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交通工具类(Transportation Vehicles)
1、Car - 汽车
Example: "My family travels in a car to visit grandma."
2、Bus - 公交车
Example: "We take the school bus every morning."
3、Train - 火车
Example: "The train travels fast on the railway tracks."
4、Airplane - 飞机
Example: "People fly in an airplane to go to different countries."
5、Boat - 船
Example: "We can go fishing on a boat in the lake."
6、Bike - 自行车
Example: "I ride my bike to school every day."
7、Subway/Metro - 地铁
Example: "I take the subway to work every day."
8、Carriage - 马车
Example: "In the past, people used carriages for transportation."
9、Motorcycle - 摩托车
Example: "Some people prefer motorcycles for a quick ride."
10、Taxi - 出租车
Example: "When it's raining, we take a taxi to avoid getting wet."
公共设施类(Public Facilities)
1、Traffic Light - 交通信号灯
Example: "We stop when the traffic light turns red."
2、Crosswalk - 人行横道
Example: "Always use the crosswalk to safely cross the road."
3、Bridge - 桥
Example: "The bridge helps us cross the river."
4、Tunnel - 隧道
Example: "Trains can travel through tunnels in the mountains."
5、Traffic Cone - 路标椎
Example: "Orange traffic cones indicate roadwork ahead."
6、Roadsign - 路标
Example: "Follow the roadsigns to reach the airport."
7、Guardrail - 护栏
Example: "The guardrail prevents cars from going off the road."
8、Lighthouse - 灯塔
Example: "Sailors use lighthouses to navigate at sea."
9、Ferry - 渡船
Example: "The ferry takes us across the river to the island."
10、Overpass - 高架桥
Example: "The overpass allows pedestrians to cross the highway safely."
11、Crosswalk - 斑马线
Example: 'When crossing the road, make sure to walk on the crosswalk to ensure safety."
12、Bus stop - 公交车站
Example:"I am standing at the bus stop, waiting for the arrival of the next bus."
13、Airport - 机场
Example: "I will meet my friend at the airport tomorrow. "
交通规则类(Traffic Rules)
1、Traffic Rule - 交通规则
Example: "It's important to follow traffic rules for everyone's safety."
2、Speed Limit - 限速
Example: "The speed limit on this road is 60 kilometers per hour."
3、No Parking - 禁止停车
Example: "The sign says 'No Parking' - find another place to park."
4、No Left Turn - 禁止左转
Example: "You can't make a left turn at this intersection."
5、No Right Turn - 禁止右转
Example: "The sign indicates 'No Right Turn' during rush hours."
6、One Way - 单行道
Example: "This street is a one-way road; traffic flows in one direction."
7、Handicap Access - 残疾人通道
Example: "The ramp provides handicap access to the building."
8、Stop Sign - 停车标志
Example: "Come to a complete stop when you see a stop sign."
9、Yield Sign - 让行标志
Example: "Drivers should yield to pedestrians at the yield sign."
10、Priority Road - 优先道路
Example: "Traffic on the priority road has the right of way."