

《00522英语国家概况》-1 -英国国土与人民

《00522英语国家概况》-2 -英国的起源
《00522英语国家概况》-3 -英国的形成
《00522英语国家概况》-4 -过渡时期的英国
《00522英语国家概况》-5 -英帝国的兴衰
《00522英语国家概况》-6 -英国经济
《00522英语国家概况》-7 -英国政治






Chapter 8     Society and Culture


I Health and Welfare


1.The National Health Service

The National Health Service (NHS) is a very important part of the welfare system In Britain. It is a nationwide institution based on Acts of Parliament. It provides comprehensive health care throughout the UK. The NHS Provides medical care through a tripartite structure of primary care, hospitals, and community health care.

The main element in primary care is the system of general practitioners (family doctors), who provide preventive and curative care and who refer patients to hospital and specialist services. All consultations with a general practitioner under the NHS are free.

The other major types of primary medical care are dentistry and pharmaceutical and ophthalmic (related to the eyes) services. These are the only services of the NHS for which charges are levied, though persons under age 16, past retirement, or with low incomes are usually exempt.

All hospital treatment under the NHS is free, including consultations with doctors, nursing, drugs, and intensive care, whatever the type of medical problem and however long the hospital stay.



2.Private Medical Care

Private medical health care both for primary care and for hospital treatment.

Although the NHS is a popular institution, it is not without problems: resources are scarce, many hospital buildings are old, there are waiting lists for not-urgent conditions, the distributions of health care by social class and by region is less equal than many would wish, and management needs to be improved.


3.Cash Benefits

The current system of cash benefits, is base on the 1942 "Beveridge Report." Every employed person pays a national insurance contribution. The revenue from contributions goes into the National Insurance Fund.

Whether or not they receive an insurance benefit, all are eligible for a noncontributory benefit.

The major noncontributory benefits, paid out of general tax revenues, offer poverty relief to individuals and families whose income and savings fall below some prescribed level.


II Housing (常考题型单选题、配对题)

During the mid-20th century, local governments developed council houses (public housing estates) throughout the UK.

Under the housing Act of 1977, local governments have a statutory obligation in certain circumstances to find housing for homeless families. Following the introduction of "right to buylegislation in 1980, many tenants became owner-occupiers.


III Education(常考题型单选题、配对题、简答题)
1.Primary and Secondary Education

Overall responsibility for education in England rests with the secretary of state for education. Local Education Authorities (LEAs) employ the teachers and are the major providers of education.

Primary education is free and compulsory from age 5 to 11.

LEAs provide secondary education for children aged 11 to 19; it is free and compulsory to age 16.

In most parts of the UK, secondary schools are comprehensive—that is, they are open to pupils of all abilities.



2.Private Schools

In Britain these private schools are often called "public schools.These schools are financially supported by tuition fees and private funds. Most of their students come from rich families and are very likely to go on th famous universities.

The worl "public" is a traditional one with little meaning today since far from being public these schools are restricted to a comparatively small section of the population. Their existence is controversial. It is argued that private schools divert gifted children and teachers and scarce financial resources from state schools and that they perpetuate economic and social divisions.



3.Higher Education

Universities historically have been independent and self-governing: however, they have close links with the central government because a large proportion of their income derives from public funds.

Public funds flow to universities through recurrent grants and in the form of tuition fees. The government introduced the present system of student loans.

The Open University—a unique innovation in higher education—is a degree-granting institution that provides courses of study for adults through television, radio, and local study programs.



IV Culture Life(常考题型单选题、配对题、简答题)

English culture tends to dominate the formal cultural life of the UK.

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland share fully in the common culture but also preserve lively traditions that predate political union with England.

The Beatles were only the first and best-known of the many British rock groups to win a world following.

British clothing designers for a time led the world as innovators of new styles of dress for both men and women,and the brightly colored outfits became more symbolic of Britain.

Most evident was the rising standard of education. The number of pupils going on to higher education increased dramatically after World War II. Furthermore, immigration, particularly from the West Indies and South Asia, introduced new cultural currents to the UK.



V Daily Life and Social Customs(常考题型单选题)

Each part of the UK—England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland—keeps its own unique customs, traditions, cuisine, and festivals. 

Moreover, as Britain's empire spanned the globe, it became a focal point of immigration.


VI Arts(常考题型单选题、配对题)

British comedians have brought laughter to diverse audiences and been widely imitated; 

British composers have found devoted listeners around the world; 

British philosophers have had a tremendous influence in shaping the course of scientific and moral inquiry.

The work of filmmakers and actors throughout the UK is supported by the Film Council.


VII Cultural Institutions(常考题型单选题、配对题)

The UK has many cultural treasures. It is home to a wide range of learned societies, including the British Academy, the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Edinburgh

The British Museum in London houses historical artifacts from all parts of the globe.


VIII Sports and Recreation(常考题型单选题、配对题、简答题)

The modern game of football (soccer) is generally accepted to have originated in England. In 1966 England hosted and won the World Cup; it was the third host nation to win the championship.

Rugby and cricket have also long enjoyed great popularity in Britain.

Great Britain is the only nation to have attended every modern Olympic Games, beginning with the first competition in Athens, Greece, in 1896. 

Britain has hosted the Games twice in London, in 1908 and 1948. 

At the 1896 Games weight lifter Launceston Elliot was the first Briton to win a gold medal, and in 1908 figure skater Madge Cave Syers became the first female athlete to win a medal in the Winter Games.

In 2012, the 30th Summer Olympic Games was held in London. This was the third time of this city to have held a summer Olympic Games. 

The British Open golf tournament is held annually, often at the world-renowned course at St.Andrews in Scotland.

The All-England (Wimbledon) Championships is one of the worlds leading tennis competitions.

Horse-racing, hiking bicycling, climbing are popular in UK.



IX Media and Publishing(常考题型单选题、配对题、简答题)


Within the national newspaper business in the UK, a distinction has developed between popular papers with multimillion circulation and quality papers with relatively small sales.

The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have consistently supported the Conservative Party, while the Daily Mirror and The Guardian normally support Labor.

The times of London is one of the world's oldest newspapers.

There is large periodical press in the UK that ranges from such traditional publications as The Economistthe Spectator, and New Statesman to more specialized journals.




The BBC held a monopoly of both radio and television broadcasting until 1954, when the Independent Television Authority (ITA) (独立电视管理局) was established to provide the facilities for commercial television companies.

The Independent Television Commission (ITC) (独立电视委员会)responsible for all commercial television services. Commercial television broadcasters include Channel Four and the ITV network.

BBC radio operates a comprehensive external service, broadcasting around the world in more than 40 languages, as well as a world service in English 24 hours a day.

The Open University uses educational programs that are broadcast by the BBC

The BBC, ITC, and Radio Authority (无线电管理局) are public bodies that in the last resort can be controlled by the government.



1. 首先要掌握每一章的梗概,弄清每一章的重点内容,其次在全面理解每章内容的基础上,把本章与以前章节内容联系起来加以思考。根据课文内容灵活应用泛读、速读、略读技巧,真正做到为内容而阅读,改变过去那种为阅读而阅读、为语法而阅读、为词汇而阅读的不良倾向,真正把英语作为工具使用,准确而快速地把握课文内容;

2. 要注意总结梳理识点,理清思路,建立清晰的知识点结构;

3. 有的同学为通过考试,往往出现两个极端:一是试图精益求精地把握文章所有内容,结果开始就遇到复杂难懂的英国历史(有同学曾戏称是一书的26个字母自由组合),啃下几页内容后,就难以继续、往往是半途而废、无功而返、信心顿无;二是手握所谓的权威题解,直接试图死记硬背所谓的重点内容,感觉收获颇丰,结果却是随着内容的增多,越来越难以招架、难以完成庞大的记忆任务;

4. 也有同学把《英语国家概况》当作精读课对待,终日纠于生僻的词汇而难以及内容,但是《英语国家概况》本质是泛读课,是知识背景课课程的重点在利用英语这一语言工具来掌内容知识,重点在语言的实际运用和知识的了解上,而并不像精读课那样需要扎扎实实地词汇、需要仔仔细细地分析每一个词句。

5. 许多生词只要不影响大意的理解,完全可以不做重点去掌操,做到能够阅读就完全可以了。毕竟,考查方式中并没有过分强调生词的拼写。





一个能在任何时候 帮你参透平凡里的不平庸



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最后编辑于:2023/5/15 拔丝英语网



