09.15上课记录NSE 17.2.2



Could you give me a key?

A lot of cooks are old.


Some cooks think

They are good cooks

Some cooks think they are good cooks.

I think you are good cook.

I think you are a good cook.


Please bring me any dish you like.

Please bring me a book you like.

Please bring me a cola.


I can make you a very good dish for lunch.



It’s not the menu.

On ……上面

It’s not on the menu.


It is in the car.

Is it in the car?

He likes English.

Does he like English?

Can I get you something to drink?

Yes, could I get a water?

Do you have any questions?





1.Could you tell me

2. You have drinks.

Do you have drinks?

What is your name?

What drinks do you have?

Could you tell me what drinks you have?



How much money do you have?

Could you tell me how much money you have?


Can I have some coffee?

Can I get you some milk for your coffee?

Can I get you some sugar for your coffee?

Can I get you some chicken for your lunch?


Could you get me some milk and sugar with coffee?


I go to school with you.


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