China Targets Costly Tutoring Classes.
Parents Want to Save Them.
Zhang Hongchun worries that his 10-year-old daughter isn’t getting enough sleep. Between school, homework and after-school guitar, clarinet and calligraphy practice, most nights she doesn’t get to bed before 11. Some of her classmates keep going until midnight.
“Everyone wants to follow suit,” Mr. Zhang said. “No one wants to lose at the starting line.”
follow suit跟着做,照着做,仿效:to do the same as someone else has done,举个例子:•Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效,降低票价。
In China, the competitive pursuit of education — and the better life it promises — is relentless. So are the financial pressures it adds to families already dealing with climbing house prices, caring for aging parents and costly health care.
relentless严格的; 无情的; 坚决的: strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping,举个例子:•her relentless determination to succeed她要成功的坚定决心
The burden of this pursuit has caught the attention of officials who want couples to have more children. China has tried to slow the education treadmill. It has banned homework, curbed livestreaming hours of online tutors and created more coveted slots at top universities.
Last week, it tried something bigger: barring private companies that offer after-school tutoring and targeting China’s $100 billion for-profit test-prep industry. The first limits are set to take place during the coming year, to be carried out by local governments.
The move is aimed at making life easier for parents who are overwhelmed by the financial pressures of educating their children. Yet parents and experts are skeptical it will work. The wealthy, they point out, will simply hire expensive private tutors, making education even more competitive and ultimately widening China’s yawning wealth gap.
For Mr. Zhang, who sells chemistry lab equipment in the southern Chinese city of Kunming, banning after-school tutoring does little to address his broader concerns. “As long as there is competition, parents will still have their anxiety,” he said.
The education overhaul is also part of the country’s effort to encourage an overwhelmingly reluctant population to have bigger families and address a looming demographic crisis. In May, China changed its two-child policy to allow married couples to have three children. It promised to increase maternity leave and ease workplace pressures.
overhaul 可以用作名词或者动词,表示〔制度或方法的〕彻底改革: when a system or method is changed in order to improve it,比如:•an overhaul of the tax system税收制度的全面改革。•All the community’s decision-making institutions need to be overhauled.社区的所有决策机构都需要进行彻底改革。
“Everyone is pushed into this vicious cycle. You spend what you can on education,” said Siqi Tu, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, Germany. For Chinese students hoping to get a spot at a prestigious university, everything hinges on the gaokao, a single exam that many children are primed for before they even learn how to write.
“每个人都被推进这个恶性循环,在教育上能花多少就花多少,”德国哥根廷的马克斯·普朗克宗教和种族多样性研究所(Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)博士后研究员屠思齐说。对于希望进入名牌大学的中国学生来说,一切都取决于高考,许多孩子甚至在学写字之前就已经在为它做准备。
原文始发于微信公众号(英语书架):禁止补课,家长真的就松了一口气?| 纽约时报