







S:Let me see your paperwork...Left signal,right signal,thank you.


S:Alright,there are two parts to the exam, the first part is in the parking lot(停车区域),the second part is on the road,there are four things that constitute(构成)an automatic(立即) failure,any traffic violation(堵塞),any dangerous behavior(行为),cause of accident,or failure to follow directions. Do you have any questions?

M:I don't believe so.

S: It's a cumulative(累积的) testing system, so if you mess up(错误) at any point ,don't panic(害怕) just go pass.

M: Alright.



S: We are going to go around the bend(弯曲的) to the first stop sign.

M: Alright

S: Alright,so over there at that space, you are going to be parallel parking(平行停车),you have two attempts(尝试,try),when you are ready.

※ 平行停车是必考的。

S:  Exit this space, go to the other half of the course(line,引道)by those yellow cones(塔),once you get to the second yellow stick(棍子),you are going to make a left turn, in between the road cones.

※ 因为句子太快太长,基本很难抓到考官说的左转,很不清晰地

S: You are going to keep to the right hand side. And drive to the last cone in the row(街道).

※ 你会发现很多词都是表达的“”路面“”,用得很准确但一边开车一边脑子不够用,考试时自信心降维打击中。能感受到吧?

M: Alright

S:  Alright, now you are just gonna reverse(倒车) the car in a straight line.I'll let you know when to stop.

S:  Alright,stop right here

M: Alright


S: Alright, so you see the gap(缝隙、开口) , you are just gonna pull forward facing straight then pivot(枢纽) reverse the space right here(向前拉直,然后在这里旋转), so you pretty much accuracy(准确性)shot ...alright. so you just have one attempt. so align(对齐) yourself ,and go in.

S: Alright,so you are going to make a right...

S: ...And go back to the first stop sign.

S:  When it is safe you can go to the next stop sign. 


来体验下美国的社区小路、普通公路、进入加油站、山坡道,2分钟内无数的左拐右拐左拐右拐左拐右拐... ...这真的是常态路况,没有为难新司机的意思,作为北京司机我想说脏话的。

S:  When it is  safe you are going to make a right...

S:  ... Speed limit on this road is 45 mph. so keep heading down(走) .

※ 45迈相当于72公里每小时,路很窄,速度惊人。但是这也是路考选择的最快的路面了,不会更快的。


S:  Alright, so there is going to be a left turning lane coming up, you can merge(并线) into that lane, and turn left at that gas station on to env? drive(某条具体路的名称).

S:  keep heading straight and make the first right down the hill where that black truck turned.

S:  You'll keep going straight until the next stop sign then make a right.

S:  At the light, you'll make a right

S:  You are going to keep heading straight back  and i will let you know when take that left turn

S:  After you pass this little mound(小丘),you'll see the opening to the left turn into the road and make a quick rightinto the parking lot. Once you are in the parking lot ,you can park in any space where you see the orange cones.

S:  You can put it in park, turn it off .






另外要说明的是,美国人的语速和语言习惯不同,考官也不一定都是本地人,万一碰上个印度裔考官,那就等下次再去试试运气吧,问题不在你。LOl... ...



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最后编辑于:2023/6/11 拔丝英语网



