189独立技术移民不需要任何州政府或雇主担保,完全凭借申请人自身EOI分数即可获得移民局的邀请,澳洲移民局8月189邀请,社工专业不分境内境外,EOI 65分即可申请
澳大利亚社工的工作前景还是很不错的,澳大利亚约有28,300名社工,澳洲政府政府预估到今年年底将需要约34,700名社会工作者,增长20%。社工主要有以下5个就业方向:儿童保护(Childprotection)、帮助移民或难民(Immigrationadvise and referral centers)、医疗服务工作者(Health serviceand hospitals)、政策倡导(Policy and advocacy work)、社区发展(Community development projects)。当然还有各级民政系统中的妇女儿童联合会、残疾人工等组织、福利院、学校、司法部门卫生组织、NPO 、NGO、基金会等民间/国际组织等
社工专业的职业评估机构为澳大利亚社会工作者协会Australian Association of Social Workers,AASW,主要职业有Community Worker 411711、Welfare Center Manager 134214、Disabilities、Services Officer 411712、Family Support Worker 411713、Residential Care officer 411715、Youth Worker 411716
✅完成了等同于上述国家学士学位或更高学历的不低于3 年的全日制英语教学课程
堪培拉的社工在critical occupation list列表上,不过190的分数要求比较高,所以相比之下不是特别推荐
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (distance education public)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Law
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Research and Policy
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work/ Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (distance education available)
🔹Master of Social Work/Master of Mental Health Practice
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work Studies
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (2015)
🔹Master of Social Work (Graduate entry) (2008) distance education available
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Art (Indigenous Cultures and Australian Society), 🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (distance education available)
🔹Master of Social Work (Graduate Entry)
🔹Bachelor of Human Services / Master of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (1974) distance education available
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1974)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Health Sciences (2002)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Arts (2002) (please note the above courses are being disestablished, with no new student intake offered )
🔹Master of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work
🔹Bachelor of Social WorkBachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (provisionally accredited 2019)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (distance education available)
🔹Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
🔹Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
澳大利亚留学|2023年QS 45的新南威尔士大学(UNSW)超全热门专业设置以及录取要求大汇总!
澳大利亚留学|2023年QS 27的澳国立大学(ANU)超全热门专业设置以及要求录取要求大汇总!
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