




Group 1 动词

1. combine   vt.联合,结合

2. celebrate   v.庆祝

3. invite   vt.邀请

4. develop   v.培养

5. accomplish   v.完成

6. enrich   vt.丰富

7. inspire   vt.鼓舞

8. ease; relieve; lighten   v. 减轻

9. encourage; motivate   v.激发,鼓励

10. improve; promote; strengthen   v.提高,加强

Group 2 形容词

1. excellent   优秀的

2. potential   有潜力的

3. flexible   灵活的

4. competitive   竞争的

5. energetic  有活力的

6. patient   耐心的

7. stressful   有压力的

8. exhausting   令人筋疲力尽的

9. abundant   丰富的

10. first­class   一流的

11. enlightening   给人启迪的

12. meaningful   有意义的

Group 3 名词

1. entertainment   娱乐

2. challenge   挑战

3. pressure   压力

4. talent   才华

5. values   价值观

6. independence   独立

7. competition   比赛

8. experience   经验;经历

9. activity   活动

10. contribution   贡献

11. personality   性格;个性

12. examination   考试,测试


Group 1 

1. make use of   利用

2. spare no effort   不遗余力

3. be accustomed to   习惯于

4. make up one's mind   下决心

5. distinguish oneself   使自己出众

6. be addicted to   沉迷于

7. get into a bad habit   染上坏习惯

8. take an exam   参加考试

9. share experience   交流经验

10 a sense of responsibility   责任感

Group 2 

1. develop our creative mind  培养我们的创造性思维

2. develop one's confidence in   培养信心

3. widen one's knowledge   拓宽知识面

4. enrich one's social and life experience   丰富社会和生活阅历

5. overcome difficulties   克服困难

6. broaden one's horizons   开阔眼界

7. realize the value of life   实现人生的价值

8. make much sense to sb.   对某人来说很有意义

9. make a contribution to society   对社会做出贡献

10. play an/ a (important/ active/ great) role/ part   起(重要的/积极的/巨大的)作用

11. achieve/ accomplish the goal/ aim/ objective   达到目标

12. take part/ participate/ be engaged in sports/ activities/ discussion   参加运动/活动/讨论


1. Only when you devote yourself to it can you enjoy the real pleasure of learning.


2. What I want to tell you is that it is common for Senior Three students to have an experience of depression.


3. Your attitude towards your grades has a great effect on your study,and confidence is the key to success. 


4. We should form the habit of making plans for our study and keep a good balance between study and entertainment.


5. Please take part in a wide variety of after­class activities, which will broaden our horizons, enrich school life and make us relaxed.


6. What impresses me most is that our teacher always creates a kind of atmosphere where we can voice our opinions freely.


7.Not only can this activity improve my sense of responsibility, but also educates me to cherish today’s happy life.


8. Recently we have been occupied with the preparation for the coming “Foreign Language Festival”.


9.Our teachers encourage us to take part in some social practice in our summer holidays, which they think can help us get fully developed.


10. It is for these reasons that I firmly believe that this rule will promote the learning atmosphere and our teamwork spirit.





1. 活动介绍(时间、地点、物品等);

2. 活动意义;

3. 盼回复参与意向。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4. 文中不得透露个人真实姓名和学校名称。


Dear John,

How is everything going? I have learned that you are enthusiastic about charity activities, so I’m writing to invite you to join us in a charity sale.

It will be held at the school stadium at 8 a.m. on New Year’s Day, 2020, lasting 4 hours. A variety of items are welcomed, ranging from books, earphones, handcrafts to home­made cakes.

This activity can bring about various benefits. Not only can it improve our sense of responsibility but also develop our ability to design and organize activities.

I’d appreciate it if you can take part in the charity sale. Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua


via 四木英语