More Teachers Punished for Off-campus Training Activities

More Teachers Punished for Off-campus Training Activities

The Education Department of Shaanxi Province announced that it has recently investigated and punished 10 teachers.

Netizens noticed that among these teachers, some were art and music teachers, and one kindergarten teacher. This contrasted with what most of the netizens knew before the announcement. 

Previous notices by education departments from other provinces only covered primary and middle school teachers who were conducting off-campus curriculum subjects training.

Seeing the confusion among netizens, Shaanxi Education Department clarified this issue saying "All inservice teachers are barred from conducting after-school training, this covers extracurricular subjects inservice teachers as well."

Many people left comments saying that extracurricular subjects teachers actually aren't paid as well as currirular subjects teachers, off-campus training was a way for them to earn some extra income.

However, experts said that the state stipulates that all inservice teachers, regardless of subjects should not take up such offers as they smear the image of teachers as educators and contribute to involution in education. 

via 宝安外语协会

最后编辑于:2021/11/6 拔丝英语网


