有网友想知道 “sparkle、glitter、twinkle” 和 “radiate” 的区别。这四个词语都可以用在谈论 “光” 的语境中,它们也都可以用来形容人像散发出光芒一样流露、显示出某种情感。如果想表示 “光因反射而闪耀”,应该用这四个词中的哪个?如果想形容 “光亦强亦弱地闪烁”,应该选择哪个词最恰当?在用 “sparkle、glitter、twinkle” 和 “radiate” 形容一个人的心情、行为 “散发光芒” 时,它们各自的侧重点是什么?
先来对比 “sparkle” 和 “glitter” 。请先看例句:
As the talent-show dancers cavorted, jewellery sparkled and sequins glittered.
“Sparkle” 和 “glitter” 都可以作动词也可以作名词使用。在作动词使用的时候,它们两个的含义非常接近,都可以形容金属、珠宝首饰 “因反光而闪烁、闪耀”。比如,上面例句中说到的 “jewellery sparkled” 珠宝首饰光彩闪耀,“sequins glittered” 衣服上的亮片闪闪发光。再来看个例句,句子描述海上光芒被反射时的样子。海水在流动,波浪在阳光下闪烁。
The sea sparkled brightly in the Mediterranean Sun.
As the actress turned her head, her necklace sparkled.
原则上讲,能 “sparkle” 的事物也能 “glitter”,虽然 “sparkle” 和 “glitter” 可以互换使用,但相比之下,“sparkle” 更常用。
再来看看 “sparkle” 和 “glitter” 作名词时的用法。“Sparkle” 是不可数名词,可以表示 “一道闪烁的光芒”。而 “glitter” 作名词时指 “发光的碎屑”。比如,小朋友在制作艺术品的时候常用到的小亮片,还有化妆品中为提亮肤色的亮片。
After a colourful sparkle, the magician vanished to thundering applause.
The children coated their animal pictures in glue and covered them in glitter.
I really love the way you've used face paint and glitter here. It makes you look like a tiger.
由此可以看出 “sparkle” 和 “glitter”,它们的意思都与 “光芒的反射” 有关,可文章开头提到的 “twinkle” 和 “radiate” 则用于谈论 “光源产生的方式”。
In the freezing cold, the fire radiated a vital source of warmth for the poor lost campers.
这个例句的意思是:“在寒冷刺骨的天气里,大火为迷了路的可怜的露营者提供了重要的取暖之源。” “The fire radiated a vital source of warmth”—— 在这里,“radiate” 表示 “火散发出热量”。
作动词使用的时候 “radiate” 的意思包括 “光或热散发,辐射,放射”。比如:Lightbulbs radiate light. 灯泡发光。“Radiate” 也可以表示 “事物从中心散开”,这层含义来自于光芒从灯泡、蜡烛、灯光源发散开来的现象。比如:
The dancers radiated out from the central group in single file, keeping time and dancing expertly.
接着来看看 “twinkle” 的意思。“Twinkle” 所描述 “闪烁” 指的是 “光一强一弱地闪烁”。比如,人们常说天上的星星会 “twinkle”,因为它总是 “一闪一闪地”。
As the bus drove on to the last town, passengers could see its lights twinkling in the dark.
The children unwrapped their presents under the twinkling fairy lights of their Christmas tree.
这四个近义词其实也都可以用来谈论人。比如,“radiate” 可以描述一个人的行为和姿态像散发光芒一样可以流露、显示这个人的情感。
The young boy radiated with happiness the whole time he was at the birthday party.
As she walked into the exam, anxiety radiated from her and she began to sweat.
当形容一个人的双眼 “闪闪发光” 的时候,也可以用 “twinkle”。“Twinkle” 的这个用法强调一个人非常快乐、开心,双眼折射出亮光。搭配 “twinkle with something” 用来进一步说明一个人双眼 “发光” 的时候具体表现了怎样的情感。
They held out the gift with a twinkle in their eye. They knew she would like it.
His eyes twinkled with mirth as he told the punchline. Everyone laughed!
单词 “glitter” 也可以用来表示一个人正在感受一种非常强烈的情绪。来看一个把小狗拟人的例句。
The dog's eyes glittered with anger and she leapt into the fight to defend her puppy.
“Sparkle” 还可以描述一个人 “生机勃勃,活力四射,机智有趣”。
After he relaxed a bit, he really began to sparkle. I think he was just nervous because it was a first date.
最后,告诉大家一个小方法,来帮助大家选择最恰当的一个词语来使用:在决定用哪个单词前,先考虑你是想表达 “光因反射而闪耀” 还是 “制造光芒”?是想表示 “光线亦强亦弱”,还是想要形容一个人的情感、表现?然后根据你的答案,来做出选择。