《看、听、学》系列教材是由《新概念英语》作者、世界著名英语教学专家L.G Alexander编写,专供非英语国家中、小学生学习英语使用。此教材自引进出版后,历经数十年,长盛不衰,深受广大中、小学生的喜爱,已经成为一套广受好评的经典英语教材。
Tramp: Good afternoon, Mrs. Have you got any old clothes?
Mother: Just a minute please.
Mother: Jim! There's a tramp at the door. He wants some old clothes.
Father: You can give him my old jacket.
Mother: Here you are. You can have this old jacket.
Tramp: Thank you, Mrs. That's very kind of you.
Father: Which jacket did you give him, Betty?
Mother: The jacket which was in the wardrobe. The brown one.
Mother: Yes. What's the matter, Jim?
Father: You've given him my best jacket!
Father: This is my old jacket. This is the jacket that you should have given him!
爸爸: 这才是我的那件旧外套呢! 你应该给他这件。