汇总!各年级各类教材单词、课文听读录音,及各电子版教材 -
以下是涉及 "urge" 和 "urgent" 相关词性的一些短语结构和句型结构:
1.Feel the urge (短语) - 感到渴望,感到强烈的欲望
As the new year began, I felt the urge to set inspiring goals and make positive changes in my life. 随着新年的开始,我感到一种渴望,要设定激励人心的目标并在生活中做出积极的改变。
2.Urge someone to do something (短语) - 敦促某人做某事
I urge you to take the opportunity to learn new skills and broaden your horizons. 我敦促你抓住机会学习新技能,拓展你的视野。
3.Urgent call to action (短语) - 紧急行动的呼吁
The environmental crisis is an urgent call to action for everyone to contribute to a sustainable future. 环境危机是对每个人紧急行动的呼吁,为了实现可持续的未来做出贡献。
4.Feeling of urgency (短语) - 紧急感
The feeling of urgency motivated the team to work tirelessly and complete the project ahead of schedule. 紧急感激发了团队不懈的努力,提前完成了项目。