









1.lawsuit 是民事诉讼,还是刑事诉讼?

原告被告裁决赔偿 等法律词汇英文怎么说?










Woman Ordered To Pay $100K After Her Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Murders Flatmate



The woman, herself harassed by the man, became the subject of a public hate campaign in China as she was accused of failing to help her friend.


  • 我们先来看主标题:

    Woman Ordered To Pay $100K After Her Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Murders Flatmate

  • 同学们注意,新闻标题的字数和版面都是十分有限的,所以新闻作者都要想方设法为标题“瘦身”,省略一些虚词,以节省空间,最常见的便是省略冠词a / an / the,以及be动词。


    (A) Woman (is) ordered to Pay $100K After Her Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Murders Flatmate 

  • 我们再来看句中出现的词汇:

  • stalker  为名词,指「跟踪者」。动词形式为stalkstalk sb 指「跟踪某人」。

  • flatmate [ˈflætmeɪt] 为名词,指「室友」。

    flat是「公寓」的意思,mate 指「同伴」,连起来flatmate 即「室友」,还有的媒体用的是roommate这个词。

  • harass [ˈhærəs] 动词,指「骚扰」。我们平时说的「性骚扰」就叫作sexually harass sb

    harassment 为不可数名词,sexual harassment 即「性骚扰」。

  • be the subject of sth 名词短语「...的对象」。

  • hate campaign 是一个词组,指「仇视运动,诋毁运动」(a series of things that a person or group does in order to upset or harm someone they hate)。这里指刘鑫受到的网友攻击。

第二则新闻标题,来自《中国日报》(China Daily) 。


Mother of slain Chinese student wins lawsuit against girl's roommate


  • slay [sleɪ] 为动词,指「杀害,残害,谋杀」,这个词多用于新闻里。动词变化为:slay-slew-slain
    打《王者荣耀》的同学一定都听过这句话:The enemy has been slain.
  • 这里的slain 便是「杀死」的意思。
  • lawsuit 为可数名词,指「诉讼」,尤其是指民事诉讼。
    举个例子:Sonos has won its lawsuit against Google over the infringement of five of its patents.索诺思赢得关于谷歌侵犯其五项专利权的诉讼。
    win a lawsuit against sb指「赢得诉讼」。file a lawsuit against sb 指「提起诉讼,起诉」。
  • 这里顺便总结一下英文里表示「诉讼」的4个词:lawsuit, action, appeal, litigation。这四个词都可以表示「诉讼」,但含义和用法上不尽相同。

  • lawsuit 指诉讼由申请到审判的全部法律程序,仅指民事诉讼

  • action 侧重指法庭诉讼程序,以查清事实为目的,并根据法律程序,判予适当的赔偿。action 既可以指民事诉讼,也可以指刑事诉讼。

  • litigation 是一个抽象的名词,指诉讼的过程,不能指具体的诉讼案件。

    litigation 既可以指民事诉讼(civil litigation), 也 可 以 指 刑 事 诉 讼(criminal litigation), 此时litigation与 action 的用法有相同之处。

  • appeal 本义是「恳求,呼吁」,在法律语境下,特指「上诉」,也就是向上一级法院或法官申请,要求重审案件以改变裁决或减刑。


接下来,我们来看China Daily 如何用英文描述审判的结果。

The mother of a female Chinese student killed in Japan in 2016 was awarded more than 696,000 yuan ($109,144) in a lawsuit against her daughter's former roommate on Monday after a court ruled the defendant played a role in the girl's death.

周一,2016年留日中国女学生江歌遇害案一审宣判。法院裁定刘鑫对其室友之死负有责任,赔偿其母超69.6 万人民币(109,144美元)。

  • award 此处为动词,我们比较熟悉的意思是「奖励」。但在法律领域,award 特指「判给,裁定」...赔偿额。惯用搭配为award sb sthaward sth to sb再举一个例子:He was awarded damages of £50 000. 他判得损害赔偿金 5 万英镑。 

  • award 还可作名词,表示「裁定额,判决额,赔偿额」,比如:an award of libel damages 「名誉损害赔偿」。

  • former 为形容词,指「过去的,以前的」,比如:former colleague 前同事 文中former roomate 即「以前的室友」。

    「曾用名」我们也可以用这个词:former name。

  • rule 为动词,指「裁定,判决」(to give an official decision about sth)。惯用搭配为rule sth, rule on sth

    比如:The court will rule on the legality of the action.  法庭将裁定此举是否合法。 

    The judge ruled against / in favour of the plaintiff.  法官判原告败诉 / 胜诉。 


  • the defendant 为「被告」。the plaintiff 指「原告」。


  • defend  作动词,有「辩解,辩白」的意思,而被告多是为自己辩护的一方,因此the dedendant 为「被告」。


  • play a role in sth 指「在...中扮演了角色,在...中起了作用」。

The compensation mainly consists of 496,000 yuan for Jiang Qiulian's financial losses and 200,000 yuan for her mental anguish over the death of her daughter, Jiang Ge. It also covers some lawsuit-related expenses, according to the ruling made by the Chengyang District People's Court in Qingdao, Shandong province.


  • anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ] 为不可数名词,指「极度痛苦,剧痛」(severe pain, mental suffering or unhappiness),比pain高了好几个量级。

  • mental anguish「精神痛苦」。短语in anguish 指「处于极度痛苦中」。

  • 我在英剧《爱玛》里也遇见过这个词:

    In addition, they no longer suffer the agonies of the daily commute: the cramped railway carriages or gridlocked roads.此外,他们也不必遭受日常通勤的痛苦:拥挤的车厢,拥堵的道路。


    I will put aside and ask you to end my agony.

  • lawsuit-related expenses 指「诉讼相关的费用」, -related 指「与...相关」。比如:covid-related deaths 与新冠有关的死亡,Apple-related accessories 苹果配件。

  • ruling 为可数名词,指「判决,裁定」(an official decision made by sb in a position of authority, especially a judge),后面多跟介词onmake the ruling on sth 即「对...作出判决」。举个例子:The court will make its ruling on the case next week. 法庭下周将对本案件作出裁决。

    如果想要表示「推翻判决」,短语为overturn the ruling

Liu Nuanxi, the roommate, has been ordered to pay Jiang Qiulian within 10 days if neither party appeals to higher court, the ruling said.


Jiang Qiulian filed the lawsuit in 2019, seeking more than 2 million yuan in compensation for her financial losses and mental anguish.


  • party 指「当事人,一方」。这里的neither party 便指「原告和被告都不...」。

    我们平时说的「甲方」和「乙方」,就分别叫作Party AParty B

  • appeal to sb  指「上诉,申诉」。在英式英语里,用appeal against sth,而在美式英语里,直接用appeal sth我们来看3个例子:

    Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition.马圭尔已向最高法院提出上诉,要求停止对她的引渡。

    He said they would appeal against the decision...他说他们将对该决议提出申诉。

    We intend to appeal the verdict.我们打算对裁决提出上诉。

  • file the lawsuit 表示「提起诉讼」。

  • file 作名词,是「文件,卷宗」的意思,作动词,向法院提交文件,指「提起,提出」,后面可以跟诉讼、申请等等。

    再举几个例子:file for divorce 提交离婚申请书  file a claim  提出索赔 file for bankruptcy 申请破产


  • seek  这里指「寻求,谋求,争取」(to try to obtain or achieve sth)。

  • ¥+ in compensation  指多少钱的「赔偿」。文中seek more than 2 million yuan in compensation 即「寻求200多万元的赔偿」。

  • compensate sb (for sth) 为动词短语,指「给某人赔偿」。举个例子:Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused. 她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。 

  • compensate for sth 则示「补偿,弥补」,相当于make up for sth

  • 外刊一篇关于高考顶替案的文章也用到了这个词:While no amount of money can compensate for the stolen life opportunities and lost youth of the victims, a significant amount of financial compensation awarded can serve as a strong deterrent.虽然再多的钱也无法补偿受害者被窃取的人生机会和逝去的青春,但给予大量的经济赔偿可以成为一种强大的威慑。



The court said on Monday that Liu was obviously at fault in the incident and should bear the civil penalty as she had not informed Jiang Ge of the potential danger posed by Chen, who had intimidated her before the killing, nor had she taken Jiang's safety into account since she locked her outside the residence.


  • be at fault 是一个词组,指「有过错;有责任」。
  • bear 作动词,指「承担;负担」(to assume or accept something, such as cost or responsibility), 文中bear the civil penalty 指「承担民事责任」。
    再举一些常见搭配:bear the responsibility of sth 指「承担...责任」。
    bear the burden of sth 指「承受..负担」。
  • civil 为形容词,可指「民事的」,与刑事criminal相对。
  • inform sb of / about sth 表示「告知某人某事」。我们在塞林格:爱是想触碰又收回手 | 双语阅读 里也遇见过这个词组:

    Horgenschlag is hauled into court. Shirley, of course, must attend session. They both give their addresses; thereby Horgenschlag is informed of the location of Shirley's divine abode. 霍根施拉格被拖进法庭。雪莉,自然,也要参加庭审。他们上报了各自的地址;因此霍根施拉格得知了雪莉的神圣居所之所在。

  • potential 作形容词,指「潜在的,可能的」,可以替换我们熟悉的possible。 the potential danger 即「潜在的危险」。

  • pose  为动词,指「提出,造成」。pose a danger  即「造成危险」。


    其他常见词组还有:pose a threat / hazard / risk to sb/sth  对某人或某物造成威胁/危害/风险。 
  • intimidate  [ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt] 为动词,指「恐吓;威胁」,比如:
    He tries to intimidate his opponents.他企图恐吓他的对手们。
    They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them. 他们被控胁迫选民投他们的票。江歌妈妈诉刘鑫案,英文媒体用了这些词!
  • take sth into account / take account of sth 表示「考虑到某事;顾及某事」。
    我们再来看一个例子:The new health plan fails to take account of the fact that many people cannot pay for their medicine. 新的健康计划没有考虑到许多人付不起药费这个事实。
  • residence 作可数名词,指「住处;居所;住宅」(the place where someone lives)

It supported Jiang Qiulian, who said she suffered mental anguish after losing her only daughter, and added that people who bring danger around them have an obligation to take necessary measures to prevent others from being harmed.


  • obligation 为可数名词,指道义或者法律上「义务,职责,责任」。have the obligation to do sth 表示「有义务做某事」。

  • 常见的搭配还有:be under a / no obligation to do sth  指「有 / 没有义务做某事」。



  • take necessary measures to do sth 指「采取必要的措施做某事」。
  • measure 作名词,可表示「措施;方法」,take measures to to do sth 是一个高频词组,指「采取措施做某事」。举个例子:We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution.我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染。

"Jiang Ge deserves praise and the compensation, as she offered emergency aid to Liu," the court said. "But Liu, as Jiang's friend and the one received the aid, did not express gratitude and comfort to the relatives of the deceased, but instead aggravated the pain of the mother with improper online posts, which should be condemned."


  • offer emergency aid 指「提供紧急援助」。

  • comfort 为不可数名词,指「安慰;慰藉」。express gratitude and comfort 即「表达感激和安慰」。

    顺便补充一下,短语 take / draw comfort from sth表示「从…中得到安慰」。比如:to take / draw comfort from sb's words 从某人的话中得到安慰 

  • deceased 为形容词,指「去世的;亡故的」。the+adj. 表示「一类人」。the deceased 即「死者;已故者」。

  • aggravate [ˈægrəveɪt] 为动词,指「使...加重;使...恶化」(to make an injur y, problem, etc.more serious or severe)aggravate the pain of sb 指「加重某人的痛苦」。

    近义词还有worsen sth, exacerbate sth, compound sth。

  • improper 为形容词,由否定前缀im- proper构成,表示「不适当的;不得体的」(not suitable for the situation : not appropriate)
    比如:improper dress 不得体的衣服  It would be improper to comment at this stage. 在这个阶段发表评论并不恰当。
    Vice杂志用的是inappropriate 个词。相对来说,improper更加正式,且含有一层「不道德」的意思,用来翻译这里「不当言语」更为精准。
  • condemn 为动词,指「谴责,指责」(to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral reasons),尤其是用于指道德上的谴责、指责。
    惯用搭配为condemn sb / sth for sth 表示「因某事而谴责某人」。


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最后编辑于:2022/1/13 拔丝英语网



