nothing but相当于only,只有,只是的意思,比如,Nothing but a miracle can save her now. 现在只有出现奇迹才能救活她。I want nothing but the best for my children. 我只是想给我的孩子们最好的。
contempt不陌生,不可数名词,意思是the feeling that sb / sth is without value and deserves no respect at all蔑视;轻蔑;鄙视。对......的蔑视就是文章的contempt for。经济学人曾经用这个词形容特朗普,我们看一下:He displayed contempt for political norms and the rule of law, fantasised about arresting and harming his political opponents, and consistently put his own interests ahead of America’s.他蔑视政治规范和法治,幻想逮捕和伤害他的政治对手,并始终将自己的利益置于美国利益之上。
再记一个with contempt,依然是经济学人中的例句,The ocean nurtures humanity. Humanity treats it with contempt.海洋滋养人类,人类却回以傲慢不恭。这句话在讲人与地球,人与自然的关系上可以直接套用了!
by dint of 意思是“由于,凭借”。例如:Japan's carmakers were hit hard in the current crisis by dint of their heavy dependence on the US.日本汽车制造商严重依赖美国市场,因而在这两年的危机中受到沉重打击。
和它非常类似的词组是by virtue of凭借,依靠,由于...,它们because of有些类似,都意味着“因为,由于”,但是会更加突出“凭借...力量”这一层意思。例如:He rose high in society by virtue of his talent and learning.他因其才华和学识而飞黄腾达。
make no secret of sth这里可以积累住,表示不加掩饰,对...不加隐瞒,比如,Louise made no secret of her dislike for John.路易丝毫不隐瞒自己对约翰的厌恶。
反过来make a/any secret of sth就相当于hide隐瞒,上例句,He refuses to make any secret of his political allegiances. 他拒绝隐瞒自己的政治立场。
wimpish同wimpy表示 懦弱的;窝囊的;If you describe a person or their behaviour as wimpy, you disapprove of them because they are weak and seem to lack confidence or determination....比如a wimpy unpopular schoolboy...不合群的懦弱小男;This portrays her as wimpy, but she has a very strong character. 这把她描绘得很懦弱,其实她性格十分坚强。
taunt的意思有点类似tease,表示嘲讽,奚落,比如这句说保守党和工党之间的恩怨情仇:After years of being taunted by the Tories for the spendthrift antics of loony-left councils, it is payback time for Labour. 多年来,保守党一直嘲笑疯狂左派议会挥霍无度,现在是工党报复的时候了。
再来个生活中的例子,Other youths taunted him about his clothes.其他年轻人笑话他的衣服。
red phone实际上是美俄热线,又称为“莫斯科-华盛顿热线”,前称“美苏热线”,始建于1963年,是连接白宫与克里姆林宫,使得美苏两国领袖可以直接沟通的通讯系统。这条热线在流行文化中常常称为“红色电话”,但它并不是一条电话线路,也从未使用过红色电话。热线最初使用的是电传打字机,1986年改进为传真设备。2008年之后,热线是被加密过的计算机连线,使用电子邮件传递信息。
pride themselves on their toughness来自结构pride yourself on sth / on doing sth,引以为荣;为…而骄傲,比如,She had always prided herself on her appearance. 她总是对自己的外貌感到得意。
says flatly中flatly本来flat是平平的意思,所以flatly有平淡地,缺乏热情地意思,比如,'Oh, it's you,' she said flatly. "哦,是你。"她冷冷地说。
但是flatly也可以表示地很激烈,决绝,也就是断然地,斩钉截铁地,这就很董明珠了。通常flatly和拒绝,反对连用,比如to flatly deny / reject / oppose sth断然否认 / 拒绝 / 反对某事。
前两段列举了三位女性领导人:撒切尔夫人、希拉里克林顿、董明珠。这些都是在男性战场上,在南拳社会背景下摸爬滚打出来的女人。她们成为女性领导者身上具备的品质可以用第一段里的这两句话来概括:The first generations of successful women insisted on being judged by the same standards as men. They had nothing but contempt for the notion of special treatment for “the sisters”, and instead insisted on getting ahead by dint of working harder and thinking smarter.
对应在这三位tough女性身上的动词有:make no secret of contempt for..., taunt, say flatly。
contend表示主张;认为;在表示个人意见时可以使用,来代替常说的believe, think。它的同义词还有argue,它们往往被忽略使用,我们看一个例句,比如一篇关于反思死亡的文章有这么一句话:But she argues that mainstream procedures such as cancer-screening are oversold as well. 但她认为类似癌症筛查的各种主流诊疗手段也被吹捧过头了。Industry executives contend that audio is undervalued—especially compared with video. 业内高管认为音频的价值被低估了,特别是与视频相比。
再介绍一个词组contend with,表示苦于应付, 全力应付,肯定是应对比较难搞的问题,例如:Those economies must also contend with the issue of slow growth and an aging population. 这些经济体还必须应对增长缓慢和人口老龄化问题。
embrace, endorse(动词,支持), countenance(动词,支持),a champion of, a fan of, cheerleader(比如,支持全球化的人,就可以表达成globalization cheerleaders),
smash the glass ceiling中glass ceiling表示玻璃天花板,现在只要是到顶了都会表示成天花板,而玻璃天花板就是你到顶了,还看不出来,也就是无形中,黑不提白不提地让你到顶了。常指妇女等在职务升迁上遇到的无形障碍,无形限制。通常和smash搭配。
audit常见的意思是审计,根据这里audit the entire building for “gender asbestos”中和the entire building的搭配,audit可以理解为对(质量或标准的)审查,检查。
asbestos意思是石棉,看一下英文解释a soft grey mineral that does not burn, used especially in the past in building as a protection against fire or to prevent heat loss。这里之所以用asbestos(石棉)这个词,是和前面的building搭配的。
sexism意思是性别歧视,当然也可以写作sexual/gender discrimination。此外,“种族歧视”就是ethnic discrimination或者racism,还有“年龄歧视”age discrimination,ageism。我们也可以用bias来表示“偏见,歧视”,比如:Some institutions still have a strong bias against women. 有些机构仍然对女性持有很大偏见。
excel表示超过,除此之外还可以用overtake,outpace, outstrip, surpass, exceed,dwarf, outshine, overshadow(常用被动形式)等表达!
这里excel at表示在某方面出色,可以代替be good at。
lateral thinking横向思维。根据知乎上的描述,横向思维(lateralthinking),顾名思义,是指这个人的思维有其横向、往宽处发展的特点。具有这种思维特点的人,思维面都不会太窄,且善于举一反三。有一个形象的比喻,这种思维就像河流一样,遇到宽广处,很自然的就会蔓延开来,但欠缺的是深度不够。这就是纵向思维的事儿了,感兴趣的同学可以自行查阅一下。
into the bargain相当于also, as well,另外,而且,也的意思,看个例句:Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain. 志愿者在学到很多东西的同时还能得到乐趣。
再看个外刊例句:While there will always be women who give it all up to raise their children, and I respect their choice, it may well be much less fulfilling than it sounds and a terrible waste of resources into the bargain. 虽然总会有女性为了抚养孩子而放弃一切,我尊重她们的选择,但这样做很可能远没有听上去那么令人有成就感,而且也是对资源的极大浪费。
[语法]What is more, the argument runs, these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business.
这句话乍一看怎么好几个句子,句子和句子之间还没有连接词?实际上these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business可以看作是the argument runs这个主句里的宾语从句。
咱们再看看the argument runs这里,其中run的意思是to have particular words, contents, etc.包含(某种词语、内容等),看两个例句吧,Their argument ran something like this... 他们的论点大致是这样的… 'Ten shot dead by gunmen,' ran the newspaper headline. 报纸的标题为"枪手击毙十人"。
the best companies had been abandoning “patriarchal” hierarchies in favour of “collaboration” and “networking”, skills in which women have an inherent advantage.
patriarchal这个词明确一下发音,/ˌpeɪtrɪˈɑːkəl/,相当于male-dominated。父权社会就是patriarchal society。
它的反义词是matriarchal,意思是controlled by women rather than men母系的、母权的,比如The animals live in matriarchal groups.这些动物按母系群体生活。
in favour of这里是个不常用的意思,in exchange for another thing (because the other thing is better or you want it more) 为获得(更好或更需要的事物),比如,He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician. 他弃教从事音乐。
再比如看一个经济学人例句,First, technology and capitalism, blamed for many of the ravages of industrialisation, are now reinforcing each other in favour of dematerialisation. 首先是技术和资本主义,它们被指为工业化带来的诸多破坏的罪魁祸首,如今正在相互促进以实现去物质化。
但是一般表示“偏袒、支持、青睐”这类动词的时候,就可以考虑用介词短语in favour of,比如practices that discriminate against women and in favour of men 重男轻女的做法;Opportunities and success tend to be in favour of those who are ready. 机会和成功青睐有准备的人。
后面的skills一词是前面“collaboration” and “networking”的同位语,它后面有跟了一个定语从句in which。这种同位语+定语从句的表达方法在外刊中很常见,大家要多多留心,然后学习去使用。
venerable表示“(因年高、显要、智慧等)令人尊重的,值得敬重的,受敬佩的(people or things deserve respect because they are old, important, wise, etc.)”,比如,a venerable old man 德高望重的老人。
在经济学人里,venerable经常来形容一些企业,比如一篇文章里这样形容IBM:IBM, a venerable corporate IT firm企业IT服务老店IBM。所以一些“百年老店”,“中华老字号”,我们可以说成the venerable shop;或者the time-honored shop。
the corporate establishment中establishment在这里的意思是the people in a society or a profession who have influence and power and who usually do not support change(通常反对变革的)当权派,权势集团;(统称)权威人士,比如,the medical / military / political, etc. establishment 医学界、军界、政界等当权派 ;young people rebelling against the Establishment 反对当权者的年轻人。
spring up这个词是高频,最常见的意思是“如雨后春笋般迅速突然地出现,涌现”。经济学人曾用这个表达形容瑞幸咖啡店在中国遍地开花:Independent coffee shops are springing up, at which preparation of the drink is taken to artisanal extremes. 独立的咖啡店如雨后春笋般出现,在那里,咖啡的制作手艺达到了巅峰。
be right to do有理由作某事。right在这里的意思是a moral or legal claim to have or get sth or to behave in a particular way正当的要求;权利,She had every right to be angry.她完全有理由生气。
[拓展]表示“有理由”还可以用for good reason,注意一定是reason不是reasons。站在中文的角度上来看,我们经常说某件事情会发生,其背后一定有它的理由,也就是说:这件事情发生了确实在情理之中,也不觉得奇怪。for good reason这个短语可以单独使用,也可以当做插入语强调,也可以放在句尾补充信息,相当于:it is understandable…。来看个外刊例句熟悉一下:The mood among airline bosses can seem uniformly bleak. For good reason: air travel may not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024. 航空公司老板们似乎全体情绪低落。这很容易理解:航空旅行可以要等到2024年才能恢复到疫情前水平。
innate和上文提到的inherent意思一样,表示天生的;先天的;与生俱来的。大家对它应该也不陌生。经济学人一篇讲看脸社会的文章,里面谈到天生长得好看的人更容易得到晋升就用了innately:But it seems more probable that people with a certain type of appearance are likely to get promoted than it is to believe they are innately more competent than everyone else. 但是,拥有某种外表的人更有可能获得晋升,而不是相信他们天生就比其他人更有能力。
counterproductive:我们从构词角度来理解一下这个单词,counter-这个词缀咱们应该比较熟悉,表示against, opposite, in return相反,相悖这个含义,比如counteract v. 抵制;抵消;counterattack v. 反攻,反击;countercharge v.n. 反诉,反告等等。
形容词productive表示有效益的,富有成效的,那么counterproductive也就是产生相反效果的;或者说事与愿违的,适得其反的。看一个经济学人的例句再熟悉熟悉:Officials are aware that excessive government meddling in industry can be counterproductive. 如今很清楚政府对产业过度干涉可能适得其反。
[拓展]表示“适得其反的” ,咱们还可以这么说:
1. self-defeating 形容词。defeat本来就是击败,战胜之意,现在加上一个前缀self-,自我挫败,也就是弄巧成拙的、适得其反的、事与愿违的意思。比如Beyond a certain level, extra effort seems to be self-defeating. 超过一定程度,额外工作可能会适得其反。
2. backfire 不及物动词,产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果,逆火。比如 The company’s new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit. 公司的新政策事与愿违,有好几名员工威胁说要辞职.
bang on about sth 意思是to talk a lot about sth in a boring way唠叨;絮叨 ,比如,He keeps banging on about his new job. 他没完没了地唠叨他那份新工作。
touchy-feely的意思是too concerned with feelings and emotions, rather than with facts or actions过分多愁善感的,情绪化的,看个例子,a touchy-feely drama伤感的戏剧。
显然它和上文中的hard-edged是一对对立的词汇。hard-edged词典中的意思是风格、戏剧、文章等精辟有力的,犀利的,客观理智的;If you describe something such as a style, play, or article as hard-edged, you mean you admire it because it is powerful, critical, or unsentimental. 例如,a hard-edged collection of songs一组歌词犀利的歌曲。
well advised 意思是acting in the most sensible way审慎;稳妥,比如,You would be well advised to tackle this problem urgently. 你还是抓紧处理这个问题为好。
siren多指汽笛,警报器的声音,这里指的是the temptation to do sth that seems very attractive but that will have bad results危险的诱惑,比如,The government must resist the siren voices calling for tax cuts. zf万万不可听信那些鼓吹减税的动听言辞。
outperform sb/sth markedly表示明显优于...,学习一下。
turning to women's advantage表示to use or change a bad situation so that it helps you使转为有利;变(不利)为有利;利用。不要分开翻译。
via Shelly时事英语精读