



Vietnam clobbers China in Lunar New Year upset


Vietnam rattled China in a 3-1 upset during a World Cup qualifying match on Tuesday, sparking jubilation among Hanoi crowds as both countries celebrate Lunar New Year.

The surprise win gave Vietnam's national team their first scalp in the qualifiers after seven straight losses.

It was also the first time the team defeated China.

Two goals in the first half by Vietnam's defender Ho Tan Tai and striker Nguyen Tien Linh helped the Southeast Asian underdog set the pace.

The win was sealed in the second half when striker Phan Van Duc scored, prompting cheers from 6,000 local spectators at My Dinh National Stadium.

A consolation goal during the second-half extra time by midfielder Xu Xin could not save China's slim hope of qualify for the 2022 World Cup -- they are nine points below third-placed Australia.

"We always try to gain maximum points when we play our home matches. And fortunately today, we won against China on the first day of Lunar New Year," Vietnam captain Do Hung Dung told reporters.

Beyond the football field, China and Vietnam are arch-rivals -- with tensions spanning trade, land and water disputes.

"Winning over China has always been Vietnam's aspiration no matter what the match maybe. So I think this match's result means even more for Vietnam than even its leg in the World Cup," football fan Nguyen Nam Long told AFP.

Celebrations of the Golden Star Warriors' triumph were echoed online.

"Winning over China is a billion times bigger than winning other teams," football fan Dinh Trung wrote on Facebook.

Vietnam is in Group B of the Asian qualifiers and will play their next game at home against Oman on March 24.


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Vietnam clobbers China in Lunar New Year upset


Vietnam rattled China in a 3-1 upset during a World Cup qualifying match on Tuesday, sparking jubilation among Hanoi crowds as both countries celebrate Lunar New Year.





clobber /ˈklɒb.ər/ 表示“彻底打败”,英文解释为“to defeat completely”举个?:We got clobbered in the game on Tuesday.




作名词,熟词僻义,表示“爆冷门”,英文解释为“an occasion when someone beats the team or player that was expected to win”举个?:

It would be quite an upset if the favourite didn't win.




rattle /ˈrætəl/ 1)表示“使慌乱,使紧张”,英文解释为“to make someone lose confidence or become nervous (informal)”举个?:

His mocking smile rattled her more than his anger.



2)表示“(使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音”,英文解释为“to make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against sth hard; to make sth do this举个?:

Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled.




1)表示“(使)具有资格,(使)合格”,英文解释为“to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.举个?:

She hopes to qualify (as a teacher) at the end of the year.


?电影《合伙人》(The Company Men)中的台词提到:只靠我的薪水我们不可能再成功申请房贷 We're not going to be able to qualify for another house on just my salary.

2)表示“标;得参赛资格”,英文解释为“to be of a high enough standard to enter a competition; to defeat another person or team in order to enter or continue in a competition”举个?:
He failed to qualify.


表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个?:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《后浪》和「青年」一文的标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


?stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个?:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


?provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

?spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个?:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


?电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。




jubilation /ˌdʒuː.bəlˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“(尤指因成功而感到)欢欣,喜气洋洋”,英文解释为“a feeling of great happiness, especially because of a success”举个?:

There was jubilation in the crowd as the winning goal was scored.




The surprise win gave Vietnam's national team their first scalp in the qualifiers after seven straight losses.





scalp /skælp/ 表示“(在竞争或竞选中)击败的人,手下败将;(表示某人已被打败或已受到惩罚的)标志”,英文解释为“someone you defeat in a competition or election;a symbol of the fact that sb has been defeated or punished”举个?:

Although they are expected to take some important scalps in the election, they are unlikely to form the next government.


They have claimed some impressive scalps in their bid for the championship.




straight作形容词,除了表示“直的”(without a bend or curve; going in one direction only),还可以指“一个接一个的,连续的,不间断的”(happening immediately one after another in a series),举个?:

The team now has an amazing record of 50 straight wins.




It was also the first time the team defeated China.



Two goals in the first half by Vietnam's defender Ho Tan Tai and striker Nguyen Tien Linh helped the Southeast Asian underdog set the pace.


越南队的后卫胡晋才(Ho Tan Tai)和前锋阮进灵(Nguyen Tien Linh)在上半场的两个进球帮助这支东南亚劣势球队掌握了进攻节奏。



表示“防守队员;后卫”,英文解释为“someone in a sports team who tries to prevent the other team from scoring points, goals, etc.”



表示“(足球比赛等中的)前锋”,英文解释为“a player in a game such as football whose main purpose is to try to score goals rather than to prevent the opposing team from scoring”



1)表示“弱者;弱势群体”,英文解释为“a person or group of people with less power, money, etc. than the rest of society”举个?:

Her sympathy was always for the underdog in society.


2)表示“(比赛中)不被看好的一方”,英文解释为“in a competition, the person or team considered to be the weakest and the least likely to win”。



The win was sealed in the second half when striker Phan Van Duc scored, prompting cheers from 6,000 local spectators at My Dinh National Stadium.


下半场,前锋潘文德(Phan Van Duc)的进球锁定胜局,引发了美亭国家体育场(My Dinh National Stadium)内6000名当地观众的欢呼。



表示“确定;明确定下来;使成定局”,英文解释为“to make sth definite, so that it cannot be changed or argued about”举个?:

The two leaders sealed their agreement with a handshake.




表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen举个?:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


?美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸




表示“(尤指体育赛事的)观众”,英文解释为“a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part”


A consolation goal during the second-half extra time by midfielder Xu Xin could not save China's slim hope of qualify for the 2022 World Cup -- they are nine points below third-placed Australia.





表示“安慰;慰藉;给人带来安慰的事物”,英文解释为“something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better”举个?:

If it's (of) any consolation (to you), you're not the only one he was nasty to.



extra time

表示“(足球比赛的)加时赛”,英文解释为“a period of time in a sports game in which play continues if neither team has won in the usual time allowed for the game”



表示“中场球员”,英文解释为“In football, a midfielder is a player whose usual position is in the midfield.



slim通常指人苗条的,纤细的,此处表示“微薄的;不足的;少的;小的”,英文解释为“not as big as you would like or expect”如:a slim chance of success 成功的可能性不大,a slim lead 微弱的领先优势,举个?:

They only have a slim chance of winning (= it's unlikely that they will win).


?电影《汽车总动员》(Cars)中的台词提到:Fifty laps down, and The King is still holding a slim lead. 50圈了 冠军还保持领先地位


"We always try to gain maximum points when we play our home matches. And fortunately today, we won against China on the first day of Lunar New Year," Vietnam captain Do Hung Dung told reporters.



Beyond the football field, China and Vietnam are arch-rivals -- with tensions spanning trade, land and water disputes.


在足球场之外,中国和越南是宿敌 -- 紧张关系横跨贸易、土地和水争端。



arch-表示“极度的;为首的;(尤指)极恶劣的;主要的;最重要的”,英文解释为“most importantgreater or especially worse than others of the same type”,如:an arch-criminal 首犯,arch-rival表示“主要竞争对手;主要敌手,劲敌



?arch-enemy表示“主要敌人;大敌;死敌”,英文解释为“an especially bad enemy”;



1)表示“横跨”,英文解释为“A bridge or other structure that spans something such as a river or a valley stretches right across it.”举个?:

Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream


2)表示“持续”,英文解释为“If something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time.”举个?:

His professional career spanned 16 years



"Winning over China has always been Vietnam's aspiration no matter what the match maybe. So I think this match's result means even more for Vietnam than even its leg in the World Cup," football fan Nguyen Nam Long told AFP.


“无论什么比赛,赢下中国一直是越南的愿望。因此,我认为这场比赛的结果对越南来说甚至比它在世界杯上的表现更有意义,”足球迷阮南龙(Nguyen Nam Long,音译)告诉法新社(AFP)。

Celebrations of the Golden Star Warriors' triumph were echoed online.





1)作动词,表示“成功;获胜”,英文解释为“If someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle.”举个?:

All her life, she had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.


2)作名词,表示“胜利;成就”,英文解释为“A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.举个?:

The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach.


3)作名词,不可数,表示“(成功或胜利的)喜悦;心满意足,狂喜”,英文解释为“Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory.举个?:

Her sense of triumph was short-lived. 




表示“附和;重复;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.举个?:

Their views often echo each other.



"Winning over China is a billion times bigger than winning other teams," football fan Dinh Trung wrote on Facebook.


足球迷丁仲(Dinh Trung,音译)在Facebook上写道:“战胜中国队比战胜其他球队的意义要重大得多。”

Vietnam is in Group B of the Asian qualifiers and will play their next game at home against Oman on March 24.





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