2023.3.12 NSE 29.2.2

What have they done?

censoring system


He always pisses me off.

A little bastard

educate her kid

Behave yourself!

Be good!


I have moved more than any rational person should during a lifetime.

I have eaten more than any person should.

You must work harder than anybody should to be top 10.

haul a stroller


drag queen


Emma wants to rip Khae off.

Khae fell asleep.

banana cap

Today is a big day in the office for me.

Hold on for just a few seconds.

I can come back later if you like.

I haven't heard from you in 6 months.

It's been a long time!

The secret is to order ice with your drink.

Anyway, Shirley, I have to hang up.

Nice chatting with you.

Nice to chat with you.

Is it really 3:30?

Did you think you were in bed?

You can't sleep while you are on the clock, Khae.

What do you do while you are on the clock?


Regional Operative Manager

marketing plan

huge task

I will report you to the big boss for that too.

I really have to get back to my computer.

I didn't think of the idea for the banana cap.

There’s our company’s number one inventor!

I thought if you'd like to see a prototype up close.

This is the one and only...

That’s spectacular!

I'm always throwing away half of my bananas.

What if you don't eat exactly half the banana?

最后编辑于:2023/3/12 拔丝英语网



