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来源 | 爱理希亚


(一)   帮一个来中国“支教”的英国兽医翻译教学用品清单


A computer and projector for a usb stick.



A white board to write on.



25 gauge (orange) IV cannulae for IV's .


25 gauge (orange) needles for IV's .

25 号(橘黄色)静注针。

Some hibiscrub or similar.


Some plastic basckets or containers to putinstruments or suture material etc in.


A sharps container for used needles etc- if you usethem.


Fruit /veg about grape size, as the second ones wetried for fna's (had a stone in–first type deteriorated too quickly).

水果或者葡萄大小的蔬菜,第二个用来做细针抽吸(fine needle aspiration)(放块石头在里面,第一种太容易变质了)问了一下,貌似是甲状腺模型。

Diff kwik/ rapid stain or Diff-Quik.




Open wove type bandage, sticky tape, cotton wool/soft ban, outer bandage(vet wrap)-whatever you use for bandaging.


10 pairs odd of artery forceps – to hold smallneedles.


10 pairs odd of rat tooth forceps


3-4 pairs of scissors


Black bags for rubbish




usage of common surgical instruments

肠钳 bowel clamp

海绵钳(直/弯) sponge clamp/Sponge Pliers (Straight,Curved)

巾钳 towel clamp

布帕钳/巾钳 Handkerchief Forceps

血管钳 clamp

蚊式血管钳 mosquito clamp

弯血管钳 cured clamp

直血管钳 straight clamp

有齿血管钳 toothed clamp

持针器 needle holder

持针钳(粗针、细针)Needle-Holding Pliers

手术镊 forceps

有齿镊 toothed forceps

无齿镊 smooth forceps

组织钳 Tissue Forceps

组织镊(有钩) Tissue Forceps (With Hook)

止血钳(直全齿、弯全齿) Hemostatic Forceps (Straight with Full Tooth, Curved with FullTooth)

止血钳(直有钩、弯有钩) Hemostatic Forceps (Straight with Tooth, Curved with Tooth)

蚊式止血钳(弯、直) Mosquito-Type Hemostatic Forceps (Straight, Curved)

普通敷料镊(无钩) Common Auxiliary Material Forceps (Without Hook)

缝线 suture

缝针 suture needle

缝合针 Surgical Sewing Needle

解剖剪 curved tissue scissors

线剪 suture scissors

手术剪(直剪、直圆) surgical scissors(Straight Pointed,Straight Round, Curved Pointed, Curved Round)

组织剪(梅氏剪)(直头、弯头) Tissue Scissors (May’s Scissors)(Straight Head, Curved Head)

拆线剪(短头、长头) Stitch-Cutting Scissors (Short Head, Long Head)

手术刀柄 Surgical Knife Handle

手术刀片 Surgical Razor Blade

扩张器 dilator

牵开器 retractor

手术刀 scalpel

探针 probe

止血带 tourniquet

深部拉钩(大、小) Bathy-Tractor (Large, Small)

打结 knot tying

方结 square knot

电凝止血 electrocautery

敷料 dressing

换药 dressing change

活组织检查 biopsy

交叉配血 cross-match

麻醉 anesthesia

洗手法 scrubbing method




系线镊 Tying Forceps

有齿镊 Toothed Forceps

碎核镊 Nucleus Removal Forceps

带齿角膜缝线镊 Corneal Suturing Double Fixation Forceps

无损伤镊 Notched Forceps

无损伤角膜缝线镊 Corneal Surturing Double Fixation Forceps (notched)

撕囊镊 Capsulorhexis Forceps

晶体镊 IOL Forceps

二分刀,三分刀 Nucleus (Bisector/Trisector)/Vectis Forceps

结膜镊 Conjunctiva Forceps

睑板镊 Chalazion Forceps

杂镊 Miscellaneous Forceps

圆手柄持针器 Round handle Needle Holder

扁手柄持针器 Flat handle Needle Holder

结膜剪 Conjunctiva Scissors

角膜剪 Corneal Scissors

虹膜剪 Iris Scissors

线剪 Stitch Scissors

肌腱剪 Tenotomy Scissors

通用剪 Utility Scissors

囊膜剪、维纳斯剪 Capsulotomy Vannas Scissors

勾、调位器 Probes, Hooks and Spatulae

虹膜勾 Iris Hooks

晶体勾 IOL Hooks and Manipulators

恢复器 Repositors

晶体调位器 Nucleus Manipulators

视网膜勾 Retina Hooks and Spatulae

斜视勾 Muscle Hooks

晶体线环、核分切器 Spoons, Nucleus Dividers

固定器械 Choppers Choppers Fixation Instruments

LASIK 器械 LASIK Instruments

开睑器、调位器、固定环 Speculums, Elevators and Smoothers, Fixations Rings


LASIK 针头 LASIK Cannulas

开睑器 Speculums

玻璃体视网膜手术用镊 Vitreo-Retinal Forceps

玻璃体视网膜手术用剪 Vitreo-Retinal Scissors

针头 Cannulas

注吸针头 Cannula I/A

一般针头 Cannula General

一次性灭菌手术刀 Ophthalmic Knives

消毒盒 Sterilising Trays



消化道 gastrointestinal tract,简称 GIT


食管 esophagus


小肠 small intestine

(十二指肠 Duodenu, 空肠 Jejunum, 回肠 Ileum

大肠 large intestine

(结肠 colon, 乙状结肠 sigmoid, 直肠 rectum



胃癌 gastric cancer
根治性胃切除术 radical gastrectomy

十二指肠 duodeni-
十二指肠肿瘤 duodenal tumor
切除术 resection

全部 pan-
胰腺癌 pancreatic carcinoma

胰岛素瘤 insulinoma
胰岛素瘤切除术 excision of insulinoma

胰腺假囊肿 pancreatic pseudocyst
切除术 resection

脾大/脾亢 splenomegaly/hypersplenism
脾切除术 splenectomy

躯干 lapara-
小肠癌 intestinal cancer
剖腹检查 exploratory laparotomy

结肠 colon
结肠/直肠癌 colon/rectal cancer
经腹切除 anterior resection

结肠/直肠癌 colon/rectal cancer
经腹会阴联合切除 abdominal-perineal resection

切除术 ectomy
乙状结肠癌 sigmoid cancer
乙状结肠切除术 sigmoidectomy

结肠癌 colon cancer
结肠癌根治术 radical colectomy, hemi-colectomy

周围 peri-
腹膜后肿物 retroperitoneal tumor

躯干 lapara-
腹水 ascites
腹腔镜探查术 diagnostic laparoscopy

疝气 hernia
切口疝 incisional hernia
修补术 repair

PPH术 procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids

疝气 hernia
腹股沟疝(斜/直)inguinal hernia, indirect/ direct
疝修补术 herniorrhaphy

附属 append-
阑尾炎 appendicitis
阑尾切除术 appendectomy


首页,摘要表 Frontsheet, Summarysheet

病历表 Historysheet

身体检查表 Physicalexamination sheet

医嘱单 Physician'sorder sheet

医生用病情进展记录 Physician'sprogress note

检验报告 Laboratoryreports

X光检查报告 Radiographicreports

护理记录 Nursingnotes

图式病历 Graphicchart

出院摘要 Dischargesummary sheet

手术报告 Operationreport

麻醉记录 Anesthesiarecord

会诊单 Consultationsheet

摄取与排泄记录 Intakeand output sheet

手术同意书 Consent(or permission) for operation

急诊室记录 Emergencyroom record

身家调查事项 (identifying data or biographic data)

住院日期 admissiondate

病历号码 hospitalnumber = chart number

病房号码 roomnumber

姓名 name

性别 sex

年龄 age

出生日期 birthdate 

出生地点 birthplace 

婚姻状况 maritalstatus = civil status 

家庭住址 address

职业 occupation

胸痛 chest pain

心前部痛 precordialpain

心绞痛 anginalpain

胸股下後痛 substernal (retrosternal) pain

胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain

腹痛 abdominal pain, belly(stomach) ache

上腹痛 epigastric pain, pain in the epigastrium

上腹部痛 upperabdominal pain

下腹部痛 lowerabdominal pain

左上腹部痛 leftupper quadrant pain

侧腹部痛 flankpain



伤口护理 wound management
伤口 wound
伤口的性质 Nature of Wound Bed
1、 健康肉芽形成 healthygranulation
2、 上皮形成 epithelialisation
3、 腐肉 slough
4、 黑色或棕色坏死组织 black/brownnecrotic tissue
5、 其他(具体说明) specify
渗出液 Exuedate
1、容量 volume  
  • 较少 slight

  • 中等 moderate

  • 大量 large

2、性质 type   
  • 血清的 serous

  • 血污的 blood stained

  • 脓性的 purulent

3、气味 odour   
  • 没有 none

  • 温和的 mild

  • 刺激的 offensive

伤口周边 Wound Margin
1、 颜色 colour
2、 水肿的 oedematous
伤口深度 Wound Depth

红斑 Eryghema
1、 呈现 present
2、 离伤口的最远距离 max, distance from wound
周围皮肤的性质 General Condition of Surrounding Skin
1、 干燥 dry
2、 湿疹 eczema
疼痛程度 Pain
1、 没有 0 none, 温和 1 mild, 中等 2 moderate, 严重 3 severe
2、 间歇的 intermittent, 恒定不变的 constant, 换药时 at dressingchange
感染 Infection
1、 疑似 suspected
2、 伤口拭子送检 woundswab sent
3、 确诊病菌感染 confirmed


horse, 母马 mare, 马驹 coltfoal, 矮马 pony
纯种马 thoroughbred, 野马 mustang, 骡子 Mule, 驴 ass, donkey
ox, 水牛 buffalo, 公牛 bull,母牛 cow, 牛犊 calf
小阉牛 bullock, steer, 小母牛 heifer, 牦牛 yak
pig, swine, 种猪 boar, 阉猪/肥猪 hog
小母猪 gilt, 猪崽 piglet
绵羊 sheep, 母羊 ewe, 山羊 goa,羊羔 lamb
羚羊 antilope, 小羚羊 gazelle
鹿 deer, 驯鹿 raeideer, 长颈鹿 giraffe
cat, 雌猫 tabby, she-cat, grimalkin, 雄猫 tomcat
小猫 kitten
骆驼 camel, 单峰驼 dromedary, 大羊驼 llama, 羊驼 alpaca, 原驼 guanaco, 小羊驼 vicuna
南美栗鼠 chinchilla, 豚鼠 guinea pig, 鼹鼠 mole, 田鼠 vole, 黑猩猩 chimpanzee, 大猩猩 gorilla, 猩猩 orangutan, 长臂猿 gibbon, 懒猴 sloth


犀牛 rhinoceros

河马 hippopotamus

斑马 zebra

黄鼠狼 weasal

水獭 otter

松鼠 squirrel

河狸 beaver

土拨鼠 marmot

雪貂 ferret

野兔 hare


最后编辑于:2024/2/16 拔丝英语网



