1地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic
工程地质条件 engineeringgeological conditions
地形地貌条件 geographicand geomorphic conditions
地形 land form
地貌 geomorphology, relief
微地貌 microrelief
地貌单元 landformunit, geomorphic unit
坡度 grade
地形图 relief map
河谷 river valley
河道 river course
河床 river bed(channel)
冲沟 gully, gulley, erosiongully,stream(brook)
河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat)
阶地 terrace
冲积平原 alluvialplain
三角洲 delta
古河道 fossil river course, fossilstreamchannel
冲积扇 alluvial fan
洪积扇 diluvial fan
坡积裙 talus apron
分水岭 divide
盆地 basin
岩溶地貌 karstland feature, karst landform
溶洞 solution cave, karst cave
落水洞 sinkhole
土洞 Karstic earth cave
地层 geostrome (stratum, strata)
岩性 lithologic character, rockproperty
岩体 rock mass
岩层 bed stratum
岩层 layer, rock stratum
母岩 matrix, parent rock
相变 facies change
硬质岩 strong rock, film
软质岩 weak rock
硬质的 competent
软质的 incompetent
基岩 bedrock
岩组 petrofabric
覆盖层 overburden
交错层理 crossbedding
层面 bedding plane
片理 schistosity
层理 bedding
板理(叶理) foliation
波痕 ripple-mark
泥痕 mud crack
雨痕 raindrop imprints
造岩矿物 rock-formingminerals
粘土矿物 claymineral
高岭土 kaolinite
蒙脱石 montmorillonite
伊利石 illite
云母 mica
白云母 muscovite
黑云母 biotite
石英 quartz
长石 feldspar
正长石 orthoclase
斜长石 plagioclase
辉石 pyroxene, picrite
角闪石 hornblende
方解石 calcite
构造 structure
结构 texture
组构 fabric(tissue)
矿物组成 mineralcomposition
结晶质 crystalline
非晶质 amorphous
产状 attitude
火成岩 igneous
岩浆岩 magmatic rock
火山 volcano
侵入岩 intrusive(invade) rock
喷出岩 effusive rock
深成岩 plutonic rock
浅成岩 pypabysal rock
酸性岩 acid rock
中性岩 inter-mediate rock
基性岩 basic rock
超基性岩 ultrabasicrock
岩基 rock base (batholith)
岩脉(墙) dike
岩株 rock stock
岩流 rock flow
岩盖 rock laccolith (laccolite)
岩盆 rock lopolith
岩墙 rock dike
岩床 rock sill
岩脉 vein dyke
花岗岩 granite
斑岩 porphyry
玢岩 porphyrite
流纹岩 rhyolite
正长岩 syenite
粗面岩 trachyte
闪长岩 diorite
安山岩 andesite
辉长岩 gabbro
玄武岩 basalt
细晶岩 aplite
伟晶岩 pegmatite
煌斑岩 lamprophyre
辉绿岩 diabase
橄榄岩 dunite
黑曜岩 obsidian
浮岩 pumice
火山角砾岩 vulcanicbreccia
火山集块岩 volcanicagglomerate
凝灰岩 tuff
沉积岩 sedimentary rock
碎屑岩 clastic rock
粘土岩 clay rock
粉砂质粘土岩 siltyclaystone
化学岩 chemical rock
生物岩 biolith
砾岩 conglomerate
角砾岩 breccia
砂岩 sandstone
石英砂岩 quartzsandstone
粉砂岩 siltstone
钙质粉砂岩 calcareoussiltstone
泥岩 mudstone
页岩 shale
盐岩 saline
石灰岩 limestone
白云岩 dolomite
泥灰岩 marl
泥钙岩 argillo-calcareous
泥砂岩 argillo-arenaceous
砂质 arenaceous
泥质 argillaceous
硅质的 siliceous
有机质 organic matter
粗粒 coarse grain
中粒 medium-grained
沉积物 sediment (deposit)
漂石、顽石 boulder
卵石 cobble
砾石 gravel
砂 sand
粉土 silt
粘土 clay
粘粒 clay grain
砂质粘土 sandyclay
粘质砂土 clayeysand
壤土、亚粘土 loam
砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土 sandy loam
浮土、表土 regolith(topsoil)
黄土 loess
红土 laterite
泥灰 peat
软泥 ooze
淤泥 mire, oozed mud, sludge,warp clay
冲积物(层) alluvion
冲积的 alluvial
洪积物(层) proluvium,diluvium, diluvion
洪积的 diluvial
坡积物(层) deluvium
残积物(层) eluvium
残积的 eluvial
风积物(层) eoliandeposits
湖积物(层) lakedeposits
海积物(层) marinedeposits
崩积物(层) colluvialdeposits,colluvium
残积粘土 residualclay
变质岩 metamorphic rock
板岩 slate
千枚岩 phyllite
片岩 schist
片麻岩 gneiss
石英岩 quartzite
大理岩 marble
糜棱岩 mylonite
混合岩 migmatite
碎裂岩 cataclasite
地质构造 geologicstructure
结构构造 structuraltexture
大地构造 geotectonic
构造运动 tectogenesis
造山运动 orogeny
升降运动 verticalmovement
水平运动 horizontalmovement
完整性 perfection(integrity)
起伏度 waviness
尺寸效应 sizeeffect
围压效应 confiningpressure effect
产状要素 elementsofattitude
产状 attitude, orientation
走向 strike
倾向 dip
倾角 dip angle, angle of dip
褶皱 fold
褶曲 fold
单斜 monocline
向斜 syncline
背斜 anticline
穹隆 dome
挤压 squeeze
上盘 upper section
下盘 bottom wall, footwall,lower wall
断距 separation
相交 intersect
断层 fault
正断层 normal fault
逆断层 reversed fault
平移断层 parallelfault
层理 bedding, stratification
微层理 light stratification
地堑 graben
地垒 horst, fault ridge
断层泥 gouge, pug, selvage, faultgouge
擦痕 stria, striation
断裂 fracture
破碎带 fracture zone
节理 joint
节理组 joint set
裂隙 fissure, crack
微裂隙 fine fissure, microscopicfissure
劈理 cleavage
原生裂隙 originaljoint
次生裂隙 epigeneticjoint
张裂隙 tension joint
剪裂隙 shear joint
卸荷裂隙 reliefcrack
裂隙率 fracture porosity
结构类型 structuralpattern
岩体结构 rockmass structure
岩块 block mass
结构体 structural element
块度 blockness
结构面 structural plane
软弱结构面 weakplane
临空面 free face
碎裂结构 cataclastictexture
板状结构 platystructure
薄板状 lamellose
块状的 lumpy, massive
层状的 laminated
巨厚层 giant thick-laminated
薄层状的 finelylaminated
软弱夹层 weakintercalated layer
夹层 inter bedding,
intercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layer
夹泥层 clayey intercalation
夹泥 inter-clay
连通性 connectivity
切层 insequent
影响带 affecting zone
完整性 integrity n.
Integrate v. &a.
degree ofintegrality
破碎 crumble
胶结 cement
泥化 argillization
尖灭 taper-out
错动 diastrophism
错动层面 faultedbedding plane
断续的 intermittent
破碎 crumble
共轭节理 conjugatedjoint
散状 loose
透镜状的 lens-shapeda.
岩石碎片 crag
岩屑 cuttings, debris
薄膜 membrane, film
层理 stratification
高角度 high dip angle
缓倾角 low dip angle
反倾 anti-dip
互层 interbed v.
Interbedding n.
起伏的 unplanar
波状起伏的 undulate,undulating
粒径 particle size
构造层 tectonosphere
挤压 compression
均一的 homogeneous
剪切错动面 shearfaulted, bedding zone
切割 dissection
切割的 dissected
致密 close, compact
构造岩 tectonite
糜棱岩 mylonite
断层角砾岩 faultbreccia
方解石脉 calcitevein
碎块岩 clastic rock
角砾 breccia
岩粉 rock powder
岩屑 debris, debry
固结 consolidation
定向排列 orientedspread
构造应力 tectonicstress
残余应力 residualstress
4水文地质条件 hydrogeological conditions
水文循环 hydrologiccycle
大气圈 atmosphere
水圈 hydrosphere
岩石圈 geosphere
地表径流 surfacerunoff
地下径流 subsurfacerunoff
流域 valley, drainage basin
流域面积 drainagearea, river basin area
汇水面积 catchmentarea
地下水 ground water, subsurfacewater
地表水 surface water
大气水 atmospheric water
气态水 aqueous (vapour) water
液态水 liquid water
固态水 solid water
上层滞水 perchedwater
潜水 phreatic water
承压水 confined water
吸着水 hygroscopic (adsorptive)water
介质 medium
空隙 void
孔隙水压力 porewater pressure
渗透压力 osmoticpressure, seepage force
扬压力 uplift pressure
静水压力 hydrostaticpressure
外静水压力 externalhydrostatic pressure
动水压力 hydrodynamicpressure
渗透力 seepage pressure
外水压力 externalwater pressure
内水压力 internalwater pressure
水力联系 hydraulicinterrelation
水力折减系数 hydraulicreduction coefficient
水头损失 waterhead loss
渗透途径 filtrationpath, seepage path
渗透系数 penetrationcoefficient
潜水位 water table level
水位 water level, stage level
水头 water head
含水层 aquifer
弱含水层(弱透水层) aquitard
滞水层 aquiclude
透水层 permeable layer, perviouslayer
不透水层(隔水层) aquifuge,impervious layer,
impermeable layer,aquiclude
潜水含水层 phreaticaquifer
承压含水层 confinedaquifer, artesian aquifer
承压面 bearing surface
潜水面 phreatic surface, watertable
浸润线 phreatic curve
不透水边界 imperviousboundary
地下分水岭 groundwaterridge
粘滞性 viscosity
富水性 abundance
反滤层 inverted gravel filter
水锈 incrustation
渗滴 seep
饱和 saturation, saturated
潜水位变化带 zoneof variable phreatic level
气象因素 meteorologicalfactor
饱水带 zone of saturation
包气带 aerationzone, zone of aeration
包气带水 aerationzone water
上层滞水 perchedwater
孔隙水 pore water
裂隙水 fissure water
岩溶水 karstic water
结合水 bound water, combined water
吸着水 hydroscopic water
薄膜水 pellicular water
毛细水 capillary water
重力水 gravitational water
凝结水 condensation water
地下水埋藏条件condition ofgroundwater occurrence
地下水埋藏深度 depthof groundwater occurrence
压水试验 packerpermeability test
抽水试验 pumpingtest
物理力学 physicalmechanics n.
屈服准则 yieldcriteria
米赛斯屈服准则 VonMises yield criteria
朗肯土压力理论 Ranking’searth pressure theory
剑桥模型 Cambridgemodel, Cam-model
邓肯-张模型 Duncan-changmodel
本构方程 constitutiveequation
局部剪切破坏 localshear failure
整体剪切破坏 generalshear failure
岩体完整性指数intactnessindex of rock mass
安全系数 factorof safety
埋深 embedment depth
试件 coupons
挠度 deflection
里氏震级 Richterscale
设计烈度 designintensity
基本烈度 basicintensity
场地烈度 siteintensity
地震烈度 seismicintensity, intensity scale
卓越周期 predominantperiod
持力层 sustained yield
超载 surcharge
围岩压力 surroundingrock stress
附加压力 superimposedstress
应力松弛 stressrelaxation
应力路迳 stresspath
卸荷 unload
渗透率 specific permeability
饱和度 degree of saturation
含水量 moisture content
平均粒径 meandiameter
颗粒 grain, granule, particle
颗粒级配 distributionof grain-size,
grain composition,size distribution
级配 graduation,
grain-sizedistribution, gradation, grading
粒度 coarseness grainsize,granularity, lump
不均匀系数 coefficientof non-uniformity,
variationcoefficient, variation factor
颗粒分级 gradation,size grading
孔隙水 pore water
孔隙比 void ratio (ration)
空隙率 air voids
孔隙率 porosity
裂隙率 crackity
溶隙率 karstity
密度 density
重度 unit weight, bulk weight
浮重度 buoyant unit weight
折减系数 reductionfactor
压力消散 dissipationof pressure
抗力系数 coefficientof resistance
软化系数 softeningcoefficient
含水量 water content
稠度 consistency
塑限 plastic limit
液限 liquid limit
塑性指数 plasticityindex
液性指数 liquidityindex
流变 rheological
蠕变 creep
塑性 plastic
脆性 brittleness(fragility)
粘性 stickness
刚性 rigidity
弹性的 elastic
粘弹性 viso-elasticity
弹塑性 elasto-plasticity
压缩性 compressibility
均质性 homogeneity
非均质性 nonhomogeneity(heterogeneity)
各向同性 isotropy
各向异性 anisotropy
总应力 total stress
有效应力 effectivestress
超孔隙水压力 excesspore pressure
孔隙水压力 porewater pressure
抗压强度 compressivestrength
抗拉强度 tensilestrength
抗剪强度 shearstrength
不排水抗剪强度undrainedshear strenght
峰值抗剪强度 peakshare strength
长期抗剪强度 long-termshear strength
残余抗剪强度 residualshear strength
负摩擦力 negativeskin friction, dragdown
摩擦角 angle of friction
内摩擦角 angleof internal friction
外摩擦角 angleof external friction
内聚力 cohesion
粘聚力 cohesion
假凝聚力 pseudo-cohesion
粘着力 adhesion
摩尔圆 Mohr’s circle
包络线 envelope
休止角 angle of repose,
angle offriction(repose, rest), repose angle
峰值 peak
模量 modulus
弹性模量 modulusof elasticity,
Young’s modulus,elastic modulus
压缩模量 modulusof compressibility
变形模量 modulusof deformation
卸荷模量 unloadingmodulus
切线模量 tangentmodulus
剪切模量 shearmodulus
割线模量 secantmodulus
旁压模量 pressurmetermodulus
泊松比 poisson’s ration
固结 consolidation
固结系数 coefficientof consolidation
固结度 degree of consolidation
超固结比 overconsolidation ration
应变 strain
压缩比 compressibility ratio
压缩系数 coefficientof compressibility
压缩指数 compressionindex
初始曲线 virgincurve
正常固结土 normallyconsolidated soil
欠固结土 under-consolidatedsoil
超固结土 over-consolidatedsoil
被动土压力 passiveearth pressure
主动土压力 activeearth pressure
静止土压力 earthpressure at rest
覆盖压力 overburdenpressure
初始应力 initialstress
地应力场 ground(geostatic)stress field
有效应力 effectivestress
动应力 dynamic stress
动荷载 dynamic load
偏心荷载 eccentricloads
循环荷载 inclinedloads
地应力 ground stress, geostaticstress
初始应力 initialstress
应力场 stress field
纵波 longitudinal wave
液化势 liquefaction potential
液化指数 liquefactionindex
交角 angular
岩石抗力系数 coefficientof rockresistance
容许承载力 allowablebearing capacity
临塑压力 criticalpressure
接触压力 contactpressure
工程地质问题 engineeringgeological problem
定性评价 qualitativeestimate
定量评价 quantitativeestimate
极限平衡法 limitequilibrium method
不良地质现象 unfavorablegeologicalcondition
风化 weathering
变形 deformation
位移 displacement
不均匀位移 differentialmovement
相对位移 relativedisplacement
沉陷 settlement
山崩 avalanche, toppling
崩塌 toppling, toppling collapse
滑坡、地滑 creep,slide
切层滑坡 insequentlandslide
深层滑坡 deepslide
浅层滑坡 shallowslide
顺层滑坡 consequentlandslide
sliding surface,sliding plane, slip surface
滑动带 sliding zone
滑床 slide bed
滑坡体 slide(sliding) mass
古滑坡 fossil landslide
推移式滑坡 slumpingslide
牵引式滑坡 retrogressiveslide
管涌 piping, internalerosion
渗漏 leakage
流砂 quicksand
渗流 seepage
液化 liquefaction
7工程勘察 engineering investigation
工程地质勘察 engineeringgeologyinvestigation
岩土工程勘察 geotechnicalinvestigation
工程地质条件 engineeringgeologicalcondition
工程地质评价 engineeringgeologicalevaluation
勘测 survey
岩芯采取率 corerecovery, core extraction
RQD(岩石质量指标) rock quality designation
程序(步骤) procedure
勘察阶段 investigationalstage
选点踏勘 reconnaissance
初步设计 primarydesign
初步规划 preliminaryscheme
初步勘探 preliminaryprospecting
初步踏勘 groundreconnaissance
可行性研究阶段 feasibilitystage
初步设计阶段 preliminarystage
施工阶段 constructionsage
踏勘 reconnaissance, inspection
地质测绘 geologicalsurvey
工程地质测绘 engineeringgeologicalmapping
钻探 borehole operation, boring
物探 geophysical exploration
洞探 exploratory adits
钎探 rod sounding
坑探 exploring mining
槽探 trenching
natural materialssurveying (examination)
岩土工程勘察报告 geotechnicalinvestigationreport
鉴定 identification, appraisal
鉴定书 expertise report
鉴定人 identifier, surveyor
校核 verification
总监 chief inspector
比例 proportion
地形图 geographic map
地貌图 geomorphological map
地质图 geological map
工程地质图 engineeringgeological map
field-acquiredgeological profile(section)
构造地质图 geologicalstructure map
第四纪地质图 quarternarygeological map
地质详图 detailmap of geology
地质柱状图 geologiccolumnar section, geologic log
钻孔柱状图 logsof bore hole
纵剖面图 longitudinal section
横剖面图 crosssection
展示图 reveal detail map
节理玫瑰图 roseof joints
基岩等高线 bedrock contour
层底等高线 contourof stratum bottom
岩层界线 strataboundary
岩面高程 elevationof bed rock surface
坐标 coordinate
分层 bed separation
地质点 geological observationpoint
勘探点 exploratory point (spot)
勘探线 exploratory line
勘探孔 exploration hole
平洞 adit
竖井 riser, shaft, verticalshaft
探槽 exploratory trench
探井 exploratory pit
钻孔 borehole, drill hole
机钻孔 ordinary drill hole
套钻孔 sleeve drill hole
管钻孔 pipe drill hole
岩芯 core
岩芯钻探 coredrilling
冲击钻探 churndrilling, percussiondrilling
钢砂钻探 shot drilling
铁砂钻进 ironshot drilling
跟管钻进 follow-downdrilling
振动钻进 vibro-boring,vibro-drilling
泥浆钻探 mudflush drilling
金刚石钻进 diamonddrilling
单动式 single acting
双层 double layer
空气钻探 airflush drilling
钻机 drilling rig
钻头 drill bit, drilling bit
螺旋钻头 auger
勺钻 spoon bit
冲击钻头 percussionbit, chopping bit
桶式钻头 bucketauger
钻杆 drill rod
套管 casing
岩芯管 core barrel
冲洗掖 flush fluid
正循环冲洗 directcirculation
反循环冲洗 reversecirculation
泥浆 mud, slurry
泥皮 mud cake
护壁 dado
止水 seal, water seal
扫孔 cleaning bottom of hole
钻进 drilling
平硐 adit
竖井 shaft
钻探 drilling boring
击实试验 compactiontest
压缩试验 compressiontest
固结试验 consolidationtest
单轴试验 uniaxialcompression test
现场剪切试验 in-situshear test
单剪试验 simpleshear test
直剪试验 directshear test
慢剪试验 slowtest
单剪试验 simpleshear test
快剪试验 quicktest
三轴剪切试验 triaxialshear test
三轴压缩试验 triaxialcompression test
动三轴试验 dynamictriaxial test
unconsolidated undrained test(quick test)
consolidated undrained test(consolidated quicktest)
固结排水试验 consolidateddrained test(slowtest)
原位测试 in-situtest
现场监测 on-site(in-site)monitoring
现场检测 on-site(in-site) inspection
观测孔 observation borehole
静力触探试验 conepenetration test,
static penetration test, static cone test
标贯试验 standardpenetration test
十字板剪切试验 vaneshear test, vane test
检层法 up-hole method, boreholemethod
旁压试验 pressuremetertest
dynamicpenetration test, dynamic sounding
点荷载试验 pointload test
岩石试验 rocktest
应力解除法 stressrelief method
应力恢复法 stressrecovery method
套孔法 over-coring method
掌子面 breast, driving face,
heading face,tunnel face
顶拱 vault
底拱 invert
洞室开挖 excavation
超挖 overbreak
风钻 pneumatic drill
塌落 slump
细骨料混凝土 concretemade with fineaggregate
细骨料 fine aggregate, fineadjustment
料场 stock ground
土料 earth material
矿渣 cinder, mineral waterresidue, scoria, slag
性能 function, performance,property, nature
凝结 coagulate, congeal,congealment, coagulation
合格 qualified, on test, uptostandard
初凝 initial set
初凝时间 initialsettingtime
终凝 final set
配合比 mix proportion
塌落度 slump
水化热 heat of hydration,
hydration heat,setting heat
水灰比 water-cement ratio
粉煤灰 fly ash
梅花状 quincuncial pattern
喷射 shotcrete
浇注 pouring
钢筋网 coiremesh
加固 reinforce
锚杆 anchored bar, rock bolt
锚索 anchored cable
锚紧端 anchor station
锚桩 anchored peg
采石场 rock quarry
开挖 excavation
清基 cleanup foundation
明挖 open-cut
爆破 explosion
光面爆破 smoothblasting
预裂法 presplitting
10 水工概论
坝址 toe of dam
坝踵 heel
坝段 monolith
坝顶 crest
坝肩 shoulders
左坝肩 left dam abutment
副坝 saddle dam
三坝址 the third dam site
标高 height mark
上游水位 headwater
正常库水位 normalreservoir level
地下洞室 undergroundopening (tunnel)
压力隧洞 pressuretunnel
无压隧洞 gravitytunnel
交通洞 access tunnel
灌浆洞 grouting tunnel
明流洞 free-flow tunnel
孔板洞 orifice tunnel
排砂洞 sediment tunnel
尾水洞 tailrace tunnel
排水洞 drainage tunnel
导流洞 diversion tunnel
隧道 tunnel
围岩 surrounding rock, ambientrock
围岩应力 secondarystress static
应力集中 stressconcentrate
覆盖层 over burden
冒顶 cave in, roof fall
底鼓 bottom heave
回弹 rebound
岩爆 rock burst
冻结法 freezing method
超载 over break
衬砌 lining
围堰 cofferdam
堤 dike
近坝岸坡 abutments
施工(收缩)缝 constructionjoint
心墙 core
截水墙 cutoff wall
防渗墙 diaphragm wall
排水井 drainage wells
排水幕 drainage curtain
减压井 relief wells
反滤层 filter zone
灌浆材料 grout
水力劈裂 hydraulicfracturing
帷幔线 curtain line
上游围堰 upstreamcofferdam
混凝土防渗墙 concretecutoff wall
截流 interim completion
导水墙 channel training wall
正常溢洪道渠首工程 servicespillway headwork
消力塘 lined plunge pool
隔墙 divider walls
混凝土护坦 concreteapron
副厂房 auxiliary power house
闸门室 gate chamber
中闸室 mid gate chamber
开关站 switch yard
电梯井 elevator shaft
尾水渠 tail race
非常溢洪道 emergencyspillway
江阴大桥 JiangyinBridge
悬索桥 suspension bridge
锚碇 anchorage
重力式嵌岩锚 gravitysocketed anchorage
front(back) surface of northern anchorage
塔墩 tower
墩 pier
散索鞍 splay saddle
猫道 footbridge
主缆 main cable
索股 cable strand
主鞍 main saddle, tower saddle
主跨 main span
边跨 side span
引桥 approach
钢箱梁 steel box main girder
埋深 embedment depth
北塔墩基础 northtower base
基础 foundation, footing
浅基础 shallowfoundation
深基础 deepfoundation
联合基础 combinedfooting
筏形基础 raft(mat)foundation
钢模 steel form
桩 pile
基桩 foundationpile
群桩 pile groups
桩基础 pile foundation
桩承台 pile cap
高桩承台 high-risepile cap
低桩承台 buriedpile cap
摩擦桩 friction pile
端承桩 end bearing pile
嵌岩桩 socketed pile
板桩 sheet pile
旋喷桩 jet-grouted pile
灌注桩 cast-in-place pile
沉管灌注桩 drivencast-in-place pile
支护桩 soldier piles, tangentpiles
刚性桩 rigid pile
柔性桩 flexible pile
侧向受荷桩 laterallyloaded pile
轴向受荷桩 axiallyloaded pile
预制桩 precastconcrete pile
振动打桩 vibratorypile driving
振动钻进 vibratorydrilling
沉箱 caisson
沉井(沉箱) (open)caisson
地下连续墙 diaphragmwall, slurry wall
支撑 bracing
超载 surcharge
接触应力 contactpressure
井点降水 well-pointdewatering
桩极限承载力 ultimatebearing capacity ofpile
承载力 bearing capacity
阻力 resistance
桩端阻力 endresistance
表面摩擦力 skinfriction
粘着系数 adhesionfactor
负摩擦力 negativeskin friction
安全系数 factorof safety
压缩层 compressed layer
附加应力 additionalstress, superimposed stress
持力层 bearing layer, sustaininglayer
地基土 foundation soil, subsoil
临塑压力 criticalpressure
剪切破坏 shearfailure
地基失效 foundationfailure
冲剪破坏 punchingfailure
渐进破坏 progressivefailure
容许荷载 allowableload
极限承载力 ultimatebearing capacity
沉降 settlement
沉降差 differential settlement
尾部倾斜 angulardistortion
倾斜 tilting
坑底隆起 bottomheave
静止土压力 earthpressure at rest
稳定数 stability number
路堤 embankment
地基处理 groundtreatment soil improvement
垫层 cushion
加固 stabilization
注浆 injection
灌浆 guniting
帷幕 curtain
挡土墙 retaining wall
锚固 anchoring
喷浆 guniting
锚杆 earth anchor
盲沟 French drain
振冲法 vibro jet
观测孔 observation bore/hole
仪器观测 instrumentation
读数装置 readoutdevice
传感器 transducer
探头 probe
压力盒 pressure cell
振弦式应变计 vibratingwire strain gauge
伸长计、变位计 extensionmeter
板式沉降仪 foundationbase/pate
测斜仪 inclinometer
测压计,渗压计 piezometer
垂线 plumb
垂直度 plumbness
可靠性检查 reliabilitychecking
监控模型 monitoringand prediction model
监测 monitoring
资料 datum, data
可靠性 reliability
稳定性 stability
安全 safety
评估 evaluation, appraise
评定 assessment, assess, rate
评价准则 criterion
灾害 hazard, calamity
确定性方法论 Deterministicmethodology
应急行动计划 EAP(emergencyaction plan)
事故 accident
紧急状态 emergency
紧急检查 emergencyinspection
灾情等级 hazardclassification
灾害评价 hazardevaluation
风险评估 riskassessment