 灌木shrub

  107. 铺石band stone

  108. 地下车库car park bellow

  109. 曲线形铺地curved paving bands

  110. 庭园cartilage; Garth

  111. 标志牌(sign) courtyard identification sign

  112. 庭院courtyard

  113. 瀑布fall

  114. 步道footpath

  115. 园桥garden bridge

  116. 园林garden and park

  117. 草本植物herbage

  118. 藤本植物liane

  119. 蔓本植物liana

  120. 砌石natural cut stone

  121. 铺地pave

  122. 亭,阁pavilion

  123. 榭pavilion on terrace

  124. 植被planting

  125. 花坛planting beds

  126. 大广场plaza

  127. 台platform

  128. 栈道deck promenade

  129. 灯柱pole lights

  130. 小水池pool

  131. 雕塑sculpture

  132. 小广场small square

  133. 小水景small water feature

  134. 林荫树shade trees

  135. 楼storied building

  136. 小溪流stream

  137. 行道树street trees

  138. 踏石stepping stone

  139. 踏步terrace steps

  140. 木制平台timber deck

  141. 草坪turf;grass

  142. 园廊veranda

  143. 空地void

  144. 水景waterscape

  145. 园墙wall in garden

  146. 滨水地区waterfront

  147. 茶亭tea house

  148. 木亭log cabin

  149. 遮阳亭shade structure

  150. 水岸edge

  151. 湾bay

  152. 渡口ferry

  153. 挡土墙retaining wall

  154. 人行道pavement

  155. 卵石pebble

  156. 半岛peninsula











  10. 露天咖啡廊OUT DOOR CAFE





  15. 休憩台地( 低处) LOUNGING TERRACE(LOWER )

  16. 休憩台地( 高处) LOUNGING TERRACE(UPPER )


  18. 野趣小溪RIVER WILD


  20. 旱冰道SLIDE







  27. 极可意JACUZZI

  28. 嬉水池WADING POOL


  30. 蜿蜒水墙WINDING WALL




  34. 桥BRIDGE



  37. 停车场PARING AREA

  38. 特色花架TRELLIS


  40. (高尔夫)轻击区PUTTING GREEN

  41. 高尔夫球会所GOLF CLUBHOUSE





  46. 广场MAIN PLAZA



  49. 旱溪DRY STREAM

  50. 凉亭PAVILION



  53. 台阶STAIR

  54. 高尔夫球车停车场PARKING ( GOLF CAR )




  58. 人行漫步道PROMENADE





  1. 估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate;

  2. 估算类型:types of estimate;

  3. 详细估算:defined estimate;

  4. 设备估算:equipment estimate;

  5. 分析估算:analysis estimate;

  6. 报价估算:roposal estimate;

  7. 控制估算:control estimate;

  8. 初期控制估算:interim control estimate

  9. 批准的控制估算:initial approved cost

  10. 核定估算:check estimate

  11. 首次核定估算:first check estimate

  12. 二次核定估算:production check estimate

  13. 人工时估算:man hour estimate

  14. 材料费用/ 直接材料费用:material cost/direct material cost

  15. 设备费用/ 设备购买费用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment

  16. 散装材料费用/散装材料购买费用:bulk material cost/purchased cost of bulk material

  17. 施工费用:construction cost

  18. 施工人工费用:labor cost/construction force cost

  19. 设备安装人工费用:labor cost associated with equipment

  20. 散装材料施工安装人工费用:labor cost associated with bulk materials

  21. 人工时估算定额:standard manhours

  22. 施工人工时估算定额:standard labor manhours

  23. 标准工时定额:standard hours

  24. 劳动生产率:labor productivity/productivity factor/productivity ratio

  25. 修正的人工时估算值:adjusted manhours

  26. 人工时单价:manhours rate

  27. 施工监督费用:cost of construction supervision

  28. 施工间接费用:cost of contruction indirects

  29. 分包合同费用/ 现场施工分包合同费用:subcontract cost/field subcontract cost

  30. 公司本部费用:home office cost

  31. 公司管理费用:overhead

  32. 非工资费用:non payroll

  33. 开车服务费用:cost of start-up services

  34. 其他费用:other cost

  35. 利润/预期利润:profit/expected profit

  36. 服务酬金:service gains

  37. 风险:risk

  38. 风险分析:risk analysis

  39. 风险备忘录:risk memorandum

  40. 未可预见费:contingency

  41. 基本未可预见费:average contingency

  42. 最大风险未可预见费:maximum risk contingency

  43. 用户变更/ 合同变更:cilent change/contract change

  44. 认可的用户变更:approved client change

  45. 待定的用户变更:pending client change

  46. 项目变更:project change

  47. 内部变更:internalchange

  48. 批准的变更:authoried change

  49. 强制性变更:mandatory change

  50. 选择性变更:optional change

  51. 内部费用转换:internal transfer

  52. 认可的预计费用:anticipated approved cost

  53. 涨价值:escalation

  54. 项目费用汇总报告:project cost summary report

  55. 项目实施费用状态报告:project operation cost status report

  56. 总价合同:lump sum contract

  57. 偿付合同:reimbursible contract

  58. 预算:budget



  1. 园林学landscape architecture, garden architecture

  2. 造园学garden making, landscape gardening

  3. 环境园艺学environmental horticulture

  4. 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture

  5. 园林艺术garden art

  6. 园林美学garden aesthetics

  7. 园林建筑学garden architecture

  8. 园林建筑garden building

  9. 园林工程garden engineering

  10. 园林植物landscape plant

  11. 观赏植物ornamental plant

  12. 盆景miniature landscape, penjing

  13. 园林garden and park

  14. 园林学史history of garden architecture

  15. 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning

  16. 园林设计garden design

  17. 园林机具设备gardening machine

  18. 园林管理garden management

  19. 园林生态landscape ecology

  20. 绿化greening, planting

  21. 环境绿化environmental greening

  22. 绿地面积green area

  23. 绿地率ratio of green space

  24. 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage

  25. 工厂绿化factory greening, factory gardening

  26. 街道绿化street greening, street planting

  27. 车行道绿化driveway greening

  28. 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening

  29. 人行道绿化sidewalk greening

  30. 群众绿化mass planting movement

  31. 郊区绿化suburban greening

  32. 公路绿化highway greening

  33. 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting

  34. 堤岸种植bank planting

  35. 阳台绿化balcony greening

  36. 窗台绿化window-sill greening

  37. 屋顶绿化roof greening

  38. 垂直绿化vertical greening

  39. 攀缘绿化climber greening

  40. 桥头绿化bridgehead greening

  41. 花园garden

  42. 专类花园specified flower garden

  43. 花园村garden village

  44. 园林城市landscape garden city

  45. 蔷薇园rose garden

  46. 松柏园conifer garden

  47. 球根园bulb garden

  48. 宿根园perennial garden

  49. 假山园rock garden, Chinese rockery

  50. 狩猎场hunting ground

  51. 街心花园street crossing center garden

  52. 小游园petty street garden

  53. 水景园water garden

  54. 铺地园paved garden

  55. 野趣园wild plants botanical garden

  56. 野生植物园wild plants garden

  57. 乡趣园rustic garden

  58. 盆景园penjing garden, miniature landscape

  59. 动物园zoo, zoological garden

  60. 墓园cemetery garden

  61. 沼泽园bog and marsh garden

  62. 水生植物园aquatic plants garden

  63. 学校园school garden

  64. 室内花园indoor garden

  65. 芳香花园fragrant garden

  66. 盲人花园garden for the blind

  67. 公园park, public park

  68. 城市公园city park, urban park

  69. 区公园regional park

  70. 儿童公园children park

  71. 体育公园sports park

  72. 森林公园forest park

  73. 纪念公园memorial park

  74. 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park

  75. 综合公园comprehensive park

  76. 文化公园cultural park

  77. 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park

  78. 中央公园central park

  79. 天然公园natural park

  80. 海滨公园seaside park, seabeach park

  81. 古迹公园historic site park

  82. 河滨公园riverside park

  83. 湖滨公园lakeside park

  84. 路边公园roadside park, street park

  85. 娱乐公园amusement park

  86. 雕塑公园sculpture park

  87. 休憩公园recreation park

  88. 疗养公园sanatorium park

  89. 国家公园national park

  90. 邻里公园neighborhood park

  91. 特种公园special park

  92. 植物园botanical garden

  93. 植物公园abeled plants park

  94. 高山植物园alpine garden

  95. 热带植物园tropical plants garden

  96. 药用植物园medical plants garden,herb garden

  97. 绿地green space

  98. 公共绿地public green space

  99. 单位绿地unit green area

  100. 城市绿地urban green space

  101. 街道广场绿地street and square green area

  102. 居住区绿地residential quarter green area

  103. 防护绿地green area for environmental protection

  104. 郊区绿地suburban green space

  105. 街坊绿地residential block green belt

  106. 附属绿地attached green space

  107. 生产绿地productive plantation area

  108. 苗圃nursery

  109. 风景landscape, scenery

  110. 自然景观natural landscape

  111. 人文景观human landscape, scenery of humanities

  112. 草原景观prairie landscape

  113. 山岳景观mountain landscape, alpine landscape

  114. 地理景观geographical landscape

  115. 湖泊景观lake view

  116. 郊区景观suburban landscape

  117. 地质景观geological landscape

  118. 喀斯特景观karst landscape

  119. 植物景观plants landscape, flora landscape


  1. 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden

  2. 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden

  3. 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden

  4. 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden

  5. 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden

  6. 皇家园林royal garden

  7. 私家园林private garden

  8. 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta

  9. 囿Ling You Hunting Garden

  10. 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden

  11. 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden

  12. 阿房宫E-Pang Palace

  13. 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan

  14. 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace

  15. 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace

  16. 华清官Hua-Qing Palace

  17. 0艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden

  18. 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden

  19. 颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace

  20. 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort

  21. 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden


  1. 西方古典园林western classical garden

  2. 英国式园林English style garden

  3. 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden

  4. 意大利式园林Italian style garden

  5. 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden

  6. 法兰西式园林French style garden

  7. 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden

  8. 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa

  9. 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden

  10. 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden

  11. 庄园manor, villa garden

  12. 廊柱园peristyle garden, patio

  13. 绿廊xystus

  14. 迷阵maze, labyrinth

  15. 悬园Hanging Garden

  16. 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden

  17. 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park

  18. 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden


  1. 景view, scenery, feature

  2. 远景distant view

  3. 近景nearby view

  4. 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view

  5. 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing

  6. 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place

  7. 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery

  8. 漏景leaking through scenery

  9. 框景enframed scenery

  10. 尾景terminal feature

  11. 主景main feature

  12. 副景secondary feature

  13. 配景objective view

  14. 夹景vista line, vista

  15. 前景front view

  16. 背景background

  17. 景序order of sceneries

  18. 景点feature spot, view spot

  19. 仰视景观upward landscape

  20. 俯视景观downward landscape

  21. 季相景观seasonal phenomena

  22. 气象景观meteorological diversity scenery

  23. 视野visual field

  24. 秋色fall color, autumn color

  25. 园林空间garden space

  26. 开敞空间wide open space, wide space

  27. 封闭空间enclosure space

  28. 意境artistic conception, poetic imagery

  29. 苍古antiquity

  30. 空灵spaciousness, airiness

  31. 动观in-motion viewing

  32. 静观in-position viewing

  33. 视错觉visual illusion

  34. 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden

  35. 对称平衡symmetrical balance

  36. 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance

  37. 左右对称bilateral symmetry

  38. 辐射对称radial symmetry

  39. 透景线perspective line

  40. 轴线axis, axial line

  41. 主轴main axis

  42. 副轴auxiliary axis

  43. 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis

  44. 树冠线skyline

  45. 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors

  46. 单色谐调monochromatic harmony

  47. 复色谐调compound chromatic harmony

  48. 对比色突出contrast colors accent

  49. 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony

  50. 暖色warm color

  51. 冷色cool color

  52. 色感color sense

  53. 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning

  54. 绿地系统green space system

  55. 公共绿地定额public green space quota

  56. 公共绿地指标public green space norm

  57. 绿地布局green space layout

  58. 吸引圈attractive circle

  59. 吸引距离attractive distance

  60. 有效半径effective radius

  61. 绿地资源green space resource

  62. 绿地效果green space effect

  63. 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space

  64. 空间规划space planning

  65. 形象规划image plan

  66. 实施规划implementary plan

  67. 必要生活空间necessary living space

  68. 余暇生活空间leisure time living space

  69. 利用频度usage frequency

  70. 树种规划planning of trees and shrubs

  71. 绿地类型type of green space

  72. 环状绿型annular green space

  73. 块状绿地green plot

  74. 点状绿地green spot

  75. 放射状绿地radiate green space

  76. 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space

  77. 缓冲绿地buffer green space

  78. 防音绿地noise proof green space

  79. 科学景观论scientific landscape theory

  80. 园林保留地reserve garden

  81. 公园规划park planning

  82. 园林总体规划garden master planning

  83. 总平面规划site planning

  84. 园林分区garden zoning

  85. 安静休息区tranquil rest area

  86. 儿童活动区children playing space

  87. 儿童游戏场children playground, playlot

  88. 体育运动区sports activities area

  89. 野餐区picnic place

  90. 散步区pedestrian space

  91. 群众集会区mass meeting square

  92. 观赏植物区ornamental plants area

  93. 观赏温室区display greenhouse area,display conservatory area

  94. 草坪区lawn space

  95. 绿荫区shade tree section

  96. 历史古迹区historical relics area

  97. 青少年活动区youngsters activities area

  98. 诱鸟区bird sanctuary area

  99. 钓鱼区fishing center

  100. 野营区camp site

  101. 游人中心visitors center

  102. 服务中心service center

  103. 探险游乐场adventure ground

  104. 文化活动区cultural activities area

  105. 道路系统approach system, road system

  106. 环形道路系统circular road system

  107. 方格形道路系统latticed road system

  108. 放射形道路系统radiate road system

  109. 自然式道路系统informal road system

  110. 规整式道路系统formal road system

  111. 混合式道路系统mixed style road system

  112. 园林规划图garden planning map

  113. 园林规划说明书garden planning direction

  114. 城市公园系统urban park system

  115. 公园分布distribution of parks

  116. 公园类型park type, park category

  117. 公园间距distance between parks

  118. 公园形式park styles

  119. 游览区excursion area, open-to-public area

  120. 非游览区no-admittance area

  121. 办公区administrative area

  122. 服务区service center

  123. 动休息区dynamic rest space

  124. 静休息区static rest space

  125. 娱乐演出区entertaining performance place

  126. 主要入口main entrance

  127. 次要入口secondary entrance

  128. 人流量visitors flowrate

  129. 车流量vehicle flowrate

  130. 公园道路park road

  131. 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio

  132. 游人容纳量visitors capacity

  133. 风景资源调查landscape resource evaluation

  134. 风景学scenicology

  135. 风景规划landscape plan

  136. 风景设计landscape design

  137. 游览路线touring route

  138. 旅游资源tourism resource

  139. 旅游地理tourism geography

  140. 旅游地质tourism geology

  141. 历史名城famous historical city

  142. 文化名城famous cultural city

  143. 文化遗址ancient cultural relic

  144. 天然博物馆natural open museum

  145. 风景地貌natural geomorphology

  146. 造型地貌imaginative geomorphologic figuration

  147. 风景区scenic spot, scenic area

  148. 风景名胜famous scenery, famous scenic site

  149. 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area

  150. 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs

  151. 高山风景区alpine scenic spot

  152. 海滨风景区seabeach scenic spot

  153. 森林风景区forest scenic spot

  154. 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot

  155. 峡谷风景区valley scenic spot

  156. 江河风景区river landscape district

  157. 湖泊风景区lake round scenic spot

  158. 温泉风景区hot spring scenic spot

  159. 瀑布风景区waterfall scenic spot

  160. 禁伐禁猎区region forbidden to treecutting and hunting

  161. 封山育林区region closed for afforestation

  162. 天池风景区crater lake scenic spot

  163. 自然保护区nature protection area

  164. 科学保护区protection area for scientific research

  165. 天然纪念物natural monument

  166. 生物圈保护区biosphere protection area


  1. 园址测量图garden site survey map

  2. 地形图topographic map, contour map

  3. 种植设计planting design

  4. 地形改造设计topographical reform design

  5. 种植大样图detail planting design

  6. 造价分析cost analysis

  7. 园林形式garden style

  8. 规整式园林formal garden style

  9. 非规整园林informal garden style

  10. 几何式园林geometric garden style

  11. 自然式园林natural garden style

  12. 混合式园林mixed garden style

  13. 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style

  14. 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden

  15. 园林区划garden area division

  16. 园林分区规划garden block planning

  17. 庭院花园courtyard garden

  18. 前庭front yard, forecourt

  19. 后庭back yard, rear yard

  20. 中庭patio

  21. 厨园kitchen yard

  22. 沉[床]园sunken garden

  23. 窗园window garden

  24. 墙园wall garden

  25. 宅园home garden

  26. 台地园terrace garden

  27. 冬园winter garden

  28. 切花园cut flower garden

  29. 屋顶花园roof garden

  30. 后花园back yard garden

  31. 园林地形改造topographical reform of garden

  32. 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound

  33. 假山rockery, artificial rockwork

  34. 太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone

  35. 黄石yellowish brown stone

  36. 人造假山石artificial stone, man-made stone

  37. 孤赏石monolith, standing stone

  38. 掇山piled stone hill, hill making

  39. 叠石stones laying

  40. 板石flag stone

  41. 散点石scattered stone

  42. 抱角石corner stone

  43. 屋基石foundation stone

  44. 排衙石guard stone

  45. 屏石screen stone

  46. 石岸rock bank

  47. 石阶stone steps

  48. 汀步stepping stone on water surface

  49. 附壁石stone appended to wall

  50. 石花台stone flower bed

  51. 石凳stone bench

  52. 假山石挡土墙rock retaining wall

  53. 干砌石dry stone wall

  54. 假山石楼梯rock stairway

  55. 石亭stone pavilion

  56. 石洞stone cavern

  57. 石窟grotto

  58. 置石stone arrangement, stone layout

  59. 拱石arch stone

  60. 拱顶石key stone

  61. 园林水景water scenes of garden

  62. 水体water body

  63. 水面water surface

  64. 水池pool

  65. 水塘pond

  66. 喷泉fountain

  67. 喷水池fountain pool

  68. 涉水池wading pool

  69. 倒影池mirror pool, reflecting pool

  70. 睡莲池water-lily pool

  71. 喷水管布置piping schema

  72. 钓鱼塘fishing pond

  73. 高水位池塘high water table pond

  74. 池边坐人矮墙seat wall surrounded pool

  75. 隐头喷泉secret fountain

  76. 岛园island garden

  77. 半岛园peninsula garden

  78. 小岛isle

  79. 瀑布waterfall

  80. 小瀑布cascade

  81. 湖lake

  82. 矶rock projecting over water

  83. 水帘洞water curtain cave

  84. 园桥garden bridge

  85. 拱桥arch bridge

  86. 石板桥stone slab bridge

  87. 木板桥plank bridge

  88. 圆木桥log bridge

  89. 亭桥pavilion bridge

  90. 曲桥zigzag bridge

  91. 壁泉wall fountain

  92. 饮水喷头drinking fountain

  93. 植物配植plant arrangement

  94. 树木配植arrangement of trees and shrubs

  95. 群植group planting, mass planting

  96. 孤植specimen planting, isolated planting

  97. 丛植clump planting

  98. 组植group planting

  99. 林植forest planting

  100. 列植linear planting

  101. 对植opposite planting, coupled planting

  102. 环植circular planting

  103. 带植belt planting

  104. 散植scattered planting, loose planting

  105. 边缘种植edge planting

  106. 边界种植boundary planting

  107. 整形种植architectural planting

  108. 基础种植foundation planting

  109. 角隅种植corner planting

  110. 景框种植planting as enframent

  111. 门卫种植guard planting

  112. 篱恒种植fence planting

  113. 障景种植screen planting

  114. 背景种植background planting

  115. 林下种植underwood planting

  116. 路边种植roadside planting

  117. 绿篱hedge

  118. 树墙espalier

  119. 庭荫树shade tree

  120. 园景树specimen tree

  121. 风景林amenity forest, ornamental forest

  122. 行道树avenue tree, street tree

  123. 纪念林memorial forest

  124. 整型树topiary tree

  125. 花篱flower hedge’

  126. 刺篱thorny plants hedge

  127. 常绿绿篱evergreen hedge

  128. 落叶绿篱deciduous hedge

  129. 高篱high hedge

  130. 沟中边篱hah-hah fence

  131. 图案矮篱pattern dwarf hedge

  132. 迷宫绿篱labyrinth hedge

  133. 整剪绿篱clipped hedge

  134. 自然式花篱natural flowering hedge

  135. 边篱boundary fence

  136. 园篱garden fence, garden hedge

  137. 纯林pure forest

  138. 混交林mixed forest

  139. 林间隙地open space in woodland

  140. 杂木林spinney

  141. 树冠覆盖面tree canopy

  142. 草坪lawn

  143. 整形草坪formal lawn

  144. 开花草坪flowering lawn

  145. 牧场草坪meadowy land

  146. 花坛flower bed

  147. 路边花坛roadside flower bed

  148. 带状花坛ribbon flower bed

  149. 时钟花坛flower clock

  150. 盆栽花坛potted flower bed, basined flower bed

  151. 高设花台raised flower bed

  152. 毛毡花坛carpet bed

  153. 镶嵌花坛mosaic bed

  154. 铺石花坛paved bed

  155. 灌木花坛shrub bed

  156. 图案花坛群parterre

  157. 草药花坛herbaceous flower bed

  158. 花结花坛knot bed

  159. 整形花坛formal flower bed

  160. 花境flower border

  161. 花桶flower tub

  162. 植树箱planting box

  163. 活动花坛movable flower bed

  164. 瓶饰garden vase

  165. 灌木花境shrub border

  166. 混合花境mixed border

  167. 园林道路设计garden road design, garden path design

  168. 漫步路trail, footway

  169. 小径alley, path

  170. 川草坪岛lawn island

  171. 安全岛traffic island, refuge island

  172. 转弯曲度turning curvature

  173. 转弯半径turning radius

  174. 踏面landing pitch

  175. 步石stepping stone

  176. 涉水踏步wading step

  177. 错铺路crazy paving path

  178. 随意组合方石板路flag stone path paved at random

  179. 花纹路pattern path

  180. 林荫路mall

  181. 林荫大道boulevard

  182. 花园路parkway

  183. 林间小道path in woodland

  184. 种植池planting bed

  185. 树池保护格栅tree grate

  186. 树干保护套栏tree guard

  187. 树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting

  188. 路面线纹score line

  189. 传统园林建筑traditional garden building

  190. 凉亭summer shelter

  191. 活树亭arbor, tent arbor

  192. 蘑菇亭mushroom pavilion

  193. 茅亭thatched pavilion

  194. 竹亭bamboo pavilion

  195. 茶亭tea booth, tea kiosk

  196. 回廊cloister

  197. 水廊corridor on water

  198. 曲廊zigzag veranda

  199. 扒山廊sloping gallery

  200. 楼廊two-storied gallery

  201. 画舫painted pleasure boat

  202. 石舫stone boat

  203. 不击舟immovable pleasure boat

  204. 诗条石poem-engraved stone slab

  205. 月洞门moon gate

  206. 扶手栏杆handrail

  207. 坐凳栏杆seat rail

  208. 石碑stone tablet, stele

  209. 园林露天剧场open garden theater

  210. 园林露天舞池open garden dancing place

  211. 露天音乐台outdoor music stand

  212. 眺望台prospect deck

  213. 繁殖温室plant propagation greenhouse

  214. 展览温室public conservatory

  215. 月池new-moon pool

  216. 园林小品small garden ornaments

  217. 磁砖壁画painted tile mural tablet

  218. 园椅garden chair, garden seat

  219. 园凳garden bench

  220. 园桌garden table

  221. 园灯garden lamp

  222. 日规sundial

  223. 鸟浴bird bath

  224. 鸟舍bird cottage, nestle box

  225. 鸟笼bird cage, bird coop

  226. 悬篮hanging basket

  227. 野鸟喂食器bird feeder

  228. 额匾horizontal inscribed board

  229. 楹联couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar

  230. 引露天烤炉open barbecue

  231. 树棚living-tree pergola

  232. 花架pergola

  233. 花格架trellis, treillage

  234. 点景牌楼naming pailou, decorated archway

  235. 园林施工garden layout, garden construction

  236. 种植工程planting engineering

  237. 大树移植big tree transplanting

  238. 裸根移植bare root transplanting

  239. 土球移植ball transplanting

  240. 沟植trench planting

  241. 假植heeling in, temporary planting

  242. 播种草坪seeding lawn

  243. 铺草皮块草坪sodding lawn

  244. 假山工程rockery engineering

  245. 掇山五法five methods" of rock piling

  246. 等分平衡法method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced

  247. 前轻后重法method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part

  248. 上轻下重法method of lowering the center of gravity of rocks

  249. 纹理统一法method of unifying the rock veins

  250. 石料统一法method of unifying the rock mate-rials

  251. 观赏树木ornamental tree and shrub

  252. 观叶植物foliage plant

  253. 观果植物fruit-effect plant

  254. 观枝干植物plants with ornamental trunks and branches

  255. 指示植物indicating plant

  256. 主景植物accent plant

  257. 耐湿植物damp tolerant plant

  258. 抗风植物wind-resistant plant

  259. 耐盐碱植物saline-alkali tolerant plant

  260. 市花city flower

  261. 市树city tree

  262. 国花national flower

  263. 国树national tree

  264. 芳香植物fragrant plant

  265. 抗污染植物pollution resistant plant

  266. 环保植物environment protecting plant

  267. 高山植物alpine plant

  268. 岩生植物rock plant

  269. 攀缘植物climbing plant, climber

  270. 地被植物ground cover plant

  271. 阴生植物shade plant

  272. 装饰植物decorative plant

  273. 装缘植物edging plant

  274. 绿蓠植物hedge plant

  275. 草坪植物lawn plant, lawn grass

  276. 花坛植物bedding plant

  277. 球根植物bulbous plant

  278. 宿根植物perennial plant, perennial

  279. 水生植物aquatic plant, hydrophyte

  280. 旱生植物xerophyte

  281. 沼泽植物bog plant, swamp plant

  282. 室内装饰植物indoor decorative plant, house plant

  283. 切花cut flower

  284. 垂枝植物pendulous plant, weeping plant

  285. 缠绕植物twiner, twinning plant

  286. 针叶植物needle-leaved plant

  287. 阔叶植物broad-leaved plant

  288. 斑叶植物variegate-leaved plant

  289. 松柏植物conifer

  290. 常绿植物evergreen plant

  291. 半常绿植物semi-evergreen plant

  292. 不耐寒植物tender plant

  293. 半耐寒植物half-hardy plant

  294. 耐寒植物hardy plant

  295. 耐旱植物drought enduring plant

  296. 山石材料stone material

  297. 昆山石Kunshan stone

  298. 钟乳石stalactite

  299. 灵壁石Lingbi stone

  300. 英德石Yingde stone

  301. 青石Qing stone

  302. 宣石Xuan stone

  303. 房山石Fangshan stone

  304. 观赏动物ornamental animal

  305. 观赏鸟类ornamental bird

  306. 观赏兽类ornamental beast

  307. 观赏昆虫类ornamental insect


园林机械garden machine

园林工具garden instrument, garden implement

园林设备garden equipment

花坛分界隔板plastic bed divider

种植容器planting container

圆木桩log peg

喷射装置jet bubbler

滴灌trickle irrigator, drip irrigator

环动喷灌器circle sprinkler

圆筒喷灌器rotor sprinkler

自控器automatic controller

管端喷灌器hose end sprinkler

固定喷灌器stationary sprinkler

喷雾喷灌器mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler

喷灌覆盖面sprinkler coverage

草坪加肥器lawn feeder

施肥喷灌器combined feeder and sprinkler

液肥混合调配器liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner

滴水喷头emitter, dripper

水土保持塑料网erosion control plastic net

苗木包装材料nursery stock package material

麻布袋burlap bag

铁丝篮wire basket

篮状种植器basket container

塑料苗木桶plastic nurserican

播种盘seed tray

网孔盆mesh pot

含肥泥炭盆fertile peat pot

盆栽机potting machine

换盆机repotting machine

再生纸种植器reclaimed paper container

纤维育苗器wood fiber plant grower

泥炭压制播种饼peat seeding pellet, peat seeding starter


旋转锄rotary hoe

切叶机foliage cutter

翻地犁uncovering plough

盖土机mounted spreader

前悬装土机front mounted loader

后缀装土机rear mounted loader

旋轴剪草机spindle mower

栽植机planting machine

植物覆盖plant mulching

覆盖物分散机mulch spreader

种子液肥喷洒机hydro seeder

修枝剪pruning shear

播种器garden seeder

球根种植器bulb planter

土壤酸度探测器pH-value computer

巴效分析器fertilizer analyzer

嫁接刀grafting knife

温室设备greenhouse equipment

盆栽灌水系统pot watering system

温室气候控制器greenhouse climate controller

游览车park sightseeing bus

引剪草机lawn mower

动力剪草机power lawnmower

畜力剪草机horse lawnmower

手推剪草机hand lawnmower

游人调查visitors investigation

游人统计visitors statistics

游人分析garden visitors analysis

游人管理visitors management

导游图tourist map

导游解说tour descri ption and direction

劳动管理labour management

物资管理material handling, goods handling

设备管理equipment management,facility management

财务管理financial management

安全管理safety management

环境监测environmental monitor

植物养护管理plant maintenance and management

园林技术管理garden technical management

质量管理quality management

园貌维修garden feature maintenance

植物整形修剪plant trimming and pruning

植物病虫防治disease and insect control

园林管理规划management plan

游人意见处理treatment of visitors opinions

游人规则visitors regulation

园内交通管理traffic control in park

园外交通管理traffic control out of park entrance

汽车停车规则parking rules

自行车停放规则bicycle parking rules

开放时间opening time

日常清洁卫生管理daily sanitation and hygiene management

人类生态环境human ecological environment

自然系统natural system

自然资源natural resource

自然保护conservation of nature

自然保存natural preservation

环境保护environmental protection

环境容量environment capacity

环境适宜性environment fitness

环境空气质量标准ambient air quality



公害public nuisance

生态绝灭ecological extinction



生态灾难ecological disaster

环境质量environmental quality

环境压力environment stress

生命维持系统life-support system

反馈系统feedback system





濒危植物endangered plant, threatened plant

主体群落major community

人工群落artificial community

绿色革命green revolution

户外娱乐资源outdoor recreation resource

原始环境系统wilderness environment system

近代环境系统modern environmentsystem

乡村生活模式country life-pattern

烟害smoke pollution, fume pollution

雾害fog pollution

霜害frost injury

水污染water pollution

土壤污染soil pollution, soil contamination

园林小气候garden microclimate

环境保护植物environmental conservation plant

引气候调节climatic regulation


生态平衡ecological homeostasis

森林生态系统forest ecosystem

草原生态系统prairie ecosystem

滞尘植物dust holding plant



  1. Accessibility 可达性

  2. Accessible route 易达的路线

  3. advance notice 事先通知

  4. aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量

  5. aerobic digesters 需氧消化池

  6. aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑

  7. brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙

  8. stone walls 石头墙

  9. wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏

  10. aesthetic controls 审美控制

  11. aggregate base 混合基础

  12. AIA 美国建筑师协会

  13. Anaerobic digesters 厌氧分解池

  14. APA 美国规划师协会

  15. arterial streets 主干道

  16. as-built records 施工记录

  17. ASLA 美国景观建筑师协会

  18. athletic facility 运动设施

  19. average walking distance 平均步行距离

  20. axioms 原理

  21. B

  22. backfill 回填

  23. backhoe 挖沟机

  24. bar charts 横道图

  25. barrier design 障碍设计

  26. beams 大梁

  27. bearing capacity 承载力

  28. benchmarks 水准点

  29. billing 帐簿

  30. biodiversity 生物多样性

  31. bioengineering 生物工程

  32. biomass 生物量

  33. bioretention ponds 生物滞留池

  34. boardwalks 栈桥

  35. bonding company 担保公司

  36. bonuses 奖金

  37. boundary definition 边界确定

  38. boundary survey 边界测量

  39. brown fields 褐色土地

  40. bulldozers 推土机

  41. business development 商业开发

  42. business parks 商业园区

  43. C

  44. cadastral survey 地籍测量

  45. camping 野营

  46. candlepower 烛光度

  47. cantilevered wall 悬臂墙

  48. cascading waterfalls 瀑布叠水

  49. certificates of payment 付款证明书

  50. certifications of compliance 应允证明书

  51. cesspools 化粪池,污水坑,污水渗井,粪坑

  52. change orders 变更单

  53. changes, unauthorized 未经同意的变更

  54. channels, stormwater 雨水沟渠,槽,渠道

  55. circulation control 循环控制

  56. circulation patterns 环流模式

  57. clay lenses 粘土防渗层

  58. clay soil 粘土

  59. clean-up 清扫,清理,清除,提纯,净化

  60. clearing and grubbing 清理和除根

  61. client 业主

  62. climate zones 气候带

  63. closeout 竣工

  64. cluster treatment systems 集中式污水处理系统

  65. co-ordinates 坐标

  66. cold 寒带

  67. collected rainwater 收集起来的雨水

  68. collector streets 次干道

  69. colloidal soil 胶质土壤

  70. commercial center design 商业中心设计

  71. communication 电信

  72. community commercial 社区商业

  73. community facility standards 社区设施标准

  74. community parks and recreation planning data

  75. 社区公园和文娱体育规划资料

  76. community scale 社区尺度

  77. community standards 社区标准

  78. compaction 压实

  79. competition pools 竞赛用游泳池

  80. composting toilets 堆肥厕所

  81. conceptualization 概念化

  82. concrete crib wall 混凝土格笼墙

  83. cones of vision 视锥

  84. connected imperviousness 连续的非渗透地面

  85. conservation standards 保护标准

  86. constructed wetlands 人工湿地

  87. construction 施工

  88. brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙

  89. stone walls 石头墙

  90. wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏

  91. construction document 施工文件

  92. construction layout 施工布局

  93. construction observation 施工监理

  94. construction permits 施工许可

  95. construction sequence 施工顺序

  96. construction survey 施工测量

  97. contingencies 临时费

  98. contingency allowance 临时津贴

  99. contract 合同

  100. responsibilities 责任

  101. types of 类型

  102. unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更

  103. contract documents 合同文件

  104. control points 控制点

  105. conveyance techniques, stormwater 雨水的输送技术

  106. corrective observation 校正性(补救性,修正性)检查(监理)

  107. corridors 廊道

  108. cost data 造价数据

  109. cost estimate components 造价估算内容

  110. equipment costs 设备费

  111. equipment crew costs 设备人工费

  112. general requirements costs 一般要求的费用

  113. labor cost 人工费

  114. location 位置,地点

  115. material 材料

  116. overtime 加班费

  117. productivity 生产率

  118. project scale 项目规模

  119. quantity take-off methods 起点数量法

  120. cost estimating 造价估算

  121. cost plus 造价累计

  122. court games 场地运动

  123. court surface 运动场地地面

  124. CPM 关键路径法

  125. Critical Path Method. See CPM 关键路径法,见CPMCSI 施工规范原理

  126. culverts 涵洞,暗沟,管道

  127. cut operations 挖方工程

  128. D

  129. datum 数据

  130. decking 平台面,铺板

  131. decks 平台,甲板

  132. basic components 基本内容

  133. design requirements 设计要求

  134. estimating design load 估算设计荷载

  135. framing method 结构方法

  136. plank-and-beam framing 厚木板梁框架

  137. platform framing 平台框架

  138. material 材料

  139. hardware 五金件

  140. wood 木料,木材

  141. site analysis 场地分析

  142. span tables 跨度表

  143. structural design 结构设计

  144. decks, function of 平台的功能

  145. deferred maintenance 延期维修(维护)

  146. demolition, general 整体破坏

  147. demolition ,selective 选择性破坏

  148. density 密度

  149. design development 设计扩初,设计深化

  150. design framework 设计框架

  151. design impacts 设计影响

  152. design quality 设计质量

  153. design speed 设计速度

  154. detail scale 细部尺度

  155. detention ponds 滞留池

  156. development 开发

  157. industrial. See industrial development 工业,见工业开发

  158. residential. See residential development 居住,见居住开发

  159. development programming 开发计划

  160. development types, industrial and business 开发类型,工业和商业

  161. dimensional Criteria 标注标准

  162. dimensions 标注

  163. dimension of human figures 人体尺度

  164. direct labor 直接人工费

  165. disconnected imperviousness 不连续的非渗透地面

  166. disposal 处理,处置,排除,清除

  167. DL. See direct labor DL.见直接人工费

  168. drainage 排水,流域面积,排洪,排水系统

  169. drinking water 饮用水

  170. dry detention ponds 干滞池

  171. durability 耐久性

  172. E

  173. Eames, Charles and Ray 查理•埃姆斯和雷

  174. earthwork 土方

  175. ecological impact 生态影响

  176. economic impact 经济影响

  177. edge habitat 边缘栖息地

  178. edge restraint 边缘限制

  179. electrical lines 电力线

  180. embodied energy 蕴藏能量

  181. endwalls 尾墙

  182. energy 能量

  183. embodied. See embodied energy 具体化的,见

  184. 蕴藏能量,具体能量

  185. energy costs 能量造价

  186. environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析

  187. environmental impact statement (EIS) 环境影响

  188. 报告书(EIS)

  189. scoping process 确定范围程序

  190. environmental modification 环境修复

  191. equipment costs 设备费

  192. equipment crew costs 设备人工费

  193. equivalents 相等物,等同物

  194. estimating 估算

  195. stormwater runoff 雨水径流[量]

  196. estimating water flows 估算水流量

  197. evaluation 评价

  198. evapotranspiration rate 土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量速率

  199. exotic plant species 外来植物物种

  200. eye levels 视平线

  201. F

  202. fabric reinforcement 纤维加固,织物加强件

  203. facilities planning data 设施规划数据

  204. feasibility planning 可行性规划

  205. federal regulations 联邦规范

  206. flood protection 防洪

  207. historic preservation 历史保留

  208. National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) 国家环境政策法案(NEPA)

  209. NPDES general permits NPDES 一般性许可

  210. Section 10 permit 第10条许可

  211. Section 404 permit 第404条许可

  212. fee 费用

  213. cost plus fixed 固定费用之和

  214. lump sum 总数,总合

  215. retainer 律师费

  216. fences and walls 栅栏和围墙

  217. fences, wood and metal 栅栏,木栅栏和金属栅栏

  218. components 组分,内容

  219. construction 施工

  220. aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑

  221. structural considerations 结构方面的考虑

  222. field orders 现场通知单

  223. field sports 田径运动

  224. field surfaces 田径运动场地面

  225. field surveys 现场测量

  226. fill operations 填方工程

  227. fill, general 一般性填方

  228. filter strips 滤器,滤池,过滤,滤水

  229. filtration 过滤

  230. filtration systems 过滤系统

  231. finish grading 设计标高

  232. flexible pavement 柔性地面铺装

  233. flood protection 防洪

  234. follow ups 连续

  235. footage 尺长

  236. footcandle 英尺烛光

  237. footing drains 基座处排水,立足点排水

  238. footings 立足点

  239. forward spatial bubbles

  240. foundations 基础

  241. fragmentation 破碎

  242. Freeway or Distributor Systems 高速路或分配者系统

  243. French drains 法式排水

  244. friction coefficient 摩擦系数

  245. frost depth 结冻深度,冰冻深度

  246. frost-thaw cycle 结冻-融化周期

  247. functional requirement 功能要求

  248. G

  249. garden pool 花园游泳池

  250. general conditions 一般情况

  251. general contractor 总承包商

  252. general demolition 整体破坏

  253. general fill 总填方

  254. general requirements 一般要求

  255. general requirements costs 一般要求的费用

  256. general roadway standards 一般道路标准

  257. geodetic survey 测地学测量

  258. GIS 地理信息系统

  259. golf and driving ranges 高尔夫和高尔夫练习场

  260. grading 场地平整

  261. granular soil 粒状土壤

  262. gravity wall 重力墙

  263. graywater 灰水

  264. greenfields 绿色用地,绿色土地

  265. ground covers 地被植物

  266. groundwater protection 地下水保护

  267. groundwater recharge 地下水补给

  268. groundwater resources 地下水资源,地下水储量

  269. growing season 生长期

  270. guarantees 抵押物


hand level 手动水平仪

  1. handrailings 扶手

  2. hazardous plants 有毒植物

  3. headwalls 头墙

  4. heavy duty 重型的,责任重大的

  5. herbaceous plants 草本植物

  6. highway 高速公路

  7. historic preservation 历史保留

  8. horizontal alignment 平面设计

  9. hot arid 炎热干燥

  10. hot humid 炎热潮湿

  11. hydrographic survey 水文测量

  12. hydrologic cycle 水文周期


  1. illuminance 亮度

  2. impervious surface ratio 不渗透地面比例

  3. industrial development 工业开发

  4. industrial parks 工业园区

  5. infiltration beds 渗透床

  6. infiltration ponds 渗透池

  7. infiltration wells 渗透井

  8. infiltration, stormwater 雨水渗透

  9. inspection 检查

  10. installation 安装

  11. Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) 保险赔偿比例地图

  12. interpretation 注释,解释

  13. invasive species 入侵物种

  14. irrigation 灌溉

  15. irrigation ponds 灌溉池塘

  16. irrigation systems 灌溉系统

  17. irrigation water, sources of 灌溉水水源


  1. job meetings 工作会议

  2. joists 托梁


  1. labor costs 人工费

  2. lagoons 塘

  3. lamp characteristics 灯具的特点

  4. landscape assessment 景观评价

  5. Landscape Coefficient(KL) 景观系数(KL)

  6. landscape planning 景观规划

  7. landscape planning strategies 景观规划对策

  8. landscape plantings, calculating water 景观种植用水量的计算

  9. large-scale sites 大型场地

  10. layout and surveying 布局和测量

  11. layout methods 布局方法

  12. layout plans 平面图,布局平面

  13. layout requirements 布局要求

  14. layout survey 布局测量

  15. leaching fields 沥滤场

  16. light depreciation 不强烈的抗议

  17. light duty 轻型的

  18. lighting 照明

  19. atmosphere and character 气氛和特征

  20. orientation and identification 方位和识别

  21. safety and security 安全和治安

  22. limit-of-work line 工作期限

  23. local or minor streets 当地的或小街道

  24. local regulations 当地规范(规定)

  25. aesthetic controls 审美控制

  26. construction permits 施工许可

  27. planned unit development regulation 有规划的单元开发规范(规定)

  28. subdivision regulations (土地)再细分规范(规定)

  29. zoning regulations 分区规划规范(规定)

  30. rezoning 再分区规划

  31. variances 变动

  32. lumen 流明

  33. luminance 亮度

  34. lump sum fee 总费用

  35. lux 勒克司(国际单位制的照明单位,即米烛光)

  36. Lyle, John Tillman 约翰•蒂尔曼•莱尔


  1. magnetic declination 磁力偏差

  2. maintenance and disposal 维修和处理

  3. maintenance period 维修期

  4. maneuvering patterns 运行方式

  5. map projections 地图投影

  6. map scale 制图比例

  7. markup 涨价

  8. master planning 总体规划


  10. material costs 材料费

  11. material lifecycle cost estimates 材料生命周期造价估算

  12. material samples 材料样品

  13. material selection 材料选择

  14. measures of intensity 强度衡量

  15. residential development 居住开发

  16. retail commercial development 零售商业开发

  17. mechanics lien 机械扣押权

  18. release 让度证书

  19. medium duty 中型

  20. medium-scale sites 中型场地

  21. metes and bounds 界石和边界线

  22. metric ratio 公制比例

  23. mitigation strategies, stormwater 缓解措施,暴雨

  24. mobilization cost 流通费

  25. moisture content 湿度,含水量,水汽含量

  26. monolithic pavement 整体路面,整体铺装

  27. moonlighting 月光式照明

  28. movement criteria 移动标准

  29. multi-family housing 多户住宅

  30. municipal sewer systems 市政排水系统


  1. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 国家

  2. 环境政策法案,简称(NEPA)

  3. natural drainageways 自然排水道

  4. natural resources 自然资源

  5. needs assessment 需求评估

  6. negotiation 协议,商议,协商

  7. neighborhood commercial 邻里商业

  8. neighborhood scale 邻里尺度

  9. net positive suction head 净吸真空高度

  10. noxious plants 有毒植物

  11. NEPA general permits 国家环境政策法案的一般许可


  1. office parks 办公园区

  2. OH. See overhead OH. 见经常性开支

  3. on-site treatment systems 分散式污水处理系统

  4. open space ratio 开敞空间比例

  5. orientation 超向,方位

  6. ornamental ponds 观赏性水池

  7. ornamental pools 观赏性水池

  8. overhead 经常性开支

  9. annual rate 年度比率

  10. overhead and profit 经常性开支和利润

  11. overruns, time 时间延误

  12. overtime 加班费

  13. overturning 翻腾,水的竖直循环现象

  14. owner 所有者


  1. package plants 丛生植物

  2. parking 停车场

  3. parking dimensions 停车场尺寸

  4. parking lot 停车场

  5. parking lots 停车场

  6. parking requirements 停车场要求

  7. patches 斑块

  8. path lighting 小径照明

  9. pathways 小径

  10. pavement 铺装,路面

  11. pavement, flexible 柔性铺装,柔性路面

  12. pavement, rigid 刚性铺装,刚性路面

  13. pavements 道路

  14. paver 铺路材料,铺路机,铺石人

  15. paving 铺装,铺路

  16. payment 报酬;支付

  17. non-payment 无报酬的

  18. requests 申请

  19. pedestrian standards 步行标准

  20. penalties 罚金,罚款

  21. percentage of construction 施工的百分比

  22. permitting processes 申请程序

  23. personnel allocation 人员配备

  24. photometric charts 光度表

  25. physical characteristics 物理特征

  26. picnicking 野餐

  27. piers 支墩,支柱,防洪堤

  28. pipes 管道

  29. place scale 场地尺度

  30. plan discrepancies 平面的不符之处

  31. plane survey 平面测量

  32. planned multiuse developments 有计划的综合开发

  33. planned unit development regulations 有计划的单元开发规范

  34. planning 规划

  35. development feasibility planning 开发的可行性规划

  36. landscape planning 景观规划

  37. master planning 总体规划

  38. plant hardiness 植物的抗寒性

  39. plant mortality 植物的死亡率

  40. planting 种植

  41. clean-up and final inspection 清理和检查

  42. ground covers 地被植物

  43. seeding and sodding 种草和铺草皮

  44. shrubs 灌木

  45. trees 乔木

  46. planting conditions 种植现状

  47. planting design 种植设计

  48. planting requirements 种植要求

  49. plants, hazardous 有害的植物

  50. plants, herbaceous 草本的植物

  51. plants, noxious 有毒的植物

  52. plants, salt tolerant 耐盐碱的植物,

  53. play surfaces 游戏场地地面

  54. playgrounds 游戏场地

  55. point of beginning 起始点

  56. pond systems 池塘系统

  57. clay lenses 粘土防渗层

  58. depth 深度

  59. synthetic liners 合成材料垫层,合成材料衬里(衬底)

  60. pools 游泳池

  61. competition 竞赛用游泳池

  62. recreational 娱乐用游泳池

  63. pools structure 游泳池结构

  64. depth 深度

  65. freeboard 干舷

  66. posts 柱

  67. potable water 饮用水

  68. Powers of Ten 十的力量

  69. precipitation 降雨,降水量

  70. precision 精确性;准确性

  71. prepared subgrade 素土夯实

  72. preventative observation 预防性监理

  73. pricing 报价

  74. material lifecycle cost estimates 材料生命周期造价估算

  75. overhead and profit 经常性开支和利润

  76. square meter cost estimates 平方米造价估算

  77. systems estimates 系统估算法

  78. unit price cost calculation 单位标价造价计算

  79. privacy 私密性

  80. private garden 私家花园

  81. product distribution 产品销售

  82. product packaging 产品包装

  83. productivity 生产率

  84. project budget 项目预算

  85. project closeout 项目竣工

  86. project meetings 项目会议

  87. project observation 项目检查

  88. project records 项目登记

  89. project scale 项目规模

  90. proprietary surfaces 地上有房产

  91. public garden 公共花园

  92. public plaza 公共广场

  93. pumps 水泵

  94. punch list 打孔登记表

  95. punch lists 打孔登记表


  1. quantity take-off methods 数量估算法


  1. ramp slopes 坡道坡度

  2. ramps 坡道

  3. rates, standard billing 标准记帐率

  4. Rational Method 推理计算方法

  5. raw material 原材料

  6. re-use 再利用

  7. recharge trenches (地下水)补给沟渠

  8. recreation standards 文娱体育标准

  9. recreational pools 娱乐用游泳池

  10. recyclable materials 可循环使用的材料

  11. recycled water 循环水

  12. recycling 再循环使用(的)

  13. regional commercial 地区性商业

  14. regional considerations 地区性居住

  15. regional scale 区域尺度

  16. regulations, federal 联邦的规范(规定)

  17. regulations, local 地方的规范(规定)

  18. regulations, state 州的规范(规定)

  19. reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用

  20. reinforced embankments 加固的土堤,加固筑堤

  21. rejections 排斥,阻止,抑制

  22. replacements 替代

  23. reservoir structures 水库构筑物,蓄水池,贮器

  24. residential development 居住开发

  25. residential standards 居住标准

  26. retail commercial development 零售商业开发

  27. appropriateness of a given site for 某个特定场地的适宜性

  28. retainer 律师费

  29. retaining structures 护土结构,阻挡构筑物

  30. types of 类型

  31. retaining walls 挡土墙

  32. retention ponds See wet detention ponds 滞留池,见调节池,贮水池

  33. rigid pavement 刚性路面

  34. rigid retaining walls 刚性挡土墙

  35. risk 风险

  36. roads 道路

  37. roadway design elements 道路设计要素

  38. roadway dimensions 道路尺寸

  39. rock removal 去除岩石

  40. roof garden 屋顶花园

  41. rough grading 粗略的场地平整

  42. Route Survey A survey of existing or alignment

  43. of route survey 现状测量的线路测量或道路定线测量

  44. runoff coefficients, stormwater 雨水径流系数


  1. safety and security 安全和保安

  2. salt tolerant plants 耐盐植物

  3. saltwater intrusion 咸水(海水)侵入

  4. sand filters 砂滤池,砂滤层

  5. scheduling 制定日程表

  6. schematic studies 方案研究

  7. Schueler’s Shortcut Method 许勒尔捷径法,斯库勒快捷方式

  8. scope of services 服务范围

  9. scope of work 工作范围

  10. screening and circulation 屏障和组织交通

  11. SCS Runoff Curve Number Method 土地保护局水土保持局的径流曲线数值法

  12. seatwalls 坐椅式矮墙

  13. Section 10 Permit 第10条许可

  14. Section 404 Permit 第404条许可

  15. seeding 种草

  16. segmental and stack wall retaining systems 护土段墙和垒墙系统

  17. seismic conditions 地震状况

  18. selective demolition 选择性破坏

  19. sensory stimuli 感官刺激

  20. septic systems 净化系统

  21. settlement at the toe 在坡底建房

  22. sewer systems municipal 市政排水系统

  23. shadow calculations 投影计算

  24. sheet flow 地表水膜,水膜浅流,层流,片流

  25. shop drawing 产品安装图

  26. shrubs 灌木

  27. shut-downs 暂时停工

  28. signage 标志

  29. silhouette lighting 轮廓照明

  30. single-family attached homes 独户式联排住宅

  31. single-family detached home 独户式独立住宅

  32. site clearing 场地清理

  33. site furnishings 场地美化

  34. site selection 场地选择

  35. sites, large-scale 大型的场地

  36. sliding 滑动,移动

  37. small scale sites 小型场地

  38. Small Storm Hydrology Method 小型暴雨水文法

  39. social impact 社会影响

  40. sodding 铺草皮

  41. soil characteristics 土壤特征

  42. soil pressure forces 土壤压力

  43. soil, colloidal 胶质土壤

  44. soil, granular 粒状土壤

  45. soil, weight of 土壤质量,土壤重量

  46. span tables 跨度表

  47. spatial scale 空间尺度

  48. Spatial Standards 空间标准

  49. specifications 说明书,具体要求

  50. spotlighting 射灯照明

  51. spouting fountains 喷射喷泉

  52. spray displays 喷射装置

  53. spread lighting 泛光灯照明

  54. sprinkler systems, conventional 传统的喷水系统

  55. drip system, low-volume 耗水量低的滴灌系统

  56. container plants 盆栽植物

  57. head selection and layout 喷头选择和布置

  58. precipitation rate 沉淀率,喷水速率

  59. square meter cost estimate 平方米造价估算

  60. square unit 平方单位

  61. stability testes 稳定性检测

  62. stage-storage curve

  63. stairway 楼梯

  64. staking 定桩

  65. standard billing rates 标准记帐率

  66. state regulations 州规范

  67. state environmental policy acts (SEPAs) 州环境政策法案,简称(SEPAs)

  68. station offsets 源点偏移

  69. stockpiling 储备

  70. storage, stormwater 雨水蓄积,暴雨蓄积

  71. storm sewers 雨水排水管

  72. stormwater management 雨水管理,暴雨管理

  73. stormwater peak discharge 雨水高峰排放量

  74. stormwater runoff estimating 雨水径流估算

  75. stormwater storage 雨水蓄积

  76. structural considerations 结构方面的考虑

  77. brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙

  78. stone walls 石头墙

  79. wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏

  80. subbase 基础,路基

  81. subdivision regulations (土地)再细分规范

  82. subdrain 地下排水

  83. subgrade 地基

  84. subgrade conditions 地基现状

  85. substitutions 代用

  86. superelevation 超高

  87. surface 地面

  88. surface water 地表水

  89. surface water supplies 地表水供应

  90. surface 地面

  91. court 运动场地

  92. field 运动场

  93. play 游戏场

  94. track 跑道

  95. surfacing 地面处理

  96. surfacing requirements 地面处理要求

  97. swales 洼地

  98. swimming 游泳

  99. swimming pools 游泳池

  100. systems estimates 系统估算


  1. telecommunication lines 电信线路

  2. temperate 温和的,适度的

  3. tests 检测

  4. time delays 时间延误

  5. time of concentration 浓缩时间

  6. time over-runs 加班时间

  7. topographic survey 地形测量

  8. topsoil stripping 表土剥离

  9. tot lots 儿童游戏场,幼儿游戏场

  10. townscape 城市景观

  11. toxicity 毒性

  12. track and field 跑道和运动场

  13. track surface 跑道地面

  14. traverse 导线

  15. tread-riser ratios 踏步宽和踏步高的比值

  16. tree protection 树木保护

  17. tree-planting, techniques 植树技术

  18. trenching 挖沟


  1. U.S. Customary Scale 美国惯用比例

  2. unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更

  3. uniformity 均匀,一律,一致性

  4. unit costs 单位造价

  5. unit pavement 单体铺装,单位路面

  6. unit price cost calculation 单位标价造价计算

  7. updating 最新式的

  8. uplighting 向上照明

  9. urban streams 城市河流

  10. urban street 城市街道


  1. vegetation, existing 现状植被

  2. vehicular circulation systems 机动车交通系统

  3. vehicular standards 机动车标准

  4. verification 证实

  5. vertical alignment 纵断面

  6. Visual Criteria 视觉标准


  1. walks 步行道路

  2. walls, brick and concrete block 砖和混凝土砌块墙

  3. aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑

  4. components 组成,内容

  5. construction 施工

  6. structural considerations 结构方面的考虑

  7. walls, stone 石头墙

  8. components 组成,内容

  9. construction 施工

  10. aesthetic considerations 审美的考虑

  11. structural considerations 审美方面的考虑

  12. waste resources 垃圾资源

  13. wastes 垃圾

  14. wastewater treatment 污水处理

  15. water demand 用水需求

  16. water feature 水景,水体特征

  17. considerations in use of 用途方面的考虑

  18. display pumps 喷灌泵

  19. evaporation 蒸发

  20. lighting 照明

  21. piping 管道

  22. pressure 水压

  23. recycled water 循环使用的水

  24. system requirements 系统要求

  25. water effects 水景效果

  26. Water Quality 水质

  27. water quality volume 水质容积

  28. water resource protection 水源保护

  29. water resource, demand on 水源需要

  30. water resource 水源

  31. water supply 给水

  32. watershed 流域

  33. wearing course 面层,磨损过程

  34. wearing surface 正在磨损的表面

  35. weep hole 泄水孔

  36. wet detention ponds 湿滞留池

  37. wheel load 车轮轮压

  38. wildlife migration 野生生物迁徙

  39. wood deck 木质甲板(平台)

  40. working documents. See construction

  41. documents 工作文件,见施工文件

  42. WQV. See water quality volume WQV.见水质体积


  1. zoning regulations 分区规划规定

  2. rezoning 再分区规划

  3. variances 变动



  1. 景观设计概念方案………………………LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONCEPT

  2. 目录…………………………………………………………………CONTENTS

总体设计篇…………………OVERALL DESIGN

  1. 设计理念(项目定位)…………………………………PROJECT DIRECTION

  2. 现代中式………………………………………………MODERN CHINESE STYLE

  3. 意大利台地园……………………………………ITALIAN TERRACED GARDEN

  4. 现代简约欧式………………………………………MODERN WESTERN-STYLE

  5. 公园住宅……………………………………………………LIVING IN THE PARK

  6. 国际性…………………………………………………INTERNATIONAL APPEAL

  7. 宁静…………………………………………………………………………QUIET

  8. 优雅/典雅………………………………………………………………ELEGANT

  9. 精致………………………………………………………………………REFINED

  10. 自然………………………………………………………………………NATURE

  11. 唯美……………………………………………………………………AESTHETIC

  12. 人性化…………………………………………………………………HUMANITY


  14. 绿色…………………………………………………………………………GREEN

  15. 生态……………………………………………………………………ECOLOGY

  16. 健康…………………………………………………………………………HEALTH

  17. 静听山水………………………………………………LISTENING LANDSCAPE

  18. 现代………………………………………………………………………MODERN

  19. 典雅欧式…………………………………………ELEGANT EUROPEAN-STYLE

  20. 简约…………………………………………………………………………SIMPLE

  21. 丰富…………………………………………………………………………VARIED


  1. 正门……………………………………………………………MAIN ENTRANCE

  2. 前厅…………………………………………………………………………LOBBY

  3. 客厅………………………………………………………………LIVING ROOM

  4. 内院…………………………………………………………………INNER COURTYARD

  5. 后花园…………………………………………………………………BACKYARD

  6. 中轴对称景观……………………………………SYMMETRIC LANDSCAPE

  7. 四大主题庭院…………………………………FOUR THEME LANDSCAPE


  9. 意向图…………………………………………IMAGES

  10. 总平面图………………………………MASTER PLAN


  12. 小区主入口/次入口……………………PRIMARY/SECONDARY ENTRANCE

  13. 商业街……………………………………………………COMMERCIAL STREET

  14. 入口标志性景墙…………………………ENTRY SIGNAGE FEATURE WALL

  15. 扶手电梯……………………………………………………………ESCALATOR

  16. 阳光草坪……………………………………………………………LAWN AREA

  17. 树阵广场…………………………………………………………BOSQUE PLAZA

  18. 休闲活动区………………………………………………………ACTIVITY AREA

  19. 挡土墙…………………………………………………………RETAINING WALL

  20. 泳池……………………………………………………………SWIMMING POOL

  21. LOGO 字体…………………………………………………SIGN CHARACTER

  22. 水景………………………………………………………………WATER FEATURE

  23. 艺术长廊……………………………………………………………ART GALLERY

  24. 儿童游乐场………………………………………CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND

  25. 景观草坪……………………………………………………………………LAWN

  26. 平台……………………………………………………………………PLATFORM

  27. 组团节点水景………………………………………GROUP WATER FEATURE

  28. 木平台………………………………………………………………WOOD DECK

  29. 休闲平台…………………………………………SITTING AREA LEISURE PLATFORM

  30. 欧式花园…………………………………………………EUROPEAN GARDEN

  31. 垃圾房…………………………………………………………… TRASH ROOM

  32. 地下车库出入口……………………………UNDERGROUND PARKING ENTRANCE

  33. 私家花园………………………………………………………PRIVATE GARDEN

  34. 下沉庭院………………………………………………………SUNKEN GARDEN

  35. 公共客厅…………………………………………………PUBLIC LIVING ROOM

  36. 物业用房………………………………………………………MAINTENANCE ROOM

  37. 模纹水景……………………………………PARTERRE PATTERN WATER FEATURE

  38. 涌泉水景………………………………………………. FOUNTAIN

  39. 消防应急出入口…………………………………………FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  40. 欧式景观灯柱……………………………………………EUROPEAN STYLE LAMPPOST

  41. 模纹花坛……………………………………………………MODE FLOWER BED

  42. 树阵……………………………………………………………………..BOSQUE

  43. 采光井………………………………………………………… LIGHT WELL(S)

  44. 镜面水景……………………………………………… REFLECTING POOL

  45. 儿童活动区………………………………………CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND

  46. 观景平台…………………………………………………VIEWING PLATFORM

  47. 八角亭…………………………………………………OCTAGONAL PAVILION

  48. 模纹草坪………………………………………………… PARTERRE LAWN

  49. 景墙………………………………………………………………FEATURE WALL

  50. 雕塑…………………………………………………………………SCULPTURE

  51. 门卫室……………………………………………………………GUARD HOUSE

  52. 慢跑道……………………………………………………………JOGGING TRAIL

  53. 廊架………………………………………………………………………CANOPY

  54. 成人活动区………………………………………………ADULT ACTIVITY AREA

  55. 河滨出入口………………………………………………RIVERSIDE ENTRANCE

  56. 老人活动区………………………………………………ELDERLY ACTIVITY AREA

  57. 景观主轴道路……………………………………………PRINCIPAL AXIS ROAD

  58. 沙滩…………………………………………………………………………BEACH

  59. 溪流………………………………………………………………………STREAM

  60. 音乐喷泉……………………………………………………MUSICAL FOUNTAIN

  61. 高尔夫果岭…………………………………………… PUTTING GREEN(S)

  62. 动态水景…………………………………………DYNAMIC WATER FEATURE(S)

  63. 喷水景墙……………………………………………………… SPRAY WALL

  64. 跌水花钵……………………………………………WATER-FALL FLOWER POT

  65. 聚会广场……………………………………………………………PARTY PLAZA

  66. 欧式廊柱……………………………………………………EUROPEAN PILLAR(S)

  67. 中式铜鼎……………………………………………CHINESE BRONZE TRIPOD

  68. 坡道…………………………………………………………………………RAMP

  69. 入户平台…………………………………………………ENTRANCE PLATFORM

  70. 种植区…………………………………………………… PLANTING AREA(S)

  71. 停车场………………………………………………………………PARKING LOT

  72. 抱鼓……………………………………………………………………THE DRUM

  73. 隐形消费车道…………………………………HIDDEN FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  74. 机动车出入口……………………………………MOTOR VEHICLE ENTRANCE

  75. 旗杆………………………………………………………………… FLAGPOLE

  76. 跑道…………………………………………………………………………TRACK

  77. 沙池…………………………………………………………………JUMPING PIT

  78. 洗手池………………………………………………………………WASH BASIN

  79. 无障碍通道…………………………………………………HANDICAP ACCESS

  80. 游客区……………………………………………… TOURIST AREA(S)

  81. 光庭院…………………………………………………………… COURTYARD

  82. 石庭院……………………………………………………………STONE GARDEN

  83. 竹庭院………………………………………………………BAMBOO GARDEN

  84. 风庭院……………………………………………………………WIND GARDEN

  85. 月洞门……………………………………………………………PORTAL MOUTH


  87. 文化景点-印章………………………………… CULTURAL –SEAL

  88. 文化景点-佛像…………………………………………...CULTURAL – BUDDHA

  89. 折桥……………………………………………………………FOLDING BRIDGE

  90. 拱桥…………………………………………………………………ARCH BRIDGE

  91. 水上广场…………………………………………………………PLAZA NEAR THE WATER

  92. 历史文化广场……………………………HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PLAZA

  93. 历史文化墙………………………………HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL WALL

  94. 特色跌水…………………………………………………………….WATER-FALL

  95. 艺术小品………………………………………………………………ART PIECE(S)

  96. 休闲茶座………………………………………………………………TEAHOUSE

  97. 跌级水景………………………………………………………………..CASCADE

  98. 旱喷………………………………………………………………INTERMITANT FOUNTAIN

  99. 绿篱…………………………………………………………………………HEDGE

  100. 入口展示广场………………………………………………..ENTRANCE PLAZA

  101. 楼梯……………………………………………………………………STAIRCASE

  102. 特色铺地广场……………………………………………………………….PLAZA

  103. 天桥……………………………………………………………………OVERPASS

  104. 灯饰雕塑…………………………………..DECORATIVELY LIT SCULPTURE

  105. 屋顶花园…………………………………………………………ROOF GARDEN

  106. 宅间景观区…………………………………………………..LANDSCAPE AREA

  107. 木栈道…………………………………………………………WOOD WALKWAY

  108. 森林…………………………………………………………………………FOREST

  109. 回车场……………………………………………………………ROUND ABOUT

  110. 互动喷泉戏水池……………………………………..INTERACTIVE FOUNTAIN

  111. 幽香庭院…………………………………………………FRAGRANT GARDEN

  112. 漂浮栽植槽………………………………………………..FLOATING PLANTER

  113. 曲桥……………………………………………………………CURVED BRIDGE

  114. 标志巨石…………………………………………………………MARKER STONE

  115. 登山步道…………………………………………………………HILLSIDE TRAIL

  116. 特色灯笼………………………………………………………FEATURE LANTERN

  117. 古典花窗…………………………………………CLASSICAL ROSE WINDOW

  118. 网球场……………………………………………………………TENNIS COURT

  119. 旱溪…………………………………………………………………DRY STREAM

  120. 涂鸦墙……………………………………………………………GRAFFITI WALL

  121. 市政绿化带……………………………………………MUNICIPAL GREEN BELT

  122. 银杏大道………………………………………………………GINKGO AVENUE

  123. 风水球………………………………………………………SPHERE FOUNTAIN

  124. 驳岸……………………………………………………………………REVETMENT

  125. 沙滩防风林带……………………………………………BEACH WINDBREAKS

  126. 无边际泳池………………………………………………………INFINITY POOL

  127. 钢构架………………………………………………………………STEEL FRAME

  128. 配电用房……………………………………………………DISTRIBUTION SPACE

  129. 交通岛……………………………………………………………TRAFFIC ISLAND

  130. 造浪池………………………………………………………………WAVE POOL

  131. 水上滑梯…………………………………………………………..WATER SLIDE

  132. 泡泡池………………………………………………………………BUBBLE FOUNTAIN

  133. 张拉膜………………………………………………… TENSILE STRUCTURE

  134. 无边泳池………………………………………………………….INFINITY POOL

  135. 喷水雕塑…………………………………………………SPRAY SCULPTURE

  136. 艺术小品………………………………………………………………ART PIECE(S)

  137. 休闲茶座………………………………………………………………TEAHOUSE

  138. 跌级水景………………………………………………………………..CASCADE

  139. 旱喷………………………………………………………………INTERMITANT FOUNTAIN

  140. 绿篱…………………………………………………………………………HEDGE

  141. 入口展示广场………………………………………………..ENTRANCE PLAZA

  142. 楼梯……………………………………………………………………STAIRCASE

  143. 特色铺地广场……………………………………………………………….PLAZA

  144. 天桥……………………………………………………………………OVERPASS

  145. 灯饰雕塑…………………………………..DECORATIVELY LIT SCULPTURE

  146. 屋顶花园…………………………………………………………ROOF GARDEN

  147. 宅间景观区…………………………………………………..LANDSCAPE AREA

  148. 木栈道…………………………………………………………WOOD WALKWAY

  149. 森林…………………………………………………………………………FOREST

  150. 回车场……………………………………………………………ROUND ABOUT

  151. 互动喷泉戏水池……………………………………..INTERACTIVE FOUNTAIN

  152. 幽香庭院…………………………………………………FRAGRANT GARDEN

  153. 漂浮栽植槽………………………………………………..FLOATING PLANTER

  154. 曲桥……………………………………………………………CURVED BRIDGE

  155. 标志巨石…………………………………………………………MARKER STONE

  156. 登山步道…………………………………………………………HILLSIDE TRAIL

  157. 特色灯笼………………………………………………………FEATURE LANTERN

  158. 古典花窗…………………………………………CLASSICAL ROSE WINDOW

  159. 网球场……………………………………………………………TENNIS COURT

  160. 旱溪…………………………………………………………………DRY STREAM

  161. 涂鸦墙……………………………………………………………GRAFFITI WALL

  162. 市政绿化带……………………………………………MUNICIPAL GREEN BELT

  163. 银杏大道………………………………………………………GINKGO AVENUE

  164. 风水球………………………………………………………SPHERE FOUNTAIN

  165. 驳岸……………………………………………………………………REVETMENT

  166. 沙滩防风林带……………………………………………BEACH WINDBREAKS

  167. 无边际泳池………………………………………………………INFINITY POOL

  168. 钢构架………………………………………………………………STEEL FRAME

  169. 配电用房……………………………………………………DISTRIBUTION SPACE

  170. 交通岛……………………………………………………………TRAFFIC ISLAND

  171. 造浪池………………………………………………………………WAVE POOL

  172. 水上滑梯…………………………………………………………..WATER SLIDE

  173. 泡泡池………………………………………………………………BUBBLE FOUNTAIN

  174. 张拉膜………………………………………………… TENSILE STRUCTURE

  175. 无边泳池………………………………………………………….INFINITY POOL

  176. 喷水雕塑…………………………………………………SPRAY SCULPTURE

  177. 苗木总平面图……………SOFTSCAPE MASTER PLAN

  178. 售楼部入口景观……………………………………SALES AREA LANDSCAPE

  179. 镜湖…………………………………………………………………REFLECTING POND

  180. 疏林草坪………………………………………………………….SHADED LAWN

  181. 运动站………………………………………………………… EXERCISE AREA

  182. 步入式电梯大堂…………………………………………………ELEVATOR ENTRANCE

  183. 教学活动场地……………………………………………TEACHING GROUND



  186. 休闲空间……………………………………………………………REST SPACE

  187. 中央草坪………………………………………………………CENTRAL LAWN

  188. 下沉草坪…………………………………………………………SUNKEN LAWN

  189. 天鹅湖………………………………………………………………SWAN LAKE

  190. 特色长椅……………………………………………………………………BENCH

  191. 落水景观……………………………………………………………WATER FALL

  192. 水钵…………………………………………………………………… POT WITH A FOUNTAIN

  193. 空间转换节点……………………………………………...TRANSITION SPACE

  194. 矮墙…………………………………………………………LOW FEATURE WALL

  195. 微地形及种植区………………………………………………..LOW PLANTING

  196. 恒温泳池……………………………………………HEATED SWIMMING POOL

  197. 垂直绿化墙……………………………………………………….GREEN WALLS

  198. 群鸽雕塑…………………………………………………PIGEON SCULPTURE

  199. 群牛雕塑………………………………………………………CATTLE SCULPTURE

  200. 温室玻璃屋…………………………………………………………GLASS HOUSE

  201. 硬质总平面图…………HADSCAPE MASTER PLAN

  202. 落客处…………………………………………………………………DROP-OFF

  203. 欧式拱门………………………………………………………………ARCHWAY

  204. 规划建议调整图…………PLANNING PROPOSAL

  205. 原停车位……………………………………………..ORIGINAL PARKING LOT

  206. 建议调整的停车位…………………………………PROPOSED PARKING LOT

  207. 建议车挡位置………………………………….PROPOSED PARKING BLOCK

  208. 原消防车道…………………………………ORIGINAL FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  209. 建议消防车道………………………………PROPOSED FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  210. 需要调整的采光井的位置…………………………ORIGINAL LIGHT WELL(S)

  211. 调整后的采光井的位置…………………………….PROPOSED LIGHT WELL

  212. 地下车库轮廓线调整部位……………….PROPOSED BASEMENT OUTLINE





  217. 原有电缆井………………………………………ORIGINAL CABLE MAPHOLE

  218. 建议电缆井……………………………………………PROPOSED CABLE MAPHOLE

  219. 原有通风井……………………………………………ORIGINAL VENT SHAFT

  220. 建议通风井……………………………………………………PROPOSED VENT SHAFT

  221. 原有建筑标高………………………………ORIGINAL BUILDING ELEVATION

  222. 建议建筑标高……………………………PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION

  223. 垃圾处理间………………………………………………………...TRASH ROOM

  224. 建议垃圾处理间出入口……………PROPOSED TRASH ROOM ENTRANCE


  226. 消防监控…………………………………………………………FIRE MONITOR


  228. 社区活动中心……………………………………………COMMUNITY CENTER

  229. 开闭所………………………………………………………… SWITCH GEAR

  230. 用地红线…………………………………………………………PROPERTY LINE

  231. 不利位置…………………………………………………………BAD LOCATION

  232. 设计范围线…………………………………………………DESIGN SCOPE LINE

  233. 用地范围线………………………………………………PROPERTY LINE

  234. 总体示意图片………………CHARACTER IMAGES



  2. 地形分析…………………LANDFORM ANALYSIS

  3. 平地…………………………………………………………………………FLAT

  4. 微地形……………………………………………………BERM TOPOGRAPHY

  5. 小山坡………………………………………………………………SMALL HILL

  6. 材料分析………………………MATERIAL ANALYSIS

  7. 车行道铺装……………………………………………………ACCESS PAVING

  8. 塑木……………………………………………………………ARTIFICAL WOOD

  9. 特色铺装…………………………………………………………………PAVING

  10. 橡胶地垫……………………………………………………………RUBBER MAT


  12. 自然河流……………………………………………………………………RIVER

  13. 人工溪流…………………………………………………………ARTIFICIAL SCREAM

  14. 公共水景………………………………………………PUBLIC WATER FEATURE

  15. 家私小品布置图…………SITE FURNISHINGS PLAN

  16. 木平台沙发………………………………………………………….WOOD SOFA

  17. 架空层沙发…………………………………………………………………..SOFA

  18. 花钵…………………………………………………………………FLOWER POT

  19. 可移动树箱……………………………………………………MOVABLE PLANTER

  20. 景观空间分析图…………………………………………LANDSCAPE SPACE ANALYSIS

  21. 收空间…………………………………………………………CLOSED SPACE

  22. 放空间…………………………………………………………….OPEN SPACE

  23. 主入口景观序列………………………………………………MAIN ENTRANCE

  24. 空间转换节点…………………………………………….TRANSITION SPACE

  25. 公共客厅…………………………………………………PUBLIC LIVING ROOM

  26. 游泳池景观……………………………………………………SWIMMING POOL

  27. 木平台休闲区………………………………………………… WOOD DECK

  28. 入户景观……………………………………………………………ENTRANCE LOBBY

  29. 烧烤健身区……………………………………BARBECUE AND FITNESS ZONE

  30. 景观视线…………………………………………………LANDSCAPE VIEW(S)

  31. 水景体系分析…………………………………………WATERSCAPE SYSTEM ANALYSIS

  32. 特效水景……………………………………………………WATER FEATURER

  33. 常规水景……………………………………………………..WATER FEATURE

  34. 冬天开放水景…………………………YEAR-ROUND WATER FEATURE

  35. 景观资源分析图…………………………………………LANDSCAPE RESOURCE ANALYSIS

  36. 有利视线方向………………………………………………………GOOD VIEW

  37. 不利视线方向…………………………………………………………BAD VIEW

  38. 受噪音影响带………………………………………………………NOISE AREA(S)

  39. 现有水体…………………………………………………………EXISTING WATER

  40. 现有山体…………………………………………………………..EXISTING HILL

  41. 现有海湾…………………………………………………………..EXISTING BAY


  43. 机坪线……………………………………………………………………HELIPAD

  44. 功能服务区…………………………………………………FUNCTION SERVICE

  45. 商业配套设施…………………………………………COMMERCIAL FACILITY

  46. 景观生态资源……………………………………………ECOLOGY RESOURCE

  47. 管理体系及消防车道分析图…………………………MANAGEMENT AND FIRE ENGINE ANALYSIS

  48. 保安亭……………………………………………………………GUARD HOUSE

  49. 门禁管理系统………………………………ACCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

  50. 现有消防车道…………………………………EXISTING FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  51. 围墙…………………………………………………………BOUNDARY WALL

  52. 栏杆及红外线……………………………………RAILING AND MOTION SENSOR

  53. 软质围墙………………………………………………………………

  54. 二层建筑边界…………………………………………...OVERHANG BUILDING

  55. 消防回车场……………………………FIRE ENGINE ACCESS TURN AROUND

  56. 通透围墙…………………………………………………………………….FENCE

  57. 景观区域分析图………………………………LANDSCAPE AREA ANALYSIS

  58. 主入口景观区………………………………………MAIN LANDSCAPE AREA


  60. 市政绿化景观区……………………………MUNICIPAL LANDSCAPE AREA


  62. 休闲木平台…………………………………………………………WOOD DECK

  63. 高层景观区……………………………………HIGH-RISE LANDSCAPE AREA

  64. 前厅景观区…………………………………LOBBY OF THE LANDSCAPE AREA

  65. 公共客厅景观区…………………………………………PUBLIC LIVING ROOM

  66. 启动区景观区………………………………………………………SHOW AREA

  67. 别墅溪流景观区…………………………………………………………SCREAM AREA

  68. 滨水景观区………………………………………………………RIVERSIDE AREA

  69. 中轴景观带…………………………………CENTRAL AXIS LANDSCAPE ZONE

  70. 组团绿地……………………………………………………PUBLIC SPACE ZONE

  71. 组团休闲区………………………………………………PUBLIC LEISURE ZONE

  72. 内庭景观………………………………………………………… COURTYARD

  73. 湖岸景观区……………………………………………………LAKE AREA LANDSCAPE

  74. 公共客厅景观区……………………………………PUBLIC AREA LANDSCAPE

  75. 交通组织分析图………………………………………SITE CIRCULATION ANALYSIS

  76. 地下车库…………………………………………………UNDERGROUND PARKING


  78. 便捷归家道路………………………………………..DIRRECT ACCESS WALK

  79. 地铁入口……………………………………………………METRO ENTRANCE

  80. 自行车库出入口………………………………BICYCLE PARKING ENTRANCE

  81. 车行路线………………………………………………………VEHICLE ROUTE

  82. 一级园路…………………………………………………………PRIMARY PATH

  83. 二级园路……………………………………………………SECONDARY PATH

  84. 销售道路………………………………………………………………SALES WALKWAY

  85. 人行出入口…………………………………………RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE

  86. 车行出入口…………………………………………….VEHICLE ENTRANCE(S)

  87. 人行道……………………………………………………PEDESTRIAN ACCESS

  88. 景观结构分析图………………………………LANDSCAPE FRAME ANALYSIS

  89. 一级景观轴线……………………………………PRIMARY LANDSCAPE AXIS

  90. 次级景观轴线………………………………SECONDARY LANDSCAPE AXIS

  91. 主要景观节点…………………………………PRIMARY LANDSCAPE NODE

  92. 次要景观节点………………………………SECONDARY LANDSCAPE NODE

  93. 三级景观节点…………………………………TERTIARY LANDSCAPE NODE

  94. 景观环路…………………………………………LANDSCAPE CIRCLE ROAD

  95. 景观绿带……………………………………………LANDSCAPE GREEN BELT

  96. 展示区……………………………………………………………SHOW AREA

  97. 木平台………………………………………………………………WOOD DECK

  98. 原有水体………………………………………………………EXISTING WATER

  99. 用户有利景观视线方向………………………………………VIEW DIRECTION

  100. 密林带…………………………………………………………………FOREST BELT

  101. 组团空间……………………………………………………………………SPACE

  102. 景观元素分析…………………………LANDSCAPE ELEMENT ANALYSIS

  103. 花廊……………………………………………………………………….TRELLIS

  104. 户外活动器械…………………………………………OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT

  105. 会所…………………………………………………………………CLUBHOUSE

  106. 户外家具…………………………………………………OUTDOOR FURNITURE

  107. 点式水景………………………………………………………WATER FEATURE

  108. 旗杆台…………………………………………………………………FLAGPOLE BASE

  109. 功能分析图………………………………………………FUNCTION ANALYSIS

  110. 景观泳池区……………………………………………………SWIMMING POOL

  111. 休闲服务区…………………………………………………………REST SPACE

  112. 儿童游乐场………………………………………CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND

  113. 儿童游乐区………………………………………………PLAYGROUND AREA

  114. 老年人活动区……………………………………………ELDERLY ACTIVITY AREA

  115. 架空层…………………………………………………………… OPEM FLOOR

  116. 休憩交流木平台………………………………..WOOD DECK LEISURE AREA

  117. 慢跑径………………………………………………………………JOGGING PATH

  118. 展示区………………………………………………………………SHOW AREA

  119. 转换站……………………………………………………………………STATION

  120. 亮点艺术空间………………………………PROPOSED ENTRANCE LOCATION

  121. 过渡空间…………………………………………………TRANSITIONAL SPACE


  123. 沿河散步道…………………………………PROMENADE ALONG THE RIVER

  124. 价值感设计分析图………………………………………VALUE GRADE ANALYSIS




  128. 景观造价分析图…………………………………………COST ANALYSIS

  129. 均价………………………………………………………………COST PER ㎡

  130. 用地红线………………………………………………………PROPERTY LINE

  131. 市政绿化………………………………………………MUNICIPAL PLANTING

  132. 综合管线评估分析图……………………………UTILITY PIPE NETWORK

  133. 雨水管道…………………………………………………………STORM SEWER

  134. 污水管道……………………………………………………………SANITARY SEWER

  135. 建议调整点位………………………………………PROPOSED RELOCATION

  136. 排水方向分析图…………………………………FLOW DIRECTION ANALYSIS

  137. 片区总体排水方向……………………………………………FLOW DIRECTION

  138. 排洪渠………………………………………………FLOOD RELIEF CHANNEL

  139. 围墙……………………………………………………………BOUNDARY WALL

  140. 红线外设计分析图………………………………………OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ANALYSIS

  141. 浓密绿化………………………………………………………BUSHY PLANTING

  142. 商业街绿化…………………………………COMMERCIAL STREET PLANTING

  143. 主入口绿化………………………………………MAIN ENTRANCE PLANTING

  144. 红线外绿化设计建议……………………………………OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE PROPOSAL(S)

  145. 浓密绿化………………………………………………………BUSHY PLANTING

  146. 商业街绿化…………………………………COMMERCIAL STREET PLANTING

  147. 入口绿化…………………………………………………ENTRANCE PLANTING


  149. 现状硬质铺装………………………………………….EXISTING HARDSCAPE

  150. 商业街硬质铺装………………………………….COMMERCIAL HARDSCAPE

  151. 主入口硬质铺装…………………………………MAIN ENTRANCE HARDSCAPE


  153. 雕塑…………………………………………………………………SCULPTURE

  154. 廊架………………………………………………………………………CANOPY

  155. 木亭…………………………………………………………WOODEN PAVILION

  156. 景墙………………………………………………………………FEATURE WALL(S)

  157. 挡墙……………………………………………………………RETAINING WALL

  158. 移动特色花钵……………………………………………...MOVABLE PLANTER

重点区域篇……………………DESIGN FOCUS


  2. 人行入口…………………………………………………PEDESTRIAN ACCESS

  3. 车行入口/出口……………………………………………VEHICULAR ACCESS

  4. 保安亭……………………………………………………………GUARD HOUSE

  5. 标示牌…………………………………………………………………………SIGN

  6. 台阶………………………………………………………………………STEP(S)

  7. 主入口廊架…………………………………………MAIN ENTRANCE CANOPY

  8. 消费车道紧急入口………………………………………FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  9. 商业街……………………………………………………COMMERCIAL STREET

  10. 入口广场………………………………………………………ENTRANCE PLAZA

  11. 跌水……………………………………………………………………CASCADE

  12. 木平台……………………………………………………………..WOOD DECK

  13. 喷泉……………………………………………………………………FOUNTAIN

  14. 涌泉…………………………………………………………………………FOUNTAIN

  15. 陶罐………………………………………………………………………POTTERY

  16. 叠式树池………………………………………………………………..PLANTER

  17. 地花铺装………………………………………………………SPECIAL PAVING

  18. 倒影池………………………………………………………REFLECTING POOL

  19. 银杏树阵…………………………………………………GINKO TREE AVENUE

  20. 访客区…………………………………………………………VISITOR(S) AREA

  21. 无障碍通道………………………………………………BARRIER-FREE ACCESS

  22. 地花铺装………………………………………………………SPECIAL PAVING

  23. 庭院温室…………………………………………………………GREEN HOUSE

  24. 移动休闲椅……………………………………………………MOVABLE CHAIR

  25. 垂悬绿化………………………………………………………HANGING PLANT

  26. 悬挑木平台…………………………………………………………WOOD DECK


  28. 人行次入口…………………………………PEDESTRIAN SECONDARY ACCESS

  29. 铁艺栏杆…………………………………………………………..IRON BAILING

  30. 垃圾回收站………………………………………………………..TRASH ROOM

  31. 汽车坡道和顶盖……………………………………………….COVERED RAMP

  32. 多层区/ 小高层区高层区/ 放大平面图…………………ENLARGED BUILDING PLAN

  33. 特色水景…………………………………………………………WATER FEATURE

  34. 台阶……………………………………………………………………………STEP(S)

  35. 花钵…………………………………………………………………FLOWER POT

  36. 休憩木平台…………………………………………………………WOOD DECK

  37. 运动站……………………………………………………………SPORTS AREA

  38. 阳光草坪……………………………………………………………………LAWN

  39. 游园路…………………………………………………………………………PATH

  40. 景墙………………………………………………………………FEATURE WALL

  41. 小区次入口……………………………………………SECONDARY ENTRANCE

  42. 雕塑……………………………………………………………………SCULPTURE

  43. 特色花架………………………………………………………………….TRELLIS

  44. 格栅…………………………………………………………………………FENCE

  45. 箱变………………………………………………………...ELECTRICAL PANEL

  46. 洋房景观区方案1 平面图/ 剖面图………………TOWNHOUSE PLAN/SECTION

  47. 坐凳…………………………………………………………………………BENCH

  48. 模纹花坛………………………………………………………………PARTERRE

  49. 下沉私家花园………………………………………SUNKEN PRIVATE GARDEN

  50. 种植带……………………………………………………………PLANTING BELT

  51. 游步道…………………………………………………WALKWAY

  52. 采光窗…………………………………………………………………..SKYLIGHT

  53. 下沉庭院………………………………………………………SUNKEN GARDEN


  55. 6号楼入户玄关平面图/立面图……………………#6 ENTRANCE FORECOURT PLAN/ELEVATION

  56. 入户……………………………………………………………………ENTRANCE

  57. 入户台阶…………………………………………………………………STEP(S)

  58. 入户玄关……………………………………………………………ENTRY LOBBY

  59. 无障碍坡道…………………………………………………BARRIER-FREE RAMP

  60. 特色灯柱………………………………………………………………LAMP POST

  61. 花钵…………………………………………………………………FLOWER POT

  62. 信报箱…………………………………………………………………MAIL BOX

  63. 大堂…………………………………………………………………………LOBBY

  64. 更衣室…………………………………………………………DRESSING ROOM

  65. 砾石………………………………………………………………………GRAVEL

  66. 卵石…………………………………………………………………………PEBBLE(S)

  67. 欧式小水景………………………………EUROPEAN STYLE WATER FEATURE

  68. 入户灯饰………………………………………………………………...LIGHTING

  69. 旋转楼梯…………………………………………………….CIRCULAR STAIRS

  70. 通风井…………………………………………………………………VENT SHAFT

  71. 楼台……………………………………………………………………BALCONY

  72. 矮墙………………………………………………………LOW FEATURE WALL

  73. 可移动种植钵……………………………………………..MOVABLE PLANTER

  74. 河岸木平台平面图/立面图…………………………RIVER BANK LEISURE ENLARGE SECTION

  75. 木栈道………………………………………………………………WOOD DECK

  76. 节点水景………………………………………………………WATER FEATURE

  77. 树阵景观…………………………………………………………………BOSQUE

  78. 入户玄关……………………………………………………ENTRY FORECOURT

  79. 私家花园平面图/ 剖面图………………………………PRIVE GARDEN PLAN/SECTION

  80. 汀步……………………………………………………………STEPPING STONE(S)

  81. 烧烤台………………………………………………………………..BBQ TABLE

  82. 躺椅……………………………………………………………CHAISE LONGUE

  83. 摇椅……………………………………………………………ROCKING CHAIR


  85. 儿童游戏沙池…………………………………..CHILDREN’S PLAY SANDBOX

  86. 水幕墙………………………………………………………………WATER WALL

  87. 迷你高尔夫场…………………………………………………………MINI-GOLF

  88. 天井…………………………………………………………………LIGHT WELL

  89. 条石……………………………………………LONG AND NARROW STONE

  90. 书吧………………………………………………………………READING BAR

  91. 聊吧………………………………………………………………CHATTING BAR

  92. 跌水瀑布…………………………………………………CASCADE WATERFALL

  93. 儿童天地…………………………………………CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND

  94. 驳岸……………………………………………………………………REVETMENT

  95. 私家码头………………………………………………………PERSONAL DOCK

  96. 分户墙…………………………………………………………BOUNDARY WALL

  97. 架空层……………………………………………………OPEN FLOOR


  99. 残疾人坡道…………………………………………………HANDICAP ACCESS

  100. 木格栅……………………………………………………………WOOD FENCE

  101. 瑜伽…………………………………………………………………………YOGA

  102. 棋牌室………………………………………………………………CHESS ROOM

  103. 围墙标准立面图……………………………………TYPICAL BOUNDARY WALL ELEVATION

  104. 标准铺装放大平面………………………………TYPICAL ENLARGED PAVING PLAN

  105. 组团1 放大剖面图…………………………………ZONE 1 ENLARGED PLAN

  106. 效果图……………………………………PERSPECTIVE


  1. 绿化设计说明……………………………………PLANTING DESIGN DESCRIPTION


  3. 层次搭配丰富……………………………………………RICH IN HIERARCHY

  4. 品种茂密丰富…………………………………………………RICH IN VARIETY

  5. 色彩颜色丰富……………………………………………………RICH IN COLOR

  6. 质感对比强烈………………………………………CONTRAST IN FEATURES

  7. 苗木主题分析图………………………………………………PLANTING THEME


  9. 阳光草坪景观区…………………………OPEN LAWN ANDSCAPE AREA

  10. 主入口景观区…………………………MAIN ENTRANCE LANDSCAPE AREA

  11. 组团景观区…………………………………………………LANDSCAPE ZONE

  12. 中庭展示景观区………………………………SHOW LANDSCAPE AREA(S)

  13. 富有人情味空间分析图………………………………INTIMATE SPACE ANALYSIS DIAGRAM

  14. 林荫小道……………………………………………………TREE-LINED TRAIL

  15. 亲水平台………………………………………PLATFORM NEAR THE WATER

  16. 林缘分析图………………………………………PLANTING EDGE ANALYSIS

  17. 密林…………………………………………………………………………FOREST

  18. 草坪…………………………………………………………………………LAWN

  19. 消防车道……………………………………………………FIRE ENGINE ACCESS

  20. 消防登高面……………………………………………FIRE FIGHTING SPACE

  21. 重点乔木品种分布图…………………………DISTRIBUTION OF KEY TREES SPECIES

  22. 特大乔木品种…………………………………LARGE TREE SPECIES IMAGE(S)

  23. 重点乔木品种……………………………SPECIMEN TREE SPECIES IMAGE(S)

  24. 重点灌木球品种分布图……………………………DISTRIBUTION OF KEY SHRUB SPECIES

  25. 苗木设计风格分析图………………………………PLANTING DESIGN STYLE ANALYSIS


  27. 常绿树种……………………………………………………EVERGREEN TREE(S)

  28. 落叶树种…………………………………………………DECIDUOUS TREE(S)

  29. 乔木四季变化分析图………………………SEASONAL TREE CHANGES

  30. 春…………………………………………………………………………SPRING

  31. 夏…………………………………………………………………………SUMMER

  32. 秋………………………………………………………………………………FALL

  33. 冬…………………………………………………………………………WINTER

  34. 灌木四季开花分析图………………………………SEASONAL SHRUB FLOWERING ANALYSIS

  35. 主要灌木品种示意图…PRIMARY SHRUB IMAGES

  36. 主要地被品种示意图…………………………PRIMARY GROUNDCOVER IMAGES


  38. 重点区域放大平面分析图………………………………ENLARGED KEY AREA PLAN ANALYSIS


  40. 阳光景观区放大分析图…………………………MAP OF ENLARGED OPEN LANDSCAPE AREA(S)


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