2023.3.28 NSE 30.1.1



"Borrow" and "lend" are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings and usage.

"Borrow" means to take something from someone with the intention of returning it. For example, "Can I borrow your pen for a moment?" This implies that the person taking the pen does not own it and needs to return it to the owner. 取走笔的人不拥有

"Lend," on the other hand, means to give something to someone with the expectation that it will be returned. For example, "I can lend you my pen for the meeting." This implies that the person giving the pen owns it and expects it to be returned. 给与笔的人拥有

So, to summarize:

  • Borrow = to take something from someone with the intention of returning it
  • Lend = to give something to someone with the expectation that it will be returned

It's important to use these words correctly, especially in formal or professional settings.

Do you happen to have enough money to lend me?

I never planned to be a plant guy. It all started with a half-dead jade plant left behind in a small store my wife and I took over many years ago. I brought home what was left of the plant, put it on my desk and obsessed over it as if it were a baby bird. The jade plant grew big and healthy and turned me into our family’s plant person. Now I’m in charge of all plants inside and outside our home.

(Jade plants are known for their resilience and are relatively easy to care for, making them a popular choice for indoor gardening. They can grow up to several feet tall, but they are often pruned to maintain a more compact size. In addition to their attractive appearance, jade plants are also believed to have positive feng shui properties and are sometimes given as gifts to promote prosperity and good luck.)

pursue hobbies, foster hobbies 培养爱好



but is widely grown as a houseplant in many parts of the world. It has thick, fleshy, round leaves that store water, allowing the plant to survive in arid conditions. The leaves of the jade plant are usually a jade green color, hence the name "jade" plant.



多肉燕子掌 A jade plant is a succulent plant that is native to South Africa but is widely grown as a houseplant in many parts of the world. It has thick, fleshy, round leaves that store water, allowing the plant to survive in arid conditions. The leaves of the jade plant are usually a jade green color, hence the name "jade" plant.

pursue hobbies, foster hobbies 培养爱好

Class is at 7:30 p.m. tonight.

And it didn’t cost very much, which is nice.

Is it a good script?

You came here to see Benny?

He left a note about that.

It didn't say very much.

He promised to help me today.

I really hate it when people do that.

I know a bit about household chores.


We can start with the bathroom.

Then you can carry some heavy stuff.

Fix the light.

最后编辑于:2023/3/28 拔丝英语网



