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By 拔丝英语网

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These days, I’ve been thinking a lot about helping others speak better English. It seems to me that many learners have no clue about voiced consonants which can drastically change our voice quality. If you want to develop a deep and resonant voice, you must learn how to pronounce the voiced consonants. 


As speakers of Chinese, we can easily tell aspirated consonants from the unaspirated consonants. For instance, we can tell ‘pain’ from ‘Spain’, ‘take’ from ‘stake’, or ‘key’ from ‘ski’. But we can hardly tell ‘speak’ from ‘beak’, ‘stay’ from ‘day’,   or ‘skate’ from ‘gate’.

 Try the sentences below:


  1. George goes down the bay. 

  2. I don’t want to drink juice.

  3. Boys and girls are gazing at the dogs and bears.

  4. Birds and dogs are different animals.


Apart from the voiced consonants, we also have to learn how to control our muscles and breathing. It seems that we need more force when trying to pronounce the vowels of English especially when they are stressed. I noticed that most learners are too relaxed when coordinating their tongues and muscles. I would suggest that you may find voice coaches for professional training.  


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