你有没有想过一个比较一下两个超级巨星的英语呢? 今天的视频中,Luke设置了从1到10的范围,给众多中国明星和知名人士排了个名次, 看到成龙和范冰冰在榜单上你一定会觉得超级不可思议!
随着中国文化在西方越来越受欢迎,特别是中国电影在海外的流行,更多的中国电影明星出现在好莱坞大片电影中,众多知名人物也越来越意识到说一口流利的英语的重要性,而他们也一直为此努力付出着。 像周董那样,每天不断练习口语,而在短短在一个月内就大幅提高了英语水平。
你认为在这个1 - 10的排名中你会位于哪个级别呢? 你的英语与视频中的一些明星相比起来是不是超过他们了呢? 赶快告诉我们哦!
Watch the video!
Have you ever wondered how one superstar’s English compares to another? In this video, Luke creates a scale from one to ten, and ranks many Chinese stars and well-known people. You may be surprised where Jackie Chan falls on the list, and Fan Bingbing.
As Chinese culture becomes more popular in the West, especially with more Chinese movies coming to other countries, and more Chinese films stars appearing in major Hollywood movies, many famous figures are realizing the importance becoming more fluent in English and their hard work pays off. For example, Jay Chou improved his English in one month (he says) of constant training and speaking practice.
Where do you think you fall on the 1 - 10 list? How does your English compare to some of the stars in the video? Let us know!