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Ugly buildings in London

It seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble. l live in the part of western London where I think mary of the streets are, where l live are really really ugly,and this distresses me every time l walk to a supermarket or walk to a tube.I think why did they build that and with terribly without architecture.It lasts so long. and if you write a bad book or do a bad play,you know, l will be shocked then it be showed and then no one would sufferA bad building has a serious in pact for,could be hundreds of years on the people around it. And suppose the book arose a little bit from the frustration, almost anger and there is so much bad architecture around. And then Irealize if you talk about architecture,you will say why building are not more be autiful.Then you will saylcan use such word as "beauty",thats a really arrogant word.And no one knows what beautiful is. lt's all in the eve of beholder. l couldn't help but think that actually.Well,you know that we all attempt to agree that Rome is nicer than Milky kings,and San Francisco has the edge of Frankfurt,so we can makethat sort of generalization,surely hey are some things we can say about why a building work or why it doesn't. So the books really attempt to suggest why architecture works when it does and what might be going to be wrong when it doesn't work.


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1.The attitude expressed towards political staffers by his interviewee is best described as







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Based on the information from the audio,which of the f ollowing statements are true?

A. A typical person can smell thousands of different ty pes of odours.

B.Humans rely on their sense of smell more than on t heir other senses.

C. Most people can smell as well as or better than ani mals can.

D. Our sense of smell can change as we age. 

EPeople can detect more unpleasant than pleasant dours.

F. Some smells are associated with past events, peopl and subjects.

答案:A   F

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What do the students say about their current resi dence?· is difficult to study there.

B.The building is not wired for Internet access.

C.It is too far from the main campus.

D.Noise from other residents disturbs them.

E.The rent is too high.

答案:A   D


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Lead-in time is the amount of time that elapses betweer a business placing  an order with a supplier for more stock or raw()and the delivery of  the goods to the business.

Businesses want the lead-tin ne to be as short as possible,so that they can meet their customer orders and()the time between paying for the stock and receiving the () from the customer. 

However, this may not happen due to a number of ()such as delays in the supplier receiving the order, or the breakdown of the suppliers' lorries()the stock to the business.


materials  minimise  revenue  facteors  delivering

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The New South Wales government has()for yesterday's transport chaos in and around Sydney Harbor during the visi of the Queen Mary ll and the Queen Elizabeth II.Roads were jammed,t affic ground to a halt while train and()services were swamped with housands of additional passengers,with most services delayed for hours Premier Maurice Humor says that plans were put in place to "deal with the congestion" but the number of visitors well exceeded(). the harbor itself there seemed to be as much congestion as there was or the roads, but everyone agreed it was an amazing(  ).


apologised  ferry  expectations  spectacle


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Wilidife ecology is a dynamic field that has grown from its beginnings as a field primarily focused on protecting hunted species to a field that includes the study of wildlife populations, wildlife disease an extinction.the humanimpact on wildlife communities, and the economic potential of wildlife in both developing nd developed regions of the worid.

Wildlife ecology used to include the study of the impact of human behavior on wildlife spe cies and populations, as well as the study of wildlife extinction,diseases and invasions. Now the fieid of wildlife ecolog) focuses almost exclusively on the protection of hunted species whose economic value is high. particularly in develop ng countries.

The field of wildlife ecology is in flux between two groups of ecologists. While one group o ecologists wants to focus its efforts on protecting hunted species nearing extinction, another group of wildlife ecoloe ists wants to direct the field towards the study of human interaction with wildlife populations, with a special focus on th is relationship in the developing world.

The management of wildlife is one of the fundamental aspects of wildlife ecology,althoug nowadays it has grown to include many other issues. However. the potential economic advantages of protecting hu ted species,especially in developing countries,are not yet fully reallised. A better understanding of the relationship btween humans and animals could bring great benefits to such countries.


Wilidife ecology is a dynamic field that has grown from its beginnings as a field primarily focused on protecting hunted species to a field that includes the study of wildlife populations, wildlife disease an extinction.the humanimpact on wildlife communities, and the economic potential of wildlife in both developing nd developed regions of the worid.

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Maximum security prisons for highly aggressive criminals present an eff ective option, because dangerous criminals are made to feel the hardships of prison. This type of heavily guarded prison currently receives wide public support,as well as support from the priscn authorities.

Internationally, the preference has been to spread the most aggressive riminals over different prisons. When these criminals are put in high concentration in one priso h, the situation lends itself to a more explosive social climate within the prison.

The speaker recommends that highly aggressive criminals be placed in maximum security prisons together. That keeps other prisoners safe from these prisoners,and allo vs them to receive stronger disciplinary measures as necessary.

While the speaker was originally a proponent of the dispersion system in prisons,he changed his mind after visiting prisons in other countries.By setting up dedicated pr sons for different types of criminals a better social climate can be achieved.


Internationally, the preference has been to spread the most aggressive riminals over different prisons. When these criminals are put in high concentration in one priso h, the situation lends itself to a more explosive social climate within the prison.


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1.You will hear a recording about local history. At th e end of the recording the last word or group of words has been replace dby a beep. Select the correct option to complete the recording.







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You will hear a recording about internet based humor. At the end of the recording the last word or group of words has been replaced by a beep.Select the correct option to con mplete the recording .

high stature or caliber.

universal or global appeal.

subdued or minimal association

individual or unique nuance


universal or global appeal.


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We're here to remind you of the most important eventual  and believe it or not common sense parts of effective sailing. Unfortunately common sense is not always common tactics the basics of sales have been forgotten under a mound of new ideas and information the we're fed in books.resources and sales conferences.


We're here to remind you of the most importa eventual and believe it or not common sense parts of effective sailing. Unfortunately,common sense is not always common tactics-the basics of sales have been forgotten under a mound of new ideas and information the we're fed in books ,resources and sales conferences.

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Tutor: I mean it saves so much time if you just enclose the page numbers any quotes that you've written down everything.Have you been, have you been doing that?

Student: No,I haven't actually. I've been writinga note of the books and obviously who wrote them and their editions and things like that but no l haven't been keeping the actual page numbers.

Tutor: Right,well just from my own experiments when I was a post-grad I found that I just spent so much time when I had to go back 'cos, 'cos the thing is you will have to rewrite the work that you and you can save so much time if you've got all the page numbers written down as well 'cos it means that you can go back to the precise quote that you found and work out it there.


Tutor: I mean it saves so much time if you just enclosethe page numbers any quotes that you've written down everything. Have you been, have you been doing that?

Student: No,I haven't actually. I've beenwriting a note of the boo(s and obviously who wrote them and their editions and things like that but no l haven't been keeping th e actual page numbers.

Tutor: Right,well just from my own experiments when I was a post-grad I found that I just spent so much time when I had to go back 'cos, 'cos the thing is you will have to rewrite the work that you and you can save so much time if you've got all the page numbers written dov n as well 'cos it means that you can go back to the precise quote that you found and work out it there.


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Many graduates of journa ism get jobs in the communication's field.

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Observers waited nervously and with b ated breath for the concert.

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Rivers provide habitat and migration pathway for numerous aquatic species.



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He is the man who has changed the world more than anyone else in the past hundred years. 

Sir Tim Berners-Lee may be a mild-mannered academic who lives modestly in Boston, but as the inventor of the World Wide Web he is also a revolutionary.

Along with Galileo.William Caxton and Sir Isaac Newton,he is a scientist who has altered the way people think as well as the way they live. 

Since the Web went global 20years agothe way we shop,listen to music and communicate has been  transformed.

There are implications for politics literature economics-even terrorism- because an individua can now have the same access to information as the elite. Soclety will never be the same. 

The computer scientist from Oxford,who built his own computer from at elevision screen and spare parts after he was banned from one of the university computers, is a cultural gu ru as much as a technological one.

"It is amazing how far we've come," he says."But you're always wondering what's the next crazy idea,and working to make sure the Web stays one web and that the internet stays open. There isn't much time to sit back and reflect."

He invented the Web, he says, because he was frustrated that he coul in't find all the information he wanted in one place. lt was an imaginary concept that he realised.


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It is often said that peoples lives are definedoy the place where they grew up.

Choose asuccessful personand discuss how that person's accomplishments were or were not influencec by the place where they lived when they were young.



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Studies of pine martens in Scotland have shown that the diet varies 1 with small mammals,berries (in late summer autumn)an dsmall birds being the main foods. Recent work in a plantation has shown that martens 2 their home ranges in areas dominated by forests and 3 shrubs.Within home ranges,martens utilise areas of grassy vegetation within thef orest which are typically associated with Microtus voles.for which a strong selectie  4 over other small mammals is shown.













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It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie or nightmare: millions of  honeybees 1 dying off,their bodies never found.

Scientists have 2 the phenomenon "ColonyCollaps Disorder," but they aren't 3 on the reasonTheories abound as to the 4 of the mass die-off ranging from the unlikely (cellphones affecting bees'na vigational abilities) to the more 5 though still debated (widespr ead pesticide use).















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As research has shown,emotions are contagious And empaths are especially  1 to thers'  motional energies.

Be cause they're so attuned to others,they can get easily exhausted in crowds, be drawn into codependent 2 ,exhaust themselves trying to solve othersproblems,or burn out from too much caregiving.

Yet empathy is also a gift th at brings greater 3 and understanding.Some of the finest therapists doctors nurses professors writers designers musioians artists and leaders in many fiel ds have been empaths.











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The people of Alaskas Aleutian Islands have long been accustomed to shipwrecks.

They have been part of local consciousness since a Japanese whaling shipran 1 near the west- ern end of the 1100-mile (1800km) vocanic  2  in 1780.

This wreck inad ertently named one island RatIsland when the ships rodents 3 ashore and made themselves at home. 












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Warneken and Thomasello placed 48 to ddlers in a room (one at a time)with a parent and an experimenter who sat at atable in the corner apparently doing an unrelated task like placing balls in a basket or clipping napkins together.The experimenter pretended to accidentally drop one of the objects on the floor, and reached for it while looking at the toddler, waiting up to 30 seconds for the toddler to help her by picking it up.Eight of the children refused to leave their parent,and ten didn't complete the taskbut 36 became reliable helpers, returning the object to the experimenter 5times.Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response.Onlyone response is correct.

The experiment in the passage is designed to

●compare unrelated tasks.

●distract children.

●test child-parent bonding

identify concern for others


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The Turks and Caicos Islands are a multi-island archipelago at the southern tip of the Bahamas chain. approximately 550 miles south-east of Florida.The islands are overseas territory of the United Kingdom although they exercise a high degree of local political autonomy The economy of the islands rests mainly on tourism,with some contribution from offshore banking and fishing.

Primary schooling is divided into eight grades,with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve.After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language and science that increases in difficulty as pupils get older.There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through primary school in their age cohorts.At the end of primary schooling. pupils sit an examination that serves to stream them in the secondary school setting. Primary and secondary school nrolment is virtually universal.There are a total of ten government primary schools on the slands.Of these,seven are large enough to organize pupils into single-grade classrooms.F upils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed ability classes.The rema ning three schools,because of their small pupil numbers,operate with multigrade grouping s.They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neichbouring larger primary school.Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups.

As far as classroom organization is concerned,the multigrade and monograde cassrooms are similar in terms of the number of pupils and the general seating arrangements,with pupils in rows facing the blackboard.There is no evidence that the multigrade teachers operate in a particularly resource-poor environment in the Turks and Caicos Islaids. This is in contrast to studies conducted in other developing country contexts .

What do we learn in the last paragraph about multigrade classes in the Turks and Caicos islands?

●Teachers arrange the classroom furniture slightly differently in them.

●They tend to be smaller than monograde classes in the lslands.

The classroom layout is much the same as in monograde classes

●They tend to be larger than monograde classes in the lslands.

●They are less well-resourced than monograde classes In the Turks and Caicos.

They are relatively better resourced than multigrade classes in other developing countries

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Finding yourself adrift in a different culture might seem exciting when you're on holiday. but it's an entirely different proposition when you're living and working abroad.Codes of business practice may be radically different and the expatriate lifestyle can be lonely,yet many multinational companies have made little effort to prepare their employees.

The advertising giant J Walter Thompson is a case in point."We call in global relocation specialists to handle the practicalities of moving home and children's education says a company spokesman. But most other things we leave to the individual. The people we send abroad are experienced international businessmen and women and we expect them to understand different cultural milieus.There will always be the odd problem but we would hope that these couId be dealt with by our local staff.

But even with strong and knowledgeable support in the new country,Chris Crosby, man aging director of TMA a company that specialises in corporate cross-cultural changes,believes more is required.Most people can identify explicit differences which separate their culture from another and have little difficulty in adapting he says.'More implicit differences are far harder to deal with. In the UK a business meeting is perceived as a place where a plan of action will be form ulated and implemented.In other cultures,it is often just a forum for discussion. If you go abroad with the UK model as a preconception you might think that a meeting had been a disaster when it hadn't.

Rather than getting people to adopt a different culture than their own, you have to help them adapt their own style to a new culture. Critical to this is understanding one's own culture. With out examining our own underlying perceptions it is unlikely we will get to grips with another, Mr.Crosbysays.'But people are unpredictable and not all cross-cultural situations are cut a and dried; many are ambiguous so a key element of successful working practice is to concentrate on building relationships.

Which of the following statements would Mr Crosby be most likely to agree with?

●Employees don't understand the difference between adopting and adapting to a different culture.

●Most people have differing ideas about their own culture.

●Employees often don't understand their own culture clearly enough.

People can cope better with another culture if they have a deep knowledge of their own culture.

Cross-cultural situations are often difficult to analyse.


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After a crash,he even salvaged bags of mail from his burning aircraft and immediately phoned Alexander Varney. Peoria's airport manager to advise him to send a truck.

During his tenure on the mail route. he was renowned for delivering the mail under any circumstances. 

He flew the mail in a de Havilland DH-4 biplane to Spring field Peoria and Chicago llinois. 

After finishing first in his pilot training class, Lindbergh took his first job as the chief pilot of an airmail route operated by Robertson Aircraft Company"

答案:4 3 2 1

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They might thus be used as treatments for diseases that require the replacement of a particular, lost cell type. 

Some examples cited for possible treatment using these cells are diabetes. motor-neuron disease and Parkinson's disease.

Embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists because the cells descendant can turn into any other sort of body cell.

Because of these beneficial medical applications the lobby against stem cell research is particularly regrettable.

答案:2 3 1 4

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In language learning there is a distinction between competence and a state of the speaker's mind-what he or she knows.

An analogy can be made to the Highway Code for driving. Drivers know the Code and have indeed been tested on it to obtain a driver's license.

Knowing the Highway Code is not the same as driving .Separate from actual performance what he or she actually does while producing or comprehending other word competence is put to use through performance.

In actual driving.however,they have to relate the Code to a continuous flow of changing circumstances.and may even break it fron time to time.

答案:1  3  5  2  4


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At the local and state level,demanding funding for repairs and improveme nt to outdated transit infrastructure will greatly reduce the noise caused by trains,cars,and trucks.

Urban-planning approaches to( 1 )noise on a city-by-city basis can be as simple as taking a single lane away from cars and giving it to bicycles people or green space improving expanding and properly funding public transit removes cars from the road both reducing the sound they (2) and replacing it with quieter options like trams and high-speed light-rail.In architecture,acoustics should play a greater (3) in all structures  from mundane apartment buildings to the grandest art museums. Noise control should be a consideration from the very first planning stage,( 4 )than tacked on as an afterthought.



2.produce,produced,will produce,have produced

3.act,role, function,position

4.better, moreother,rather

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The worid's atmosphere is forever on the move.Wind is air in motion.Sometimes air moves a gentle breeze.

At other times it moves rapidly,creating gales and huricanes.

( 1 )or fierce,wind always starts in the same way.As the sun moves through the sky. it heats up some parts of the sea and land more than others. The air above these( 2 )spots is warmed, becomes lighter than the surrounding air and begins to rise. Elsewhere cool air sinks,because it is ( 3 ).Winds blow because air squeezed out by sinking.colder air is sucked in under rising.warm air.Winds will blow whenever there is a ( 4 )in air temperature and pressure always blowing from high to low pressure.

Some winds blow in one place and have a local name- France's Mistral or North America's Chinook,for exampie.Others are part of a huge circulation pattern that sends winds over the( 5 )globe.

1.Strong,Nice,Windy,Gentie,cold,land, sea

3.lighter, warmer,heavier,cooler

4.conflict,difficulty, difference,struggle


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It seems we live in a bizarre Universe.One of the greatest mysteries in the whole of cience is the prospect that 75% of the Universe is made up from a mysterious( 1 )known as 'Dark Energy.which causes an acceleration of the cosmic expansion since a further 21% of the universe is made up from invisible Cold Dark Matter thatcan only be ( 2 ) through its gravitational effects the ordinary atomic matter up the rest is apparently only 4% of the total cosmic budget.

These( 3 )require a shift in our perception as great as that made after Copernicu's ( 4 )that the Earth moves around the Sun.This lecture will start by reviewing the chequered history of Dark only since Einstein's proposal for a similar entity in 1917.but by tracing the concept back to Newton's ideas.This lectu will ( 5 )the curent evidence for Dark Energy and future surveys in which UCL is heavilly involved:the "Dark EnergyS urvey",the Hubble Space Telescope and the proposed Eucllid space mission.



3.innovations,sightings,discoveries, implications



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The prospect of learning something from history is what makes sociolo gists tick. lt is through(1)asystematic understanding of the forces which shape our lives that we(2)exercise control over them.The founding thinkers of sociology,who(3)to prominence during the development of what we are pleased to call modernity,thought is the intimate relations hip between the development of sociology and the development of modernity that the course begins with.

This relationship is an intimate one,because it is(4)with the soci al change instituted in the development of the modern world that a discipline such as sociology- and social science in general- could either exist or have anything to study.





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Our sense of cinema as a site of commercial entertainment can be traced ba ck to the Lumière brothers.In December 1895 they( 1 )a fee-paying public in Paris to sit and watch flickering images on an illuminated screen.The commercial Pandora's Box they opened was to blossom in a few years into a world cinema( 2 )and,at its peak the fantastical Hollywood.Yet in the 30 years in which this miraculous construction was accomplished, audiences rarely( 3 ) to films.only watch them. Hence,the early decades of cinema were characterised by the title silent.( 4 )there was a lot of noise, machinery,audiences, musicians and commentators. Even so,the absence of the human voice and( 5 )make the films seem rather strange when viewed by a modern audience.


3.had listened.had a listen,listened,had to listen fact. on the contrary. futhermore. besides




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Forgraduates looking to give something back, volunteering, either in the UK or overseas, is a popular option.

Voluntary projects can cost anything from nothing up to a few thousand pounds and with that in mind it is essential to look into the projec carefully before signing on the dotted line.

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A level of competence in chemistry is essential to the professional practice of material conservation.

An understanding of scientific concepts and a basic scientific vocabulary enables the conservater to understand conservation problems treaments material and technigues in a systematic and quantifiable way. which can be communicated not only to colleagues in the profession but also those from other disciplines.

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Since its inception, the United Nations system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through sustainable agriculture.The majority of the worlds poorest people live in rural areas of developing countries. They depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods.This makes them particularly vuinerable to manmade and natural influences that reduce agricultural production.

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Business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part th result of a realisation that they had inadvertently limited their applicant pool by requiring several years’work experience. Talented students who m ght otherwise have gone to business school instead opted'or a law or policy degree because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experence.

5 of 6

The terms 'voice' and 'text'are multifaceted. Both have a wide range of possible meanings in everyday speech and academic usage. You may encounter the two words used in a variety of ways in connection withdifferent subjects and they won't always mean exactly the same thing.

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The majority of early pictures in the Gallery's care are by unknown artists, and fundamental questions such as wher where and why they were painted still remain to be answered.

Through the application of scientific methods. this project has the potential to unlock key el dence that will allow us to determine answers to these questions.


 1 of 11

The United States has the largest chocolate manufacturing industry.

2 of 11

The bus right out in the front will take you to the station.

3 of 11 

There will be no classes scheduled during the exam week.

4 of 11 

Just wait a minute. I will be with you shortly.

5 of 11 

There is only one conclusion that this line of thought.

6 of 11 

You should inquire about direct deposit.

7 of 11 

We'll study the following two pictures in the next lecture.

8 of 11 

Please pass these handouts along to the rest of the people in your row.

9 of 11 

The first step is to establish a baseline of known distance.

10 of 11 

A renowned economist is slated to speak this evening at eight.

11 of 11 

When demand for the course rose ,university authorities took on additional academic staff.


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This graph mainly gives information about journeys per person, per year in Great Britain including walk, car, bus, coach and rail.

For 1995, according to the picture, we can see that the largest number can be found in car, which is about 650. The smallest number can be found in other modes, which is about 30.

2006, according to the picture, we can see that the largest number can be found in car, which is about 650, and the smallest number can be found in other modes, which is about 20.

Overall, this picture is very informative and gives us a better understanding of the topic.

2 of 3

This graph mainly gives information about different languages in Switzerland.

According to the picture, we can see different colours in the map.

According to the picture, we can see purple and German in the picture.

According to the picture, we can see yellow and Italian in the picture.

According to the picture, we can see light green and French in the picture.

According to the picture, we can see dark green and Romansch in the picture.

According to the picture, we can also see the flag of Switzerland in the picture.

Overall, this picture is very interesting.

3 of 3

This graph mainly gives information about volunteer rate in different age groups including males and females.

For males, according to the picture, we can see that the largest number can be found in the age group of 45-54, which is about 35. The smallest number can be found in the age group of 75-84, which is about 20.

For females, according to the picture, we can see that the largest number can be found in 35-44, which is about 50, and the smallest number can be found in 85 years and over, which is about 10.

Overall, this picture is very informative and gives us a better understanding of the topic.


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What has happened in Latin America as a result of globalization? Well, they have had now more than a decade of what is called reform, a decade of globalization. And throughout the continent, people are asking questions like has reform failedus? Has globalization failed us? Because clearly things have not worked out the way they were told they ought to. Just to give you a picture, they were told that reform would lead to faster economic growth. After a decade, what are the numbers? In fact, recent growth is far slower than it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s before reform. That is not a very inspiring success story. Even in the beginning part of the 90s, growth was still below what it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s, but the growth it got in the beginning of the period was not sustainable and it was not sustained. Throughout the region, poverty, asmeasured on the $2 a day standard as a percentage of the population was actually up.

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So, let me begin with the notion of a dimension. The dimension of simply how many numbers that you need to specify a location. So if we think about the surface of the Earth, the equator is one dimensional. We need to specify only one number to specify a location on the equator, namely the longitude. The surface of the Earth altogether is, of course, two dimensional. You need to specify two numbers the latitude and longitude to specify a location on the Earth. The space above the Earth is three dimensional. If I want to tell you the location of a hang glider, I need to give you the latitude and longitude and altitude. But mathematically, there's no reason to stop at three dimensions. A four dimensional space is simply a space in which you need to specify four numbers to specify a location and that space. A five dimensional space would be one in which you need to specify five numbers, etc. in fact, by claim, you already know an example of a four dimensional space. So let's define an event just to be an occurrence that happens in a small region of space at a definite time. In other words, an event is like a snap of your fingers or a class of your hands, and now the collection of all. If I want to specify an event, I need to give you four numbers. I need to tell you where it happens in space and when it happens and time.


1 of 7

What building on campus can you borrow books from?

– Library.

2 of 7

In which academic field to people study things that happened in the past?

– History.

3 of 7

What do you call a person who is receiving care in a hospital?

– Patient.

4 of 7

A jar contains eight black marbles and two white marbles. If I select onemarble at random, what colour is it most likely to be?

– Black.

5 of 7

Agriculture refers to the production of food and goods through what activity?

– Farming/ Cultivation.

6 of 7

What part of a guitar do you strum with your fingers?

– Strings.

7 of 7

What official document protects the creator's rights to his or her invention?

– Patent


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