末日之城EMP: The Survivors有声书A Post Apocalypse EMP Prepper Survival Boxset

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By 拔丝英语网

EMP: The Survivors: A Post Apocalypse EMP Prepper Survival Boxset – Vincent Valentean, Colton Lively, James Hunt, Marie Wilkens

Written by Vincent Valentean, Colton Lively, James Hunt, Marie Wilkens
Read by Cheryl May, Jess Trepanier, Ramona Master


如果你喜欢《EMP: 幸存者》中那种末日后求生,为了保护家人而不惜一切代价,面对混乱与暴力仍然保持坚韧的故事,那么《末日之城》会是很好的选择。《末日之城》同样描绘了一个文明崩溃后的世界,人们为了生存挣扎,社会秩序荡然无存。主角虽然不是完美的英雄,但他为了保护家人,与各种威胁战斗,这和《EMP》里的主角为了儿子不惜一切的决心类似。故事里充斥着为了活下去而产生的残酷与黑暗,但同时也展现了人类的适应能力和对家庭的重视。如果你喜欢后启示录、角色发展和紧张刺激的故事,那么《末日之城》值得一看。


“It’s been years since a post-apocalyptic story got under my skin like this.”

When New York goes dark, only one man stands between his family and the chaos.

When an EMP attack cripples New York City, the lights go out and chaos erupts. Food runs out, riots consume the streets, and the city descends into a brutal struggle for survival. But Tony Nunziatta isn’t like everyone else—he’s prepared, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect his son. After his wife is gunned down in the violence, Tony’s plans to escape are put on hold, and a deadly resolve takes over. With nothing but his skills and his fury, he wages a one-man war for justice in a city on the edge.

The second book in the EMP group was very good. The characters are very likeable and developed. We could only wish to have a homestead to shelter in as they do when the grid goes down but even so there is a very realistic portrayal of the threat posed by lawless groups. Civilization will be threatened as this story shows. Very good story.

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