

■Happy Valentine’s Day! 
Sweeter than chocolates, sweeter than wind, sweeter than just about everything …


          情人节必听英文歌曲《Right Here Waiting》

The origin of Valentines Day

    Valentine’s day is celebrated annually on February 14. On this day, people exchange greeting cards and presents in the name of love and St. Valentine, which is why it is also known as St.Valentine’s Day or the Feast of St. Valentine. 


    In the Christian tradition, there were several martyred saints with the name Valentine or Valentinus. According to legend, one of these Valentines was a priest who went against the orders of Roman Emperor Claudius II by conducting marriages between soldiers and their loved ones. These actions iltimately led to his execution.



   However, before being put to death, st. Valentine cured his jailer'S daughter from blindness and fell in love with her. His last communication with her was a letter signed“From your Valentine,” and this marked the very first Valentine greeting.



    To honor him, Pope Gelasius I made February 14 St. Valentine's Day in 496 AD.


…………………………………………………………  The association of romantic love with Valentine’s Day did not actually emerge until the Middle Ages when a poem by Englishman Geoffrey Chaucer linked February 14 with the start of the mating period for birds.

    瓦伦丁日与浪漫爱情的联系实际上是直到中世纪前才出现。一首由英国诗人Geoffrey Chaucer写的诗将二月十四日与鸟类交配期的开始连结在一起。


     During the next century, the celebration of Valentine's Day expanded to include gift-giving of items like flowers, chocolate and jewelry. These tokens of affection are exchanged not only between romantic partners but also between loved ones and friends.Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world, especially in Europe and North America.




Valentine's Day   情人节

Date     约会,  Bunch 花束, Rose 玫瑰

Candy  糖果,  Chocolate 巧克力,

Forget-Me-Not           勿忘我

Puppy Love/First Love 初恋

Cute Meet  浪漫的邂逅 ,Fall In Love 坠入爱河

Love At The First Sight    一见钟情

Propose 求婚,

Valentine Cards             情人节卡片

Candlelight Dinner         烛光晚餐

Heart-Shaped/Cordate 心形的

True love   真爱

Enamored  倾心的 [ɛˈnæmərd]

The Chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉,触电

Sweet Bitterness       甜蜜的痛苦

A Doomed Couple     天生一对

A Happy Ending       大团圆结局

Sweetheart  甜心 ,Lover 爱人

Cupid  爱神丘比特,Admirer 仰慕者

Romance  浪漫

Heartthrob 激情,柔情,万人迷

Courtship 求爱

Infatuation 醉心[ɪnˌfætʃuˈeɪʃn]


Fidelity 忠心[fɪˈdeləti]

Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恒

最后编辑于:2024/2/20 拔丝英语网



