


Introduction of International Education


英国教育体系 Education in the UK


主要内容 Main Contents

01 英国教育阶段组成 

Stages of Education in the UK
02 中国学生学习情况 
Students In China 
03 国际中学毕业会考(IB)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
04 给家长们的建议
Points for Potential Parents
05 英国高校联合招生委员会要求 
UCAS Deadline Dates & Requirements


  Stages of Education in the UK 

Education in the UK is based on “STAGES”.

Kindergarten is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Key stage 1 is from age 5 to 7. Key stage 2 is from Age 7 to 11. Students then transfer from Primary School to Secondary School.

阶段三从11岁到14岁,阶段四从14岁到16岁。这期间,大部分学生会学习”中学教育普通证书”(GCSE) 涵盖的一系列课程。
Key stage 3 is from age 11 to 14. And key stage 4 is from age 14 to 16.
Most students will take a range of General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) courses.

Key stage 5 is from age 16 to 18. The most able students will take Advanced Subsidiary (AS) courses then finish Advanced Level (A2) courses, which prepare them for University from 18 years of age. There are other pathways, usually vocational or leading to modern apprenticeships.


  Students In China
在英国,学生学习GCSE课程。我们中国学生学习国际IGCSE科目,一般是为A Levels课程做准备。这些与英国相应的学历资质完全相同。
In the UK students take GCSE’s. Our Chinese students take International IGCSE subjects, usually to prepare them for A Levels. They are exactly the same as the British Qualifications.

Most Chinese students will take: 
English as a second language(+IELTS/TOEFL/SAT);Maths (possibly Additional Maths);Physics, Chemistry, Biology (usually 2 out of 3). We also offer Computer Science, Art & Design, Economics or Business Studies.


  International Baccalaureate(IB)

在英国,有些学生会学习IB(约占比5%),而不是GCSE或A Levels。GCSE的课程都有教学大纲和相应的教科书。教学大纲指导教师关于教学内容和学生考试内容。
Some students in the UK (maybe 5%) will take IB rather than GCSE’s / A Levels. GCSE is a curriculum with every course having a SYLLABUS and related text books. The syllabus tells teachers what to teach and what the students will be examined on.

IB只有框架,而且没有任何考试,直到学生满18岁需要取得文凭时才有考试。对于中国学生,在IGCSE 或 A Levels中更容易取得高分,而IB就难多了。主要原因就是IB要求学生具备高水平英语和深度研究技能。
IB is a framework with no exams until students take the Diploma at age 18. It is easier for Chinese Students to get top grades in their IGCSE or A Levels than to get a top grade in the IB Diploma – mainly due to the high level of English and indepth research skills.

ANGLO EUROPEAN SCHOOL (UK) is a really good school, but even they make their students do a range of GCSE courses in preparation for the IB Diploma.


  UCAS Deadline Dates & Requirements 

注:UCAS(Universities and Colleges Admissions Services)英国高校联合招生委员会

对于顶尖学生,他们必须在上大学前一年的10月15日前申请英国G5超级精英大学。这意味着他们必须一边准备IGCSE考试,一边准备一年后要参加的A Levels考试。
For “top students” they must apply to the G5 by the 15th October, a year before they will go to University.This means they must be prepared for IGCSE, as they will also have to maybe do A Levels after one year.

Also, they may have to take additional tests such as MAT, or STEP and get top marks to even be considered. These are seriously tough exams for Chinese Students!

Counsellors support students when writing their PERSONAL STATEMENTS. School references must reflect the fact these students are academically in the top 5% in the school & have demonstrated their Character, maybe as Head Boy / Girl, Student Council or Volunteer charity work etc.

Students also need minimum scores in IELTS (6.5),TOEFL (100 or above) & possibly SAT. The process for US Universities is more complex and time-consuming.


  Points for Potential Parents 

The Cambridge UK Curriculum is one of the very best in the world. Students can and do apply to Top Universities all over the world including: UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong etc.

To apply to Western Universities it is not like China. In China if you get a Gao Kao result of 725, you go to Tsinghua or Beida. In the west everyone applying to the elite universities has the equivalent of 725 or higher.

So what is the secret? Students have to demonstrate CHARACTER and show they have the POTENTIAL to maybe change the world.

This is where the St Bees education provides our students with the opportunities to develop skills of leadership and teamwork, along with “Global Awareness” projects that are so important for students character development and University applications in the future. 

资料提供 Tom Bailey
编辑 Dorothy Du
校对 Adam Jiao






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