近日,英国首相特蕾莎梅受邀访华,来到武汉大学出席“中英灵动青春盛典”之湖北英国教育文化交流展。而江疏影,作为灵动青春(Spirit of Youth)形象大使以及中国青年代表陪同梅姨,全程英文讲解。
据了解,江疏影从上海戏剧学院毕业后,毅然选择继续深造而不是直接投身于娱乐圈,来到英国东英格利亚大学(University of East Anglia/UEA)留学,并取得了传媒经济学硕士学位!
当然,江疏影的英语水平跟native speaker相比,肯定有所差距,但放眼娱乐圈,她的水平也是可圈可点。她本人也曾经谦虚的表示过,希望大家不要再表扬她的英语了,求碾压,再成长。
Thank you very much everybody. And I'm very pleased to be able to be here today at Wuhan University on this, my first official financial visit to China. And as we build our golden era of UK-China relations, what we do between us as two peoples is so very important as a fundamental of that golden era.
In fact, the first visit I made to a country outside the European Union when I became the British Prime Minister was to China. What I saw then was a very confident, a very forward-looking country, taking an increasing role on the world stage.
What I have seen today from the young students that I have met is an example of that confidence, that forward looking, that desire to take their country forward. And I can say from the students and young people I've met today that China is in good hands for the future.
Of course, later in my visit here in China, I will be meeting with President Xi and Premier Li, and discussing some of the mutual interests and challenges that we both share. One of them I will be looking at today here in Wuhan, which is how we develop a cleaner environment for the future.
译1:当然,本次访问期间,我将与President Xi和Premier Li会面,商讨两国共同关心的事宜和共同面对的挑战。今天,我还将在武汉见证我们如何为未来构建一个洁净的自然环境。
译2:当然此次访问中,我将会与President Xi和Premier Li见面,讨论中英贸易以及两国面对的问题和挑战,其中之一就是今天要在武汉看到的如何给未来带来清洁的环境。
But as I said, what underpins our relations, and as we build our global strategic partnership, is the people-to-people links.
And this Spirit of Youth festival is a very important example of that. And I would particularly like to thank Jiang Shuying for everything that she has been doing as the Spirit of Youth Ambassador, to encourage those links between young people in the United Kingdom and China.
And today I've met Chinese students who've studied in the UK, UK students who are studying here in China. We have more than 150,000 Chinese students in UK universities, and we have, as part of the visit I'm making here to China, a UK-China agreement on sharing knowledge of early years education. We look at university; sharing of university knowledge and expertise, but actually it's also good to share in the early years of education as well. We are seeing more Mandarin being taught in UK schools, and of course thousands of UK students here in Chinese universities.
And today I'm pleased to announce that we are extending the Shanghai maths teacher exchange which has been, I believe, a very good example of our people-to-people links and one of mutual benefit to both our countries.
So, by learning with each other and from each other we can continue to develop the bonds of friendship that we value, and the bonds of friendship on which our golden era and UK-China relations are built, bringing our people closer together not just now, but for years to come in the future. And I hope – I say to the young people here, you will be the future leaders of your country, and I hope that in future years you will continue to strengthen the ties between the United Kingdom and China.