
一. 英语面试的基本形式
  1. 英文自我介绍(Self-introduction) : 2-3分钟。
  2. 随机提问(Question and Answer):2-3分钟。
    技巧2:要学会在自我介绍的时候引导考官之后提问的方向和话题。比如你在自我介绍的时候只说我很喜欢贵校,故意不说喜欢的具体原因,那么考官很有可能会提问 “请说出选择读我们学校MBA的原因?” ;再比如,你说你离职了但是故意不说原因,考官很有可能会提问“请说出你离职的原因?”
  3. 抽签回答问题(Drawing lots): 2-3分钟。
  4. 听力考试(Listening)



1. 问好

Good morning/ afternoon, teachers. It is my great honor to be here for this interview.


Good morning/ afternoon, respected professors. I am very glad to meet you here and have this interview.


2. 自我基本信息介绍

First, let me introduce myself.


Now, please allow me to give a brief self- introduction.


2.1 姓名+年龄+家乡

My name is …, … years old. I come from …, a beautiful/ an ancient/ a modern city(同位语).

我的名字是…, …岁。我来自于…,一个美丽的/古老的/现代的城市。

I am …, and I am … years old. My hometown is …, the capital city of … province. It is famous for its … and …. (eg. delicious snacks and beautiful scenery…)

我是…, …岁。我的家乡是…, …的省会城市。它以…和…著称。(比如,美食和美景等等)

2.2 家庭情况

I have a very sweet family. My daughter/ son is very cute and smart, my wife/ husband loves me and supports me a lot.


In my happy family, there are three members, my cute daughter/ son, my beautiful wife/ kind-hearted husband and I.


2.3 兴趣爱好

In my spare time, I like reading books/ dancing/ playing basketball ….


In my free time, I prefer reading books./ I am really into learning English./ I am really fond of playing tennis.

在我空闲的时候,我更喜欢读书。/ 我真的非常喜欢学英语。/ 我真的很热爱打网球。

2.4 性格描述

Generally speaking, I am a hard-working, energetic and responsible person, especially when doing what I am interested in.


Actually, I am an independent, optimistic and diligent person, who always try utmost to excel at whatever I do.


3. 学习经历:学校+专业+具体表现

I graduated from … University in … and my major was Finance/ English/ Architecture …. Since I entered my university, I have been very hard-working. I spent most of my time on study and I received scholarship for several time. Scores don’t mean everything but they do reflect my dedication to study.


In the year of …, I entered … University, majoring in …. During those 4 years, I worked very hard and participated in various activities. All in all, my performance in school was outstanding. Therefore, I obtained scholarship many times and gained good comments from my teachers and classmates.


4. 工作经历:公司+职务+职责+成果+调换工作经历+考研的原因

After my graduation, I have been working in … company as a/ an …(salesperson) in … (Sales) Department mainly in charge of …. Due to my diligence and good performance, I was promoted as the … (manager) in …. During the … years, I gained rich professional experience and enjoyed the time working in this company and cooperating with my colleagues. Then because of the fierce competition and growing interest about management, I realized I need to learn more about it and I hope I can be granted the opportunity to study in this university.


My first job was in … company, working as a/ an …. Then after … years working in that company, I realized that job cannot fully develop my potential, so I accepted the offer from my current company, …(具体公司名称), which gave me a good chance to make greater achievement and make full use of my abilities. I was employed as a … in … Department. In …, in order to cope with the growing working pressure and increasing competition, I realized that there is a need for me to pursue my master’s degree. Then I resigned from my current job in …. After about one-year preparation, I finally have the chance to have this interview.


5. 选择贵校和专业的原因+对未来的期待和决心

My intense interest in …(management) strengthens my desire to pursue a master’s degree at this university. I am deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere in our school, and I believe I can get professional training and bring my academic research to a higher level here. If I am lucky enough to be accepted by your MBA program, I will devote all my efforts and energy to my major.

我对 …(管理学)强烈的兴趣使我非常渴望在本校攻读我的硕士研究生学历。贵校浓厚的学术氛围深深的打动了我,我相信在这我能获得专业的培训并且让我的学术研究水平可以达到更高的水平。如果我有幸被贵校的工商管理学硕士项目录取,我一定会全力以赴投入到专业学习之中。

I choose to further my study in our university because it has a very good reputation for its outstanding professors and students. I love the atmosphere of this campus, which is full of passion and youthful spirit. Studying in this university can help me meet top students and scholars, broaden my horizon and expand my knowledge. I believe, with my determination and solid foundation in this field, I can make great achievement in my academic career in this MBA program of our university.


6. 感谢

That’s all for my introduction, thank you for your listening and attention.


Ok, that’s all. I really appreciate the (valuable) opportunity and your (precious) time.


三. 注意事项

  1. 把自我介绍一定背的滚瓜烂熟,面试之前对着镜子多试几遍,要自然。不要说的太快,语速适中即可。自信大方穿着得体非常重要,大家的水平都差不多,而自信大方就像主观题的卷面一样重要。

  2. 老师问的问题一定要回答,哪怕是简单的单词短语,也不能啥都不答。可以自己提前背一些励志的通用话术或者对你自己专业的理解,比如对管理学的理解。如果万一问题虽然听懂了但是不会回答,可以按照提前准备的素材随便说说。

  3. 不要紧张,认真听老师的问题,一般问的都不会很难。如果实在没听懂,就说I beg your pardon. 请您再说一遍。或者Sorry, I didn't get it, could you please repeat that?很抱歉我没听懂,您能再说一遍吗?

  4. 尽量注意发音问题,考官有可能是外教。

  5. 提前认真阅读本校对于复试的所有要求。