

本试卷满分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。

第一部分:听力(共两节,共计 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 第一节

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Where does the conversation take place ?

A. In an elevator. B. On a bus. C. In a taxi.

2. What will the man do in Edinburgh ?

A. Do business with Justin. B. Tell Justin his new address.

C. Give Justin the medicine.

3. What kind of music does the man like?

A. Jazz B. Classical CFolk

4. When does the conversation take place?

A. In September . B. In April C. In February

5. Whose advice did the woman follow?

A. The shop assistant’s. B. Her mother’s. C. Her sister’s.

第二节听下面 5 段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。

6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A山东省滨州市十二校2019—2020学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 英语好文收藏 第1张 Where to buy tickets. B. Where to park the car.

C. Where to get a camera.

7. Where will the speakers meet?

A. At the market . B. At the camera shop. C. At the sports stadium.

听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。

8. What does the man have to do now ?

A. Plan a trip. B. Look for a job. C. Make a decision.

9. What does the woman think of the job in American?

A. Dangerous B. Exciting C. Boring.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。

10. When should students meet for the field trip?

A. At 7:00 am B. At 7:15 am. C. At 8:00 am.

11. How will the boy probably get to school today ?

A. Take the bus. B. Take his mom’s car.

C. Take Mrs. Henderson’s car .

12. What is the relationship between the woman and Mrs. Anderson ?

A. Colleagues B. Neighbors. C. Best friends.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. What kind of people is The Knife and Talk popular with?

A. Truck drivers. B. Office workers. C. Actors.

14. What does the woman like most about the restaurant?

A. Quiet environment. B. Great waitresses. C. Pop music.
15.What does the man say about his favourite restaurant?

A. Its tables are pink. B. It offers great food. C. It was just opened.

16. What does the man have for lunch?

A. Pancakes. B. Fish pie. C. Sausages.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. Which competition is suitable for the listeners?

A. The high level. B. The middle level.

C. The low level.

18. What is the topic for this year?

A. Weather B. Change . C. Travel. 19.What are the listeners advised to do to get the ideas?

A. Ask Maria for help. B. Read the poem called Rain.

C. Borrow books from the library.

20. What will the school spend the prize money on this year ?

A. The library. B. The computers. C. The lab.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分)

第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(ABC、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑


All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised.It said: “ Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods.This May Be Your Lucky Day!”

For several weeks, Mrs Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends, she never gave up hoping.The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which she did not need.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:“ Madam, this is Your Lucky Day.Everything in your basket is free.”

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash-desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. “Madam,” he said, holding out his hand, “I want to congratulate you!You're our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

1. The housewives learnt about the free goods_________.

A. on TV. B. at the supermarket C. from the manager D. from the newspaper

2. Mrs. Edwards______.

A. is always very lucky B. had no friends C. hoped to get free shopping D. gets disappointed easily

3. Mrs. Edwards’s husband tried to ______.

A. make her unhappy B. cheer her up C. buy things with her D. stop her buying things

4. Mrs. Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had to______.

A. buy another thing B. talk to the manager C. pay for her shopping D. find her shopping

【答案】1. B    2. C    3. D    4. A




细节理解题。根据第一段中For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised.可知这个通知贴在超市的入口,由此可知家庭主妇们是在超市得知免费货物的消息的。故选B。


细节理解题。根据第二段中For several weeks, Mrs Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends, she never gave up hoping.For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped like many of her friends to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends she never gave up hoping.可知爱德华夫人一直都想得到免费的购物。故选择C。


细节理解题。根据第二段中Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.可知她的丈夫想要阻止她购买东西。故选择D。


细节理解题。根据最后一段中she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea.She dashed back to the supermarket got the tea and went towards the cash-desk.可知她返回超市是想买茶。故选择A。


Having a great collection of books at home doesn’t really mean that you are a person who loves reading. It may be got from your father or your father’s father, and it can just impress people around you with the fact that you are a person of culture.

From my point of view, reading is very important in our daily life. For example, reading is a way of gaining knowledge in different areas. It can help us have a great imagination, and it makes things easier when it comes to making compositions on different themes. It gives you the possibility to speak about science, even if you don’t work in this field. You can express your opinions about a political event because you have read something about that.

Secondly, reading gives us the possibility to enter the world of imagination. We can imagine what life will be like in the future. Sometimes, we compare ourselves with the people in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve the problems and tell us what to do in certain situations. Books are based on real life. Even if writers are considered to be somehow different from common people, they often face the same problems as we all do.

In short, I would like to say that literature is the perfect way of enriching our culture, expressing correctly, having a rich vocabulary, being able to understand different fields and really being considered to be a learned person.

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Reading a lot is good for writing.

B山东省滨州市十二校2019—2020学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 英语好文收藏 第1张 Reading can help us gain knowledge.

C. Reading can help us have a great imagination.

D. Reading helps us enter the field of politics easily.

6. We can learn from the third paragraph that ________.

A. people in stories are always unbelievable

B. books may help us solve problems

C. writers are good at dealing with problems in life

D. writers often have different experiences in life

7. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Why Is Reading Important in Our Life

B. How Can We Become a Learned Person

C. Different Reading, Different Functions

D. Having a Good Collection of Books Means a Lot

【答案】5. D    6. B    7. A




细节理解题。根据第二段中For example, reading is a way of gaining knowledge in different areas. It can help us have a great imagination, and it makes things easier when it comes to making compositions on different themes.可知,例如,阅读是在不同领域获得知识的一种手段,它可以帮助我们拥有丰富的想象力,并且使制作不同主题的作品变得更容易。根据上下文,阅读能帮助我们获得知识,提高想象力,有利于我们的写作,没有提及帮助我们轻易进入政治领域。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据第三段中Sometimes, we compare ourselves with the people in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve the problems and tell us what to do in certain situations.可知,有时我们把自己比作阅读的故事里的人,他们可以为我们提供一些解决问题的线索,并告诉我们在生活中该做什么。提供解决问题的线索,即是帮助我们去解决问题,故选B项。


主旨大意题。根据第二段中From my point of view, reading is very important in our daily life.可知,作者认为阅读对我们的日常生活很重要。这句话是本文的中心句,主题句。而且由最后一段可知,作者认为文学被认为可以丰富我们的文化,正确表达,丰富词汇量,能够理解不同领域和真正被认为是有学问的人的完美方式。通过文学的种种好处来进一步表明读书的重要性。故A项适合作文章标题。


Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really make a conscious effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successfulthere are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.

Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remember locking it carefully the night before.

Memory “tricks" work the other way as well. Once in a while, you remember not doing something, and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.

We always seem to find something funny and amusing in incidents caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent -mindedness. Stories about absent -minded professors have been told for years, and we never get tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however absent -mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “tricks" of our memory can cause us great trouble.

8. If you want to have a good memory, you should ________.

A. never stop learning new things B. use your memory to play tricks

C. make a conscious effort of practice D. force yourself to remember things

9. What can be learnt from the text?

A山东省滨州市十二校2019—2020学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 英语好文收藏 第1张 One night the writer locked the front door as usual.

B. The writer had had his hair cut two days before.

C. The writer got into trouble when crossing the street.

D. The writer was regarded as a forgetful professor.

10. How do you understand the underlined part in Paragraph 4?

A. We enjoy hearing new stories about absent -mindedness of professors.

B. We will never get tired of listening to new stories about absent-mindedness.

C. Absent- mindedness happens not only to professors but to many other people.

D. We are unwilling to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors.

【答案】8. C    9. B    10. C




细节理解题。由第一段Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really make a conscious effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things.”可知,记忆力是多练习的一件事。如果你有这种打算,并且有意识地努力之后,你能很容易改善你记东西的能力。所以说,要想记忆力好,就要有意识地努力实践。故选C项。


细节理解题。由第三段One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.”可知,上个月的一天,我坐在理发店等着轮到我,突然我意识到两天前才在办公室对面的理发店理过头发了。这里记忆力的戏弄,原本已经理过发,但是不记得,又进了理发店,但事实是确实理过头发了。故选B项。


词句猜测题。由最后一段Stories about absent -minded professors have been told for years, and we never get tired of hearing new ones.”可知,关于心不在焉的教授的故事已经谈了好多年,而我们永远不会厌倦听到新的故事。说明这种事很正常,也是经常发生。所以不仅仅教授会心不在焉,很多人也会。故选C项。

第二节 七选五 ( 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 )


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Five Things to Do in a Traffic JamTired of traffic jams? Here are some tips that can help you to calm down in a traffic jam.Listen to CD audio book. It’s a good idea to keep several audio books in your car.___11___Listening to an exciting story is more interesting than sitting silently and being bored.Sing loudly. If you begin getting angry because of a long traffic jam, turn your CD player on or radio up.___12___Imagine you’re a wonderful singer and the audience is listening to you in admiration. Your stress will disappear.____13____.You can use the radio and play entertaining games while waiting. For example,you can guess the song or the singer or to see how quickly you can recognize a new song.Have a snackKeeping a tasty snack in the car is especially good for waiting in traffic jams.Choo-se what you like most of all, so you will look forward to traffic jams to have a chance to eat the delicious snack.___14___In that case, time is the last thing to worry about.Argue with the radio talk show hostFind a station with a radio talk show.____15____If you disagree, you can show your anger.Don’t be afraid to call their ideas stupid. Only make sure that the car windows are clo-sed so no one may hear you.Sitting in a traffic jam can be very stressful but next time you can use these simpletips, and you won’t notice how long you have been waiting and soon you will be onyour way.

A. Play games

B. Use the radio.

C. Enjoy every bite of it.

D. Listen to their debates carefully.

E. Loud singing can help to reduce stress.

F. Begin to enjoy them as quickly as you can.

G. The storyteller’s voice can clear all your bad emotions.

【答案】11. G    12. E    13. A    14. C    15. D




G考查上下文和句意理解:根据下文:Listening to an exciting story is more interesting than sitting silently and being bored.听一个激动人心的故事比静静地坐着无聊更有趣,可知讲故事的人的声音可以消除你的坏情绪,选G


E考查上下文和句意理解:根据下文:Imagine you’re a wonderful singer and the audience is listening to you in admiration. Your stress will disappear.想象一下,你是一位出色的歌手,听众在欣赏你。你的压力会消失,可知:大声唱歌可以缓解你的压力,选E


A考查上下文和句意理解:根据下文:You can use the radio and play entertaining games while waiting.你可以边等边听收音机和玩娱乐游戏。可知:可以玩游戏,选A


C考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文:Choose what you like most of all, so you will look forward to traffic jams to have a chance to eat the delicious snack.选择你最喜欢的,这样你就会期待交通堵塞有机会吃到美味的小吃。可知:要享受每一口零食。选C


D考查上下文和句意理解:根据上文:Argue with the radio talk show host和电台脱口秀主持人争论,可知:要仔细听他们的辩论,选D

【点睛】在做七选五时一定要注意空格前后句子的暗示词,可以准确确定空格上的选项。比如第G考查上下文和句意理解:根据下文:Listening to an exciting story is more interesting than sitting silently and being bored.可知讲故事的人的声音可以消除你的坏情绪,选G。空格后的句子中exciting 、 more interesting 是关键词,可以推断出横线上的内容。

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 ABC  D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers.

Some years later, they got together again. While having dinner, they____16____for a long time. They discussed the____17____they had given their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said, “I had a____18____house built for Mama." The second said, “I had my Mercedes-Benz dealer ( 奔驰经销商) send a____19____to her." The third said, “I built a beautiful ____20____for Mama." The fourth said, “You know____21____Mama loved reading poems and you know she can't read any more because she can't ____22____very well. I met a businessman who had a parrot that can recite many____23____. It took him 12 years to____24____it to speak and he earns his living by renting it out. I had to pay him $100,000 a year for twenty years,_____25_____it is worth it." On hearing that, the other brothers were_____26_____by his good thought.

After the holidays, their mother_____27_____ her thank -you notes, which read“Milton, the house you built is so huge. I only live in one room, but I have to clean the whole house. It's a (an)_____28_____job. Thanks anyway." “Marvin, I am too old to_____29_____.I stay home and have others work for me, so I'll_____30_____ use the car. The ____31____was good, although not realistic. Thanks."

“Michael, you gave me an expensive building for many people to_____32_____plays or I watch movies in it, but all my friends are dead. I've almost_____33_____my hearing and I' m nearly blind.I won't use it. Thank you all the same.'

“Dearest Melvin, you are the_____34_____ son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken tasted so_____35_____. I liked it very much. Thank you."

16. A. fought B. studied C. talked D. slept

17. A. chances B. gifts C. wishes D. challenges

18. A. big B. warm C. safe D. lonely

19. A. book B. bike C. car D. bag

20. A. station B. museum C. library D. theater

21. A. how B. what C. why D. when

22. A. listen B. feel C. see D. walk

23. A. stories B. poems C. words D. lyrics

24. A. protect B. beat C. raise D. train

25. A. but B. so C. unless D. although

26. A. shocked B. embarrassed C. frightened D. impressed

27. A. took out B. put up C. sent out D. picked up

28. A. enjoyable B. tiring C. delightful D. amusing

29. A. learn B. work C. exercise D. drive

30. A. never B. often C. regularly D. sometimes

31. A. future B. idea C. hobby D. program

32. A. enjoy B. create C. bring D. record

33. A. admired B. lost C. remained D. discovered

34. A. same B. last C. only D. next

35. A. strange B. unpleasant C. terrible D. delicious

【答案】16. C    17. B    18. A    19. C    20. D    21. A    22. C    23. B    24. D    25. A    26. D    27. C    28. B    29. D    30. A    31. B    32. A    33. B    34. C    35. D




考查动词辨析。句意:吃饭的时候,他们谈了很长时间。A. fought打架;B. studied学习;C. talked交谈;D. slept睡觉。根据They discussed the____2____they had given their elderly mother who lived far away in another city.可知他们交谈了很长时间。故选C


考查名词辨析。句意:他们讨论了他们送给远在另一个城市的年迈母亲的礼物。A. chances机会;B. gifts礼物;C. wishes祝福;D. challenges挑战。根据下文内容可知,他们在谈论送给老母亲的礼物。故选B


考查形容词辨析。句意:第一个说:“我为妈妈建了一座大房子。”A. big大的;B. warm温暖的;C. safe安全的;D. lonely孤独的。根据Milton, the house you built is so huge可知这里意思是我给妈妈建了一所大房子。故选A


考查名词辨析。句意:第二个说:“我让梅赛德斯-奔驰经销商送给她一辆车。”A. book书;B. bike自行车;C. car汽车;D. bag书包。根据so I'll____15____ use the car 可知这里意思是我让我的奔驰经销商给她送了一辆汽车。故选C


考查名词辨析。句意:第三个说:“我为妈妈建了一个漂亮的剧院。”A. station车站;B. museum博物馆;C. library图书馆;D. theater剧院。根据Michael, you gave me an expensive building for many people to____17____plays or I watch movies in it 可知这里意思是我为妈妈建了一个漂亮的剧院。故选D


考查句意理解。句意:你知道妈妈多么喜欢读诗,你知道她不能再读了,因为她的视力不太好。A. how多么;B. what什么;C. why为什么;D. when时,故选A


考查动词辨析。句意:因为她看不清了。A. listen听;B. feel感觉;C. see看到;D. walk散步。根据I met a businessman who had a parrot that can recite many____8____.可知这里意思是她看不清了。故选C


考查名词辨析。句意:他养了一只鹦鹉,能背诵很多首诗。A. stories故事;B. poems诗歌;C. words语言;D. lyrics歌词。根据You know____6____Mama loved reading poems and you know she can't read any more because she can't ____7____very well.可知这只鹦鹉会背很多诗歌。故选B


考查动词辨析。句意:他花了12年时间来训练它说话A. protect保护;B. beat打败;C. raise提高;D. train训练。根据and he earns his living by renting it out. 可知他花了12年时间训练它说话。故选D


考查连词辨析。句意:我不得不连续20年每年付给他10万美元,但这是值得的。A. but但是;B. so所以;C. unless除非;D. although尽管。根据句意可知,这里为转折关系。故选A


考查形容词辨析。句意:听到这个消息,其他兄弟对他的好想法很感动。A. shocked震惊的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. frightened害怕的;D. impressed受感动的。故选D


考查动词短语辨析。句意:假期过后,他们的母亲寄出了感谢信。A. took out拿出;B. put up提供;C. sent out寄出;D. picked up捡起。上文提到他们的母亲住在离他们很远的另外一个城市,可知他们的母亲寄出了感谢信。故选C


考查形容词辨析。句意:这是一项累人的工作。A. enjoyable快乐的;B. tiring累人的;C. delightful可爱的;D. amusing有趣的。根据I only live in one room, but I have to clean the whole house.可知这是一项累人的工作。故选B


考查动词辨析。句意:我太老了,开不了车。A. learn学习;B. work工作;C. exercise运动;D. drive驾驶。根据so I'll____15____ use the car.可知这里意思是我太老了,不能开车。故选D


考查副词辨析。句意:所以我永远不用这辆车。A. never从未;B. often经常;C. regularly有规律地;D. sometimes有时。根据I stay home and have others work for me可知我从未用过这辆车。故选A


考查名词辨析。句意:这个主意不错,尽管不太现实。A. future未来;B. idea主意;C. hobby业余爱好;D. program程序。故选B

山东省滨州市十二校2019—2020学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 英语好文收藏 第4张32题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意:Michael,你给了我一栋很贵的楼,让很多人在里面欣赏戏剧或看电影,但是我所有的朋友都死了。A. enjoy欣赏;B. create创造;C. bring带来;D. record记录。故选A


考查动词辨析。句意:我几乎失去了听力,也几乎失明了。A. admired羡慕;B. lost失去;C. remained保持;D. discovered发现。根据I won't use it.可知我几乎失去了听力,并且几乎失明。故选B


考查形容词辨析。句意:亲爱的Melvin,你是唯一一个明智地考虑你的礼物的儿子。A. same相同的;B. last最后的;C. only唯一的;D. next下一个的。故选C


考查形容词辨析。句意:这鸡尝起来真好吃。A. strange奇怪的;B. unpleasant使人不愉快的;C. terrible可怕的;D. delicious美味的。根据tasted 可知这里意思是这只鸡吃起来真美味。故选D

【点睛】完形填空是高考英语中最难山东省滨州市十二校2019—2020学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 英语好文收藏 第5张一个题,正确解答完形填空题是考试成功至关重要的保障。完形填空所选的文章都是具有逻辑关系、意义相连的语篇,因此,在行文中不可避免地会出现词语的复现、前后同义或反义、相互照应等现象。所以,解题时应联系上下文寻找相关线索,如某一个词的原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词和概括词等。完形填空的解题方法很多,而词汇复现法就是最常见的方法之一。词汇复现包括原词复现、同义词复现、同根词复现、概括词复现以及结构复现等。本题中的3小题中的hugebig4小题中的car8小题中的poems等都采用了同义词或原词复现的方法。但由于我们在做题时不可能总是重复地阅读文章,因此,在做完形填空时要培养一种捕捉并记忆相关信息的能力。

第二节:语法填空(共 10 个小题,每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)


“Carnival” comes from two Latin words,___36___(mean) “No more meat”. In Europe,___37___it  began , people saw carnival  as the  last  chance to have  fun at the  end of the winter season.___38___(have)  fun meant eating, drinking  and dressing up. The most famous   carnival was in Venice. At first, it lasted for just one day.___39___time passed, the carnival     period was extended.  People  walked  around  the  streets  wearing  masks,  doing___40___they wanted without___41___(recognize).

Later, wearing  masks  was  limited  by  law.  Finally,  at  the  end  of  the  18th  century,  masks___42___(ban)  completely. But  in___43___late  1970s,  the  tradition  was  revived  by students and the festival was developed for tourists. Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February. Hotels are___44___(full) booked and the narrow streets are crowded___45___wonderful costumes. If the key to Rio is music and movement, then in Venice it is the mystery of masks.

【答案】36. meaning    

37. where    38. Having    

39. As    40. what    

41. being recognized    

42. were banned    

43. the    44. fully    

45. with














考查非谓语动词。句意:人们戴着面具在街上走,做着自己想做的事,不会被认出来。根据句子结构可知,这里是介词without的宾语,结合句意,戴着面具,不会被认出来,所以要填动名词的被动形式,故填being recognized


考查时态语态。句意:最终,在18世纪末时,面具被完全禁止了。根据这句话的时间状语:18世纪末,判断用一般过去时,面具是被禁止,还需要用被动语态(注意ban的过去分词要双写n),面具用的是复数形式,故填were banned






考查介词。句意:旅馆订满了,狭窄的接到挤满了五彩缤纷的服装。街上挤满了人。be crowded with意为挤满,是固定短语,符合题意。故填with

【点睛】解语法填空题,要结合句子结构,判断所填部分做什么成分,然后确定相应的形式。比如第1小题,根据句子结构,这里是作状语,carnivalmean之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词,故填meaning。当然也有是固定短语,根据句意,可以直接填写,为其他题目空出时间。比如第10小题,be crowded with意为挤满,是固定短语,符合题意。故填with

第四部分 (共三节,满分 45 分)

第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 

46. ____ (显然) , he is interested in music as well as in painting.




47. They failed in all their ____ (尝试,努力) to climb the mountain.




48. Chest pain can be a warning ____ (信号) of heart disease.




49. There are plenty of jobs ____ (可得到的) in the western part of the country.




50. The report gave a lively ____ (描述) of the whole story.




51. Nobody is allowed to go against the regulations and there is no ____ (例外).



【详解】考查名词。句意:没有人可以违背规则,没有例外。exception意为例外,no exception意为毫不例外,符合题意,故填exception

52. How many people attended the ____ (庆典)?




53. Do you know the ____ (起源) of the Yangtze River?




54. We produce cheaper goods than our ____ (竞争者)




55. We all thought the matter would be a failure, but it changed ____ (戏剧性).




第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5  与答案不符者不得分)

56. We decided not to buy the piano, for it ____(占据)too much space.

【答案】took up


【详解】考查动词短语。句意:我们决定不买钢琴了,因为它占据的空间太多。take up意为占据时间和空间,符合题意。根据本句的是时态,这里应该用一般过去时,故填took up

57. Social networking ____ (使...更容易)for people to keep in touch with each other.

【答案】makes it easier


【详解】考查固定结构。句意:社交网络使人们更容易保持联系。使更容易做某事,用make+宾语+宾语补足语,本题因为后面有真是的主语,所以前面用it作形式宾语,更容易要用比较级,根据句意,这里用一般现在时,故填makes it easier

58. The film ____ (为背景) the “gold rush” in America in the 18th century.

【答案】is set in


【详解】考查固定短语。句意:这部电影以18世纪美国的“淘金热”为背景。这里是客观叙述,所以要用一般现在时,be set in意为以……为背景,故填is set in

59. The building ____ (追溯到) the 1820s was built in secret.

【答案】dating back to##dating from


【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:这幢追溯到19世纪20年代的建筑是秘密建成的。date back to意为追溯到,符合题意。根据句子结构,这里“追溯到19世纪20年代”是作定语,修饰建筑,之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,故填dating back to/dating from

60. You can go out ____ (只要) you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.

【答案】on condition that##as long as##so long as


【详解】考查状语从句。句意:只要你承诺11点前回来,你可以出去。根据句子结构,这里是条件状语从句,结合句意,故填on condition that/as long as/so long as

第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)

61. 假定你是李华,你的外教Mr. Pick回国前向你推荐了American School Life网站希望你借此提高英语水平。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件告诉他你的收获要点如下





Dear Mr. Pick,











Li Hua

【答案】Dear Mr. Pick,

It’s a fairly long time since you left our school. I miss you very much. Is everything going well?

The website you’ve recommended to me is very beneficial to my English study. It has abundant reading materials that I need most, greatly broadening my horizon. Now I have become more interested in English. Besides, I’ve made many new friends and we communicate a lot about school life, lectures, science, and so on. Now I can express myself much better than ever.

Thanks to your kindness and consideration, I’v made rapid progress in English study. I owe all my achievements to you.

I’m looking forward to more advice from you!


Li Hua



【详解】李华的外教Mr. Pick回国前向你推荐了 American School Life网站,希望你借此提高英语水平。请用英语给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他你的收获。内容主要分三部分:1. 表达思念;2. 上推荐网站的收获;3. 对朋友表示感激。这三个要点的顺序可以根据需要进行调整,而且在写作时也可以发挥想象,增添内容,使文章更加丰满,但要注意分清主次。因为是给别人写邮件提建议,所以注意语言要礼貌,措辞要委婉,而且不要用生僻的词汇。此外,为了增加文章亮点,提高作文的档次,要尽量使用多种句式结构,如倒装句,强调句和各种从句等。注意人称、时态和字数。文章主要以第一人称和第三人称为主,用现在完成时和一般现在时来写。写作时要表达准确,要点全面,态度诚恳,还要注意高级词汇和句型的运用。

【点睛】文章层次清晰,要点全面,表达流畅,切合作文要求,句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。使用了高级句型:定语从句It has abundant reading materials that I need most, greatly broadening my horizon. 定语从句The website you’ve recommended to me is very beneficial to my English study.,高级词汇:be beneficial to, broadening my horizon



最后编辑于:2022/1/17 拔丝英语网



