读读这 4 条小贴士,立马开始写英文

前两天读完一篇《华尔街日报》文章想写评论,结果区区一条评论足足写了 20 多分钟,看来一段时间不写英文手生是躲不过的。还是要写,多写,就从迷你写作开始吧。


最近邀请一个朋友帮我设计了视觉素材,这篇短文就是在漂亮的信纸上敲出来的,我选了 Tsukushi A Round Gothic 字体,写的时候感觉一下子爱上了这种活泼、灵动的字体。第一次感受到好的字体会让你更想要写东西。

4 Tips to Help You Start Writing


Well begun is half done. But the truth is that getting started is enough. It doesn’t even have to begin well. Most people sit on the to-start-or-not-to-start fence and never make the jump. Here are 4 tips about how to start writing.


1. Start small. Don’t look up to literary luminaries or try to begin by writing a book-length masterpiece. Producing a couple of sentences is fine. Try to capture small, fleeting observations, ideas, and thoughts that were deemed undeserving of formulation. Only progress when you have gotten the hang of “mini writing.” 


2. Done is better than perfect. Perfection is an illusion unsuited to beginners. Conscientiousness is understandable and laudable, but perfection shouldn’t get in the way of getting the work done. Consistence begins with getting on with imperfection. 


3. Turn imaginary conversations into writing. If you feel you have something to say to someone, you have something to write about. Writing can feel overwhelming, and it is. One trick to get over this is to imagine that when you write, you talk to someone. You basically just note down your spoken words. This can give you a jump-start when you struggle with what to write. 


4. Share your writing. Writing is hard and lonely. Encouragement and engagement fuel consistence. Don’t call it day until you share what you write. Send it to your loved ones and friends. Ask how they like it, whether they can relate to it, and what they think about the issue. Turn your writing into a conversation. 

Begun is almost done. Start writing now and feel the joy of writing.



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最后编辑于:2022/2/16 拔丝英语网



