1. How can I get to…
2. Where is the nearest…
3. What’s the best way to…
4. Is this the right way for…
5. Is there … near here?
6. Do you know how I can find …
7. Which direction is …
1. toilet / restroom (洗手间)
2. supermarket (超市)
3. restaurant (餐厅)
4. café (咖啡馆)
5. shopping mall (商场)
6. information counter (服务台)
7. police station (警察局)
8. hospital (医院)
9. cinema (电影院)
10. airport (机场)
11. railway station (火车站)
12. bus stop (公交车站)
13. ticket office (售票处)
14. museum (博物馆)
15. store / shop (商店)
↖Northwest↖ 北西 |
↑North↑ 北 |
↗Northeast↗ 北东 |
←West← 西 |
(Center) 中 |
→East→ 东 |
↙Southwest↙ 南西 |
↓South↓ 南 |
↘Southeast↘ 南东 |
↖Left front↖ 左前 |
↑forward↑ 前 |
↗Right front↗ 右前 |
←Left← 西 |
(Center) 中 |
→Right→ 右 |
↙Left rear↙ 左后 |
↓backward↓ 后 |
↘Right rear↘ 右后 |
1. 直走:go straight / forward
2. 回头:turn back / go backward
3. 左转:turn left
4. 右转:turn right
5. 上楼:go upstairs
6. 下楼:go downstairs
7. 过马路:cross the street / road
8. 第一个路口左转:take the first on the left
9. 第二个路口右转:take the second on the right
10. 丁字路口左转:turn left at the T-junction
11. 十字路口右转:turn right at the crossroads
12. 过桥:go over the bridge
13. 过河:go across the river
14. 经过:go past
15. 沿着路走下去:follow the road down
16. 一直走:keep walking / driving
1. 附近:near
2. 隔壁:next to
3. 靠着:beside
4. 周围:around
5. 两个地点之间:between
6. 尽头:at the end of
7. 在背面:at the back of / behind
8. 在前面:in front of / before
9. 在上面:above / over
10. 在下面:below / under
11. 在对面:opposite
The cinema is next to the shopping mall, you need to take the second on the left and keep walking for 500 meters.
The hospital is in front of the police station, you can turn right at the T-junction and go east for several minutes.
Follow the road down and go over the bridge, you will see the railway station.
Go this way about 5 minutes. When you come to a lane, turn right.
Just follow this street two blocks.
Take the No 5 bus here, and get off at the next stop.
Go down this street, and turn to the left at the first crossing.
It's about five minutes' walk.
Go down the road and you'll come to a bus stop.
You can't miss it. 你不会错过的。
You are sure to get there. 你肯定会找到的。
You can't go wrong! 你不会走错的!
You will run into it! 你会碰到的。
最后,别忘了说一句,good luck! have a good day!
来源 | 知英语
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