『Email CC给我』啥意思?办公室常见英文缩写,你必须知道!

Email CC给我



一、1分钟单词速记 Vocabulary

--- to keep someone in the loop (phrs. v.) 让某人更新信息

--- carbon copy paper (n.) 纸本副本

--- to keep something on the down low (phrs. v.) 保持低调

二、信件常见英文缩写 E-mail common abbreviations

Let’s talk about something that we’ve all asked at least once or twice: what’s CC and BCC and how are they different from TO? Here are your answers:



The ‘To’ field should be intended for the targeted recipients of the mail. If you have multiple recipients in the TO field, all their address will be visible to each other.




If your email is directed at Johnny AND Mary about an upcoming meeting with a client, put both of their email addresses in the TO field.


CC (Carbon Copy)(副本)

It works just like the real carbon copy paper, it ‘copies’. You’ll still be able to see all the others’ addresses entered in the TO field, as well as the ones entered in the CC field. However, recipients in the CC field will know that this email was intended for and targeted at those in the TO field, but the CC recipients may be somewhat involved in the situation so the sender feels like they should be kept in the loop.




If your email is directed at Johnny and Mary, put their email addresses in the TO field, but if you also feel like your manager should stay updated, you can put your manager’s email in the CC field.


BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)(密件副本)

This is probably the most different, and rather useful, function in emails. Addresses entered in the BCC field will NOT be visible to all other recipients (including other BCC recipients). However, should the email also have TO and CC recipients, those addresses will still be visible to every recipient (including BCC). No one BUT the sender can see all the BCC recipient addresses.


Note that any replies to the original email will NOT be sent to these people because their addresses will not be detected by other recipients’ email service providers. BCC recipients will only be able to see their own email addresses in the BCC field. This function is also extremely useful when you are sending an email to a bigger crowd but you don’t want to leak anyone’s contact information and email address.




That email that you sent to Johnny and Mary, as well as CC-ed to your manager, about the meeting with a client: maybe you plan to have a few surprises that involve other people, but you needed to keep things on the down low, enter these anonymous addresses in the BCC field. No one but you (the sender) can see their addresses.



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最后编辑于:2022/3/9 拔丝英语网



