


校训源于典籍,源于名人题词、校长训词,经过岁月的洗礼。校训的英文是 University Motto。剑桥词典对motto这个词的解释是:"a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose"—表达信念或目的的短语。作为一种无形的力量,校训非常抢眼,往往是校园文化的“点睛之笔”。

UCL's founding principles of academic excellence and research, aimed at addressing real-world problems, continue to inform their ethos to this day.

UCL is one of the world’s leading multi-disciplinary universities. It operates in a global context and is committed to excellence, innovation and the promotion of global understanding in all activities: research, teaching, learning, enterprise and community engagement.

UCL distinctive approaches to research, education and innovation will further inspire the community of staffs, students and partners to transform how the world is understood, how knowledge is created and shared and the way that global problems are solved.

London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the wider world and committed to changing it for the better; recognized for the radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity.




编辑 | Grace

文字 | Grace

装饰素材 | 糯糯的饮水机

图片 | Grace

本文由拔丝英语网 - buzzrecipe.com(精选英语文章+课程)收藏,供学习使用,分享转发是更大的支持!由 盖亚英语原创,版权归原作者所有。

最后编辑于:2023/6/20 拔丝英语网



