2022年01月17日 课程记录 NSE13.3.3

What do people want?

I want to learn English well.

That's not right.

That's right.

the first letter

needs to be a capital letter[ˈkæpɪt(ə)l]

It's a question.

So you need a question mark.

You're welcome.

So, what do people want?

People want a product that is small, cheap and useful.

This is good.

What's wrong.

I didn't sleep well.

Capital "P" in "people"

comma 逗号


at the end 在结尾

Now it's right.

What is the next question?

Who is this product for?

It's for you.

What's the answer?

All people.

Not just some people.

It's for everyone.

It's a list.

This sentence

This sentence needs commas.

I want you to write.

最后编辑于:2022/1/17 拔丝英语网



