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The charts above show the reasons that why people skip going to the doctor for an issue and also list the people who need primary care. Two big reasons people don't get the care they need: cost and convenience, as shown on the chart 1. Half of people who say they've avoided necessary care identified financial concerns as a leading reason. There has already been a steep decline in the number of people getting regular primary care. But some of that decline may also be generational. Gen Zers, millennials, and Gen Xers are less likely to have a primary care doctor than older generations, according to nationally representative survey of 3,030 adults.

The older requires a primary care more than the others and insurance is one of determining factor. Meanwhile, hard to get an appointment and inconvenient show that the short of doctors and the managerial problems in health care center. We need to make primary care more convenient and accessible because it's clear that people who get regular primary care have better health.(174)

最后编辑于:2024/1/25 拔丝英语网



