Our problem is that we don't know what we don't know, and even our guesses are informed by unconscious and predictable biases.
“ 我们的问题在于我们不知道自己的无知, 我们对事物的猜测都是基于无意识和常见的偏见。”
这里的偏见以名词出现, 并且可数。这让我联想到另外一个近义词prejudice, 利用今天5分钟的时间, 我们一起撸一下几个知识点
bias, 名词, 偏心 (the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment)
-The senator has accused the media of bias.
-There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her.
【近义词】inclination, tendency
-形容词+bias: political, obvious, strong, unconscious
-All material must be selected and presented without/with bias.
-a strong bias aganist women.
-a political bias in favor of small firms.
-free of bias
【形容词】 biased
-The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.
prejudice, 名词, 成见, 偏见 (an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge)
-Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
-The campaign aims to dispel the prejudice that AIDS is confined to the homosexual community. 这项运动旨在消除艾滋病仅限于同性恋群体的偏见
dispel: remove fear
confine: to limit in some way
【形容词】prejudiced, prejudicial (formal)
-The campaign is designed to make people less prejudiced about AIDS.
【近义词】 injustice, preconception,
不得不承认这两个词在中文意思上有很多相似的地方, 但是他彼此还是有一些区别的, 以下我试图通过简洁的方式总结概括。
A bias is when you unfairly favor one group over another. This can happen with or without proper knowledge of a group or person.
The key difference is in the suffix "pre". If someone is prejudiced again a person then they have unfair "prejudged" this person before meeting or knowing him/her.
Bias can be positive or negative.
Prejudice mostly involves having negative attitudes towards another party.
Bias results in unfairness. 不公平
Prejudice often results in discrimination. 歧视
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