Introduction Canon 一词在西方文化史上经历了漫长而复杂的语义演变才逐渐具有了现代意义上的“经文之典”的涵义。从词源学上来说canon 最早源自希腊语词“Kanon”意指起度量衡功用的“棍子”或“标尺”。后来,它在此涵义基础上进行拓展、抽象又具有了“规则、律条”之义;随后,它又衍生出“名单、目录”的语义。 This word, canon, is derived from a Hebrew and Greek word denoting a reed or cane. Hence it means something straight, or something to keep straight; and hence also a rule, or something ruled or measured. Literary canon refers to a list of authors or works considered to be central to the identity of a given literary tradition or culture. This secular use of the word is derived from its original meaning as a listing of all authorized books in the Bible. William Shakespeare, John Milton, and William Blake are frequently found on lists of canonical literature in English. Origin · Devlopment 从公元1世纪开始,由于基督教的出现和影响,“经典”涵义开始宗教化。“经典”也逐渐成为宗教术语。它被用来指代在《希伯来圣经》和《新约》中经由教会权威核准、被指定为“真经”(the genuine Holy scriptures)的书目和名表。这些进入了“经典”的书(篇)目包括“圣经或与圣经相关的各种正统的、记录了神圣真理的文本”。大约在18世纪之后,canon 逐渐越出狭隘、单一的“圣经经典”(Biblical canon)范畴,进入广泛的世俗文化领域,从而褪去了其浓厚的宗教色彩,并获得了更多的世俗文化涵义--而“文学经典”(literary canon)也由此得以产生。 It came to be applied to the Scriptures, to denote that they contained the authoritative rule of faith and practice, the standard of doctrine and duty. A book is said to be of canonical authority when it has a right to take a place with the other books which contain a revelation of the Divine will. Such a right does not arise from any ecclesiastical authority, but from the evidence of the inspired authorship of the book. The canonical (i.e., the inspired) books of the Old and New Testaments, are a complete rule, and the only rule, of faith and practice. 但是从文学的层面而言,“经典”(canon)也经历了一个语义嬗变的过程。最初的文学经典实际上指的是由专家认定的、确实是由某一位特定作者创作的世俗作品,如“乔叟经典”和“莎士比亚经典”就是指经权威确认的确是由乔叟和莎士比亚本人创作的作品;此时的 canon 强调的是文学作品身份归属的真实性。而那些无法证实其特定身份归属真实性的作品,则被称为“伪书(作/经)”,即“非经典”。其后,也就是到了现当代时期(艾布拉姆斯认为是在最近几十年)文学经典则指获得批评家、学者和教师的一致认同,并被广泛承认为“主要”的、其作品被经常赞誉为文学“杰作”(literary classics)的作者、以及经典性作家创作的文学作品--这些作品在一定时期内被不断地付印出版,被文学批评家和历史学家频繁地讨论,很可能被收入(文学)选集和纳入大学课程教学大纲之中,并被冠以“世界杰作”、“主要的英国作家”、“伟大的美国作家”等这样的称誉和名号。 The literary canon is part of the larger “canon,” which is a list of the most important, influential, or definitive works in art, literature, music, and philosophy. These works are often described as “the classics,” but the two terms aren’t necessarily synonymous. To be considered part of the canon, a book has to be more than just great and able to withstand the test of time; it has to be considered essential. The term itself is derived from an ancient Greek word for a measuring rod, or standard. Therefore, books that are deemed worthy of entering the canon are considered standards by which all other works are measured. It’s because of this “essential” status that most high school and university curricula consist almost exclusively of books considered to be part of the canon. 可见,宗教经典书目明晰清楚而且拒绝开放,不容增删;而文学经典则是一种非官方的文化认定结果,经典与非经典的边界模糊不清,变动不居,由此也导致经典书目常常处于变化之中。文学经典主要是世俗文化各方协商的结果,缺乏官方和法令的介入与干预,因此表现出模糊、变动、可协商等特性。 “经典化”是一个动态的、复杂的过程。从逻辑上讲,任何经典作品能够成为经典——特别是能经受时间的残酷淘洗,在社会文化环境发生巨变之后仍能长期跻身于经典之列,与其优良的内在质素与外在的文化语境不无关系。 文学的“经典化”过程和文学经典史的建构一直都是文学研究中一个绕不开的话题,文学经典的筛选标准和经典史的建构方法也就成为了争论的焦点,这一问题在当下集中表现为经典本质论和经典建构论之间的争议。 经典本质论 前者认为,文学经典的形成是经典文本自身内在审美特质使然,文学成为经典的重要原因是文本包含某种独具的美学要素。他们主张对传统经典进行自觉的理性反思,并竭力地以空前的坚定立场维护传统经典的地位。 美国著名批评家哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom)是这一阵营的代表人物。他的《西方正典:伟大作家和不朽作品》是维护和捍卫西方经典作品的巨著。“正典”一词强调布鲁姆选取的以莎士比亚为中心的文学经典谱系,确定了二十六位作家在“西方文化神庙中的地位”。 布鲁姆通过对西方经典作家语言风格、叙述结构和人物形象等方面的细致阅读,向读者传达了经典作品蕴涵的巨大审美力量。 在他看来,文学作品的经典化过程,是多方面影响的结果:“这些影响包含心理的、精神的和社会的因素,但其核心还是审美的”。具体而言,审美力量就是指“娴熟的形象语言、原创性、认知能力、知识以及丰富的词汇”。可见,布鲁姆把文学作品的文学性特征置于一切社会政治因素之上。 Literary critic Harold Bloom's The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages is more than a required reading list -- it is a vision. Infused with a love of learning, compelling in its arguments for a unifying written culture, it argues brilliantly against the politicization of literature and presents a guide to the great works of the western literary tradition and essential writers of the ages: the "Western Canon." His passion for poetry and literature of other types too, is reflected in this book, which rejects the multiculturalism prevalent in late 20th-century academia. He once said of multiculturalism that “it means fifth-rate work by people full of resentment.” In an interview published in 1995, Bloom reflected on the great authors of the Western world, stating, 经典建构论 而建构论则认为,文学经典的形成只不过是各种外部力量干预的结果,作为经典的作品本身并不具有任何必然的特质和理由,经典只不过是迎合了某种意识形态的需要而被权力者“经典化”并将其抬到了经典的地位,进而主张结构或重构经典。他们特别重视文化问题,主张颠覆以往的文学经典。与坚持文学的审美理想和精英意识,努力重建西方经典传统的布鲁姆等人不同,他们被称为“憎恨学派”(school of resentment)。布鲁姆将指责他们是“憎恨文学或为之羞愧”的业余的社会政治家、半吊子社会学家、不胜任的人类学家、平庸的哲学家以及武断的哲学家。 他们的理论背景分属于女性主义批评、新马克思主义批评、后殖民主义理论和身份研究、拉康的心理分析、新历史主义批评、解构主义及符号学,等等。“憎恨学派”认为“经典化过程反映出意识形态、价值观和社会走向”;“经典代表统治集团利益”。因此他们主张从课程设置、文学史、文学选集等方面对经典进行修正,在经典作品中增加非欧美作家、非白人、女性作家及其作品。直接与布鲁姆的审美立场相对立的是荷兰乌特勒兹大学教授、前国际比较文学学会主席佛克玛(Douwe Fokema)。佛克玛通过质疑“谁的经典”、“何种意义上的经典”,提出了经典与文化权力之间的关系问题,质疑和颠覆了传统的经典。 Bloom outlines the term "School of Resentment" in the introduction to his book The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. Bloom stresses that he does not necessarily object to analysis and discussion of social and political issues in literature, but expresses indignation toward college literature professors who teach their own political motives through literature more than the aesthetics of literary worth. Broadly, Bloom terms "Schools of Resentment" approaches associated with Marxist critical theory, including African American studies, Marxist literary criticism, New Historicist criticism, feminist criticism, and poststructuralism - specifically as promoted by Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. The School of Resentment is usually defined as all scholars who wish to enlarge the Western canon by adding to it more works by authors from minority groups without regard to aesthetic merit and/or influence over time, or those who argue that some works commonly thought canonical promote sexist, racist or otherwise biased values and should therefore be removed from the canon. Bloom contends that the School of Resentment threatens the nature of the canon itself and may lead to its eventual demise. Philosopher Richard Rorty agreed that Bloom is at least partly accurate in describing the School of Resentment, writing that those identified by Bloom do in fact routinely use "subversive, oppositional discourse" to attack the canon specifically and Western culture in general. Yet this school deserves to be taken seriously - more seriously than Bloom’s trivialization of it as mere resentment. 文学经典是时常变动的,它不是被某个时代的人们确定为经典就一劳永逸地永久地成为经典,文学经典是一个不断地建构过程。 文学作品本身的艺术价值是建构文学经典的基础, 决不像某些学者所说的那样可以忽略不计。如果一部完全没有艺术价值的艺术作品, 它所描绘的世界、所表现的感情,就不能引起读者的阅读兴趣和心理共鸣,不能满足读者的期待, 无论意识形态和文化权力如何“操控”, 最终也不可能成为文学经典。 反之,能够建构为文学经典的作品,总是具有相当的艺术水准和价值,能够引起读者的阅读兴趣和心理共鸣,能够满足读者的期待。政治意识形态的变动,文化权利的变动,对于文学经典的建构的影响是很大的,但不能把这种“影响”归结为“决定作用”, 也不能认为只要是意识形态的影响都是“操控”,都是负面的。 Tricks 简要了解了与canon相关的内容,现在咱们来看看如何解释这一文学术语吧~ Canon (1). Introduction In fiction and literature, the canon is the collection of works considered representative of a period or genre. The collected works of William Shakespeare, for instance, would be part of the canon of western literature, since his writing and writing style has had a significant impact on nearly all aspects of that genre. (2). Development The accepted body of works that comprises the canon of Western literature has evolved and changed over the years, however. 1). Over time, some works become less pertinent in the canon as they're replaced by more modern counterparts. For instance, the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer are still considered significant. But lesser-known writers of the past, such as William Blake and Matthew Arnold, have faded in relevance, replaced by modern counterparts like Ernest Hemingway with The Old Man and the Sea, and Toni Morrison with Beloved. 2). People of color have become more prominent parts of the canon as a past emphasis on Eurocentrism has waned. For example, contemporary writers such as Louise Erdrich with The Round House, Amy Tan with The Joy Luck Club, and James Baldwin with Notes of a Native Son are representative of entire subgenres of African-American, Asian-American, and Indigenous styles of writing. 3). Some writers and artists' work is not as well appreciated in their time, and their writing becomes part of the canon many years after their deaths. This is especially true of female writers such as Charlotte Bronte with Jane Eyre, Jane Austen with Pride and Prejudice, Emily Dickinson with Because I Could Not Stop for Death, and Virginia Woolf with A Room of One's Own. (3). Significance Many teachers and schools rely on the canon to teach students about literature, so it's crucial that it includes works that are representative of society, providing a snapshot of a given point in time. This, of course, has led to many disputes among literary scholars over the years. Arguments about which works are worthy of further examination and study are likely to continue as cultural norms and mores shift and evolve. (宝子们,注意了,canon这个文学术语是23年809考查过的内容,由此可见对文学知识的考查不仅是著名文学家与文学著作所涵盖的内容,更是涉及文学理论,文学批评等范畴。) [1]童庆炳.文学经典建构诸因素及其关系[J].北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2005(05):71-78. [2]金永兵,陈曦.文学经典的阐释与美国精神的建构——哈罗德·布鲁姆“文学经典”理论解析[J].北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2011,48(04):107-113. [3]董洪川,龙丹.经典与帝国:萨义德的经典观[J].外国文学研究,2008(04):155-163. [4]曾宏伟.在Canon与Classic之间:哈罗德·布鲁姆经典观特征管窥[J].广西社会科学,2009(06):97-101. [5]肖井泉. 论哈罗德·布鲁姆的经典观[D].华中师范大学,2013. [6]吕杉杉. 哈罗德·布鲁姆的文学经典理论研究[D].山东师范大学,2014. [7]朱文秀. 审美与文化政治的冲突[D].厦门大学,2019. [8]Lombardi, Esther. (2023, April 5). What Is the Canon in Literature? Retrieved from [9]Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, October 10). Harold Bloom. Encyclopedia Britannica. 本期内容就到这里啦,宝子们还想了解哪些文学术语请留言告诉我们哦~
【晓慧讲文学】1. Old and Medieval British Literature -
【晓慧讲文学】2.British Literature of the Renaissance Period -
【晓慧讲文学】3.The 17th Century -
【晓慧讲文学】4. The 18th Century-The Age of Enlightenment in England -
【晓慧讲文学】5.The Age of Romanticism (1) -
【晓慧讲文学】6.The Age of Romanticism (2) -
【晓慧讲文学】7. The Victorian Period-English Critical Realism(1) -
【晓慧讲文学】8.The Victorian Period-English Critical Realism(2) -
【晓慧讲文学】9.The 20th Century British Literature(1) -
【晓慧讲文学】10. American Literature (Colonial & Revolutionary Period) -
【晓慧讲文学】11.The Literature of Romanticism(1) -
【晓慧讲文学】12.The Literature of Romanticism(2) -
【晓慧讲文学】13.The literature of Realism -
【火火讲文学】14.The 20th Century American Literature(1) -
【火火讲文学】15.The 20th Century American Literature (2) -
【火火讲文学】16.American Literature of the Modern Period -
【火火讲文学II】1.诗歌赏析之莎士比亚 -
【火火讲文学II】2.诗歌赏析之玄学派诗人 -
【火火讲文学II】3.诗歌赏析之布莱克 -
【火火讲文学II】4. 诗歌赏析之华兹华斯 -
【Daisy讲文学II】5. 诗歌赏析之雪莱 -
【Daisy讲文学II】6. 诗歌赏析之拜伦 -
【Daisy讲文学II】7. 诗歌赏析之济慈 -
【Daisy讲文学II】8. 诗歌欣赏之丁尼生 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】9. 诗歌欣赏之布朗宁 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】10. 诗歌赏析之叶芝 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】11. 诗歌赏析之艾略特 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】12. 诗歌欣赏之墓园派诗人 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】13. 诗歌赏析之蒲柏 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】14. 诗歌赏析之惠特曼 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】15. 诗歌赏析之狄金森 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】16. 诗歌赏析之爱伦坡 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】17. 诗歌赏析之弗罗斯特 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】18. 诗歌赏析之庞德 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】19. 诗歌赏析之威廉斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】20. 诗歌赏析之休斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅱ】21. 诗歌赏析之爱伦坡(加更) -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】1. 小说赏析之笛福 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】2. 小说赏析之斯威夫特 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】3. 小说赏析之菲尔丁 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】4. 小说赏析之简奥斯丁 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】5. 小说赏析之狄更斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】6. 小说赏析之萨克雷 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】7. 小说赏析之夏洛蒂勃朗特 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】8. 小说赏析之艾米莉勃朗特 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】9. 小说赏析之哈代 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】10. 小说赏析之劳伦斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】11. 小说赏析之乔伊斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】12. 小说赏析之戈尔丁 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】13. 小说赏析之莱辛 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】14. 小说赏析之梭罗 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】15. 小说赏析之霍桑 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】16. 小说赏析之麦尔维尔 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】17. 小说赏析之爱伦坡 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】18. 小说赏析之亨利詹姆斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】19. 小说赏析之马克吐温 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】20. 小说赏析之凯特肖邦 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】21. 小说赏析之德莱塞 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】22. 小说赏析之菲茨杰拉德 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】23. 小说赏析之海明威 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】24. 小说赏析之福克纳 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】25. 小说赏析之狄更斯 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】26. 小说赏析之凯特肖邦 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】27. 小说赏析之斯坦贝克 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】28. 小说赏析之托尼莫里森 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】29. 小说赏析之艾丽斯沃克 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅲ】30. 小说赏析之约瑟夫海勒 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅳ】1. 戏剧赏析之尤金奥尼尔 -
【Daisy讲文学Ⅳ】2. 戏剧赏析之阿瑟米勒 -
【文学术语知多少】1. Alliteration -
【文学术语知多少】2. Epic -
【文学术语知多少】3. Heroic couplet -
【文学术语知多少】4. Humanism -
【文学术语知多少】5. Sonnet -
【文学术语知多少】6. Soliloquy -
【文学术语知多少】7. Ballad -
【文学术语知多少】8. Figures of Sound -
【文学术语知多少】9. Blank Verse (& free verse) -
【文学术语知多少】10. Point of View(& Multiple points of view) -
【文学术语知多少】11. The Cavalier Poets -
【文学术语知多少】12. Metaphysical Poetry (& conceit)