



人教版新起点英语五年级上册:《Unit 1》课文单词

clever  [ˈklevə(r)]    聪明的
careless  [ˈkeələs]  粗心的
polite  [pəˈlaɪt]   有礼貌的
quiet   [ˈkwaɪət]  安静的
cute  [kjuːt]  漂亮的,可爱的
friendly  [ˈfrendli]    友好的
helpful   [ˈhelpfl]   肯帮忙的
active   [ˈæktɪv]   活跃的
popular  [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]   受欢迎的
talk   [tɔːk]   说话
party  [ˈpɑːti]    聚会
all   [ɔːl]  全部
but  [bət , bʌt]  但是 
sometimes   [ˈsʌmtaɪmz]  有时
bark   [bɑːk]   吠,叫 
forget  [fəˈɡet]    忘记
with  [wɪð]    同......一起


人教版新起点英语五年级上册:《Unit 1》课文

Unit 1 Classmates 同学

Get ready. 做准备。

Who are Bill's new friends? 谁是比尔的新朋友?

Tom 汤姆

clever, careless 聪明、粗心

Helen 海伦

polite, quiet 有礼貌、安静

Mary 玛丽

cute, friendly, helpful 可爱、亲切、乐于助人

Peter 彼特

active, popular 活跃、受欢迎

Who's this? 这是谁?

That's Helen. 那是海伦。

She's polite and quiet. 她很有礼貌很安静。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and match. 听并匹配。

Look at these pictures. 看看这些图片。

These are my new friends. 这些是我的新朋友。

Who is she? 她是谁?

Her name is Helen. 她的名字是海伦。

She likes reading. 她喜欢读书。

She is polite and quiet. 她很有礼貌很安静。

Who is he? 他是谁?

He is Peter. 他是彼得。

He is very popular in our school. 他在我们学校很受欢迎。

He likes playing basketball. 他喜欢打篮球。

And he is very active in class and in our singing club, too. 他在我们班级和我们歌唱社很活跃。

That girl looks very friendly. 那个女孩非常亲切。

That's Mary. 那是玛丽。

Yes, she's always friendly and very helpful. 是的,她总是很亲切很乐于助人。

Her hobby is dancing. 她的爱好是跳舞。

Wow, that hobby is so cute. 哇,那个爱好好可爱。

That's Tom's jobs. 那是汤姆的工作。

Tom is clever and good at maths. 汤姆很聪明,擅长数学。

But sometimes he is careless and he forget to feed his dog. 但是有时他很粗心忘记给狗狗喂食。

Oh, the poor dog. 哦,可怜的狗狗。

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and answer.  看,听并回答。

(Tom is Bill's new friend. Bill takes Yaoyao to Tom's birthday party.) (汤姆是比尔的新朋友。比尔带瑶瑶去汤姆的生日派对。)

Yaoyao: Wow, there are so many model planes! 哇,有好多飞机模型!

Bill: Yeah. Tom likes making model planes. 耶。汤姆喜欢做飞机模型。

Yaoyao: What's Tom like? 汤姆喜欢什么?

Bill: He's clever and helpful. He's very popular,too. 他很聪明很乐于助人。他也很受欢迎。

We all like him. But sometimes he's careless. 我们都喜欢他。但是有时他很粗心。

Yaoyao: Oh, listen, a dog is barking. 哦,听,一条狗在叫。

Bill: It's Tom's pet dog, Coco. Tom often forgets to feed Coco. 是汤姆的宠物狗,可可。汤姆经常忘记喂可可。

Yaoyao: Ah ... 啊……

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read. 读一读。

1. First look at the pictures, and then read the text.先看看图片,然后阅读课文。

2.Write a title for the text.给课文概括标题

Tom has a new friend, Joe, from the USA. 汤姆有个新朋友,乔,来自美国。

Joe stays with Tom's family. 乔和汤姆一家在一起。

He goes to school with Tom every day. 他每天和汤姆一起去上学。

Joe is very active. 乔非常活跃。

He often answers questions in English class. 他经常在英语课上回答问题。

He plays football with his classmates every day. 他每天和同学一起踢足球。

Joe is clever. 乔很聪明。

He is good at science.他很擅长理科。

He also likes reading and thinking, so sometimes he is quiet.他还喜欢阅读和思考,所以他有时很安静。

Joe is polite and helpful, too. 乔很有礼貌也很乐于助人。

He often says "Hello" and "Thank you" to everyone in the family. 他经常对家里的每个人说你好和谢谢。

He helps Tom's father clean the car. 他帮助汤姆的爸爸擦车。

He helps Tom walk his dog, Coco. 他帮汤姆遛狗,叫可可。

He plays with Coco every day. Joe, Tom and Coco become good friends. 他每天喝可可一起玩。乔、汤姆和可可成为了好朋友。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

bl black blue

pl plane plate

cl class clever

gl gloves glasses

fl fly flag

sl slim sleep

B Listen, colour and repeat. 听,上色并重复。









C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

Ms Black is slim. 布莱克小姐很苗条。

She wears glasses. 她戴着眼镜。

Her gloves are blue. 她的手套是蓝色的。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

My little blue plane is flying in the sky. 我的小蓝飞机在天空中飞。

It flies very slowly, 它飞的非常慢。

But it climbs up high. 但是它飞的很高。

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

Charlie Chaplin 查理·卓别林

Charlie Chaplin was a very famous actor. 查理·卓别林是一个非常有名的演员。

He is still popular today. 他今天仍然很受欢迎。

Chaplin was famous for being "the Tramp", 卓别林凭《流浪者》成名,

a strange man with a little hat and very big shoes. 一个奇怪的男人戴着小帽子,穿着很大的鞋。

He walked like a duck. 他像鸭子一样走路。

He liked playing tricks on bad people, but he always helped poor people. 他喜欢耍坏人,但是他经常帮助穷困的人。

In 1954, when he was invited to eat Beijing duck, 1954年,他受邀去吃北京烤鸭,

Chaplin didn't want to eat it at first. 卓别林一开始不想吃它。

He said he walked like a duck, so ducks were his friends. 他说他走路像一只鸭子,所以鸭子是他的朋友。

But Beijing duck was so delicious that he ate a lot! 但是北京烤鸭太好吃了以至于他吃了很多!

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

Make new friends, 交新朋友,

But keep the old. 但是维持着老朋友。

Some are popular, and some are cute. 一些很受欢迎,一些很可爱。

Make new friends, 交新朋友,

But keep the old. 但是维持着老朋友。

Some are clever, and some are helpful. 一些很聪明,一些乐于助人。

Make new friends, 交新朋友,

But keep the old. 但是维持着老朋友。

Some are polite, and some are friendly. 一些很有礼貌,一些很亲切。

Make new friends, 交新朋友,

But keep the old. 但是维持着老朋友。

Some are quiet, and some are active. 一些很安静,一些很积极。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen, link and write. 听、连并写。

Andy has a new friend. 安迪有一个新朋友。

What's his name? 他叫什么名字?

What's he like? 他长什么样?

Hi, Joy. I have a new friend. 你好,乔伊。我有一个新朋友。

He is really nice. 他真的非常好。

What's his name? 他叫什么名字?

His name is Li Lei. 他的名字叫李雷。

What's he like? 他长什么样?

He is tall and very quiet. 他很高很安静。

He likes reading books, just like me. 他喜欢读书,就像我一样。

He is also active. He likes playing sports. 他很积极。他喜欢做运动。

He is good at playing ping-pong. 他很擅长打乒乓球。

I'd like to meet him. 我很高兴遇到他。

I love to play ping-pong, too. 我也喜欢打乒乓球。

OK, let's meet after school today. 好,让我们今天放学后见吧!

Great! 好!

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

I am at camp with my classmates and my teacher, Mr White. 我和同学还有怀特老师去野营。

My name is Phil. 我叫菲尔。

I am short and have red hair. 我很矮,红色头发。

Can you see me? 你能看到我吗?

Here I am in a boat with my friend, Jill. 我和朋友吉尔在船上。

She is teaching me how to fish. 她在教我怎么钓鱼。

She is very clever. 她很聪明。

We cook the fish from the lake. 我们烹饪了从湖里抓来的鱼。

Jack plays a trick-he puts a toy snake on Mary's chair. 杰克捉弄了人——他在玛丽的椅子上放了一条蛇。

We all laugh. 我们都笑了。

It's time for dinner. 到了吃晚饭的时候了。

We are eating the fish. 我们在吃鱼。

It is delicious. 很美味。

It is great to eat out here. 在外面这里吃东西很棒。

John is picking up all the rubbish from our dinner. 乔恩把我们吃饭剩的垃圾都收拾好了。 

Everyone likes Mary's singing and dancing. 每个人都喜欢玛丽唱歌跳舞。

She is good at singing and dancing. 她很擅长唱跳。

It's time to go to bed. 到了睡觉的时候了。

Tom can't find his glasses. 汤姆找不到他的眼镜。

Can you help him find them? 你能帮助他找到吗?

He often loses his glasses. 他经常丢眼镜。

Good night, Children! 晚安,孩子们!

Good night, Mr White. 晚安,怀特先生。

Thanks for great day! 谢谢美好的一天!

Unit 1 知识点梳理

张老师 & 方直科技

















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