商务英文邮件「business e-mail」不会写?你该懂的7种框架原则!



一、1分钟单词速记 Vocabulary

unforeseen (adj.) 没办法预见的

salutation (n.) 招呼

signature (n.) 签名

until further notice (phr.) 直到有更新的通知

promptly (adv.) 迅速地

specialist (n.) 专员

trade (n.) 交易/贸易

carbon copy (CC) (n.) 副本

blind carbon copy (BCC) (n.) 密件副本

illegible (adj.) 难以辨识的

二、商务英文邮件的框架 Structure of a Business E-mail

Recipient 收信者

Make sure you double check who you’re sending it to before hitting ‘Send’. Also, think about the people you might need send a copy (CC or BCC) to.


Subject 主题

A clear subject title will allow the recipient to understand the urgency of the matter. Keep it short and concise.


Salutation 招呼

This is where you greet the recipient. To address a formal audience, stick with ‘Dear’, for a less formal audience, you can use ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’.


Body Text 邮件内文

Your main message of the e-mail should also be as short, clear, and straight to the point as possible. Try to avoid using contractions for a formal audience. ALWAYS PROOFREAD BEFORE HITTING ‘SEND’!!!


Closure 结尾

End your e-mail in a clear way, expressing what kind of response you are expecting, if needed. If you are not specific enough, you probably won’t get what you need.


Sign Off 结尾祝福

The most common, and safest, sign offs include: ‘sincerely’, ‘yours sincerely’, ‘respectfully’, and ‘best/kind regards’.


「sincerely」、「yours sincerely」、「respectfully」、「best/kind regards」

Signature 签名

A formal business e-mail has a signature at the end to provide detailed contact information, such as: name of contact, title, company name, and contact information.

通常正式的商业邮件在结束的时候都会有附签名档。内容包含一些联络信息,像是: 姓名、职称、公司名、以及联络方式之类的。

三、格式 Format

Font 字体

It’s best to choose a basic, easy to read font style. Some people may be using their mobile devices, so a fancy font with lots of strokes may become a bit illegible. Some suggestions include Sans Serif, Arial, and Verdana.

最好是选基本又好读的字体。有些人可能会使用手机或是平板电脑来阅读,那样的话,那些有造型的字体很可能会变得难以辨识。下列这些字体是我们推荐的:Sans Serif、Arial、Verdana。

Text Size 字体大小

Anywhere between 10 and 12 pt. is safe. If the font is too big, you might be misunderstood (as if you’re trying to sound bolder), and if it’s too small, it may be hard to read.


Bold vs. Italics 粗体跟斜体

Both are used to emphasize and draw attention to an area of text. You can use bold for headings or a strong points, as it catches the eye more easily if the reader is just skimming through the contents. Italics are a more subtle way to stress on something.


Underline 底线

Use underlines with care. Most underlined text can be confused for a link.


When you’re constructing an e-mail, always think about the audience. If you’re sending an e-mail to a coworker who you personally know, it doesn’t always have to be this formal. However, when in doubt, it’s always better safe than sorry!


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最后编辑于:2022/3/22 拔丝英语网



