买房不能说buy a house吗?

最近看到一篇文章,说买房不能说成buy a house,不然“老外会误会”。


文章进一步解释说house是指独门独院的房子,类似我们所说的别墅,因此buy a house相当于买了独立别墅,大豪宅,买小区商品房要说buy a flat/apartment


买房不能说buy a house吗?





a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family




买房不能说buy a house吗?

因此,用buy a house来指代“买小区商品房”是没有问题的,外媒报道中也经常使用这一说法。比如BBC有一篇报道中国年轻人买房的文章就出现了这样的句子:


买房不能说buy a house吗?

While young people around the world are struggling to get on the property ladder, an HSBC study found that 70% of Chinese millennials have achieved the milestone. A sizeable 91% also plan to buy a house in the next five years, according to the survey.




文章写的是关于中国年轻人的买房状况,但也用了"buy a house"这一说法。《福布斯》在一篇报道中国楼市的文章How People In China Afford Their Outrageously Expensive Homes也有这样的句子:


If parents are not financially able to buy their kids a house outright, they will generally help with the down payment, or at the very least provide access to their social network to borrow the required funds.


因此在国内说"buy a house"并不会让人误会你买了大别墅,当然如果你真的买了大别墅,你可以直接说"I bought a villa",要强调你买的是小区房,你也可以说"I bought an apartment/flat".


除此之外,我们也可以用buy a home/ buy a property来表达“买房”的概念。




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最后编辑于:2022/3/20 拔丝英语网



