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By 拔丝英语网

Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 7 November 2021
1.《自然》:研究人员发现,新冠病毒载量的快速下降与感染初期血液中高水平的自然杀伤细胞有关。他们报告,健康者体内的自然杀伤细胞可以在体外直接杀死感染新冠的细胞,但在中、重症新冠患者体内,自然杀伤细胞的细胞杀伤活性受损。与健康者、无症状感染者、仅有轻微新冠症状的感染者相比,重症新冠患者体内,自然杀伤细胞产生细胞因子和趋化因子的能力较弱。( 10 月 25 日)
Nature: Researchers have found a correlation between a rapid decline in the SARS-CoV-2 viral load and high levels of natural killer (NK) cells in the bloodstream at the beginning of the infection. They report that NK cells from healthy individuals can directly kill SARS-CoV-2-infected cells in vitro, but NK cells from people with moderate or severe COVID-19 have impaired cell-killing activity. NK cells from people with severe COVID-19 are less able to produce cytokines and chemokines than are such cells from healthy individuals or from infected people who have no or minimal COVID-19 symptoms. <25 Oct.>
[key info] High levels of natural killer cells in the bloodstream at the beginning of the infection are associated with a rapid decline in the viral load.
2.《自然》:研究人员使用全球集合种群流行病模型分析发现,截至 2020 年 1 月,欧美若干地区可能出现新冠社区传播。他们还估计,截至 3 月初,每 100 例感染中仅有 1 至 3 例通过监测系统检出。建模结果强调,国际旅行正是引入新冠的关键驱动因素,且可能早在 2019 年 12 月至 2020 年 1 月就已出现新冠入侵、传染。( 10 月 25 日)
[关键信息]欧美可能早在 2019 年 12 月至 2020 年 1 月就已出现新冠入侵、传染。
Nature: Using a global metapopulation epidemic model, researchers have found that community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was likely in several areas of Europe and the US by Jan. 2020 and estimated that by early Mar., only 1–3 in 100 infections were detected by surveillance systems. The modelling results highlight international travel as the key driver of the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 with possible introductions and transmission events as early as Dec. 2019–Jan. 2020. <25 Oct.>
[key info] In Europe and the US, SARS-CoV-2 might have been introduced and transmitted as early as Dec. 2019–Jan. 2020.
3.《英国医学杂志》:研究人员分析了 585 名罹患不同种类癌症的患者在接种两剂辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗或牛津—阿斯利康疫苗后出现的免疫反应。他们发现,在未曾感染新冠的血癌患者中,仅 31% 产生了针对 Delta 变异株的中和抗体;实体癌症患者中的比例为 62% 。( 10 月 27 日)
[关键信息]与实体癌症患者相比,对于未曾感染新冠的血癌患者,辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗和牛津—阿斯利康疫苗抵御 Delta 变异株的有效性可能较低。
British Medical Journal: Researchers analyzed the immune responses of 585 patients with different types of cancer, after they received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. They found that just 31% of infection naive patients with blood cancer developed neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant, compared with 62% of patients with solid cancers. <27 Oct.>
[key info] The Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines may be less effective against the Delta variant among infection naive patients with blood cancer than among those with solid cancers.
4.《柳叶刀》:研究人员利用以色列最大医疗机构的多个数据库,评估第三剂辉瑞—拜恩泰科对于预防新冠严重后果的有效性。符合条件的受试者在招募日期的至少 5 个月前接种第二剂疫苗,且并无新冠感染记录。接种完第三剂至少 7 天后,疫苗预防入院的有效性估计为 93% ,预防重症的有效性估计为 92% ,预防因新冠死亡的有效性估计为 81% 。( 10 月 29 日)
[关键信息]第三剂辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗对于预防新冠严重后果的有效性超过 80% 。
Lancet: Researchers used the data repositories of Israel’s largest healthcare organization to evaluate the effectiveness of a third dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for preventing severe COVID-19 outcomes. Eligible participants had received the second vaccine dose at least 5 months before the recruitment date and had no previous documented SARS-CoV-2 infection. Vaccine effectiveness evaluated at least 7 days after receipt of the third dose was estimated to be 93% against hospitalization, 92% against severe disease, and 81% against COVID-19-related death. <29 Oct.>
[key info] A third dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is over 80% effective in protecting individuals against severe COVID-19 outcomes.
5.《美国医学会杂志》:在卡塔尔开展的一项覆盖 1531736 人的队列研究中,对于有新冠感染史的辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗或莫德纳疫苗接种者,其疫苗突破性感染风险显著降低。在 120 天的随访中,对于有新冠感染史的辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗接种者,其累计感染率估计为 0.15% ,无感染史接种者的累计感染率估计为 0.83% 。在 120 天的随访中,对于有新冠感染史的莫德纳疫苗接种者,其累计感染率估计为 0.11% ,无感染史接种者的累计感染率估计为 0.35% 。( 11 月 1 日)
Journal of the American Medical Association: In a cohort study of 1,531,736 individuals in Qatar, prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a significantly reduced hazard of breakthrough infection among recipients of the Pfizer/BioNTech or the Moderna vaccine. Cumulative infection incidence among Pfizer/BioNTech-vaccinated individuals was an estimated 0.15% in those with and 0.83% in those without prior infection during 120 days of follow-up. Cumulative infection incidence among Moderna-vaccinated individuals was an estimated 0.11% in those with and 0.35% in those without prior infection during 120 days of follow-up. <1 Nov.>
[key info] Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a significantly lower risk of breakthrough infection among individuals receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech or the Moderna vaccine.
6.《细胞》:研究人员对 85 例病例进行研究,其中包括感染新冠数天后死亡的患者。研究人员由此能够在病毒复制过程中,捕获病毒。他们发现,支持细胞是嗅觉粘膜中的主要靶细胞类型,但并未找到嗅觉神经元感染的证据,嗅球实质也未被感染。这些发现指出,新冠病毒似乎并未表现为嗜神经病毒。( 11 月 2 日)
Cell: Researchers studied a cohort of 85 cases, which included patients who died a few days after infection with SARS-CoV-2 and thus enabled researchers to catch the virus while it was still replicating. They have found that the sustentacular cell is the major target cell type in the olfactory mucosa. However, researchers failed to find evidence for infection of olfactory sensory neurons, and the parenchyma of the olfactory bulb was spared as well. These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 does not appear to be a neurotropic virus. <2 Nov.>
[key info] Transient olfactory dysfunction of COVID-19 patients may be triggered by insufficient support from sustentacular cells.
7.《卫报》:科学家们确认 LZTFL1 基因可使新冠引起的呼吸衰竭与死亡的风险翻番。他们发现,LZTFL1 如开关般启动一项关键的防御机制,该机制防止新冠病毒进入布满肺部的上皮细胞。该基因的高风险变体对病毒的反应较弱,这说明病毒在与肺部细胞接触后,将继续侵入、感染、损害细胞,且持续更长时间。在具有南亚人种背景的人里,约 60% 携带 LZTFL1 基因;在具有欧洲白色人种背景的人里,比例为 15% 。( 11 月 4 日)
Guardian: Scientists have identified a gene called LZTFL1 that doubles the risks of respiratory failure and death from COVID-19. LZTFL1 was found to act as a switch to turn on a crucial defence mechanism that prevents SARS-CoV-2 from entering epithelial cells that line the lungs. With the high-risk version of the gene, this response was blunted, meaning the virus would continue entering, infecting, and damaging cells in the lungs for a longer time period after exposure. The gene is carried by roughly 60% of people with South Asian backgrounds, compared with 15% of those with white European backgrounds. <4 Nov.>
[key info] A gene common in South Asian people doubles the risks of respiratory failure and death from COVID-19.
8. 英国药品与保健品管理局:对于患有轻至中度新冠且有较高概率恶化为重症的患者,抗病毒药物 Lagevrio(莫那比拉韦)可安全且有效地降低入院、死亡概率。该药系第一款获批用于治疗新冠的口服抗病毒药物。Lagevrio 由 Ridgeback 生物治疗公司和默沙东制药公司联合研发,通过干扰病毒复制来发挥疗效。该药可防止病毒繁殖,使患者体内病毒保持在低水平,从而缓解病情。( 11 月 4 日)
[关键信息]对于患有轻至中度新冠且有较高概率恶化为重症的患者,英国药品和保健品监管局建议使用 Lagevrio 。
UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency: The antiviral Lagevrio (molnupiravir) is safe and effective at reducing the risk of hospitalization and death in people with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at increased risk of developing severe disease. It is the first oral antiviral for the treatment of COVID-19 to be approved. Developed by Ridgeback Biotherapeutics and Merck Sharp & Dohme, Lagevrio works by interfering with the virus’ replication. This prevents it from multiplying, keeping virus levels low in the body and therefore reducing the severity of the disease. <4 Nov.>
[key info] Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency recommended Lagevrio for use in people with mild to moderate COVID-19 and at increased risk of developing severe disease.


9. 辉瑞:一项 II/III 期研究针对未入院、但有较高概率恶化为重症的成年新冠患者开展。根据研究的中期分析,口服抗新冠候选药物 PAXLOVID 显著降低了入院、死亡的概率。中期分析显示,对于发病后三天内接收治疗的患者,与安慰剂相比,该药可使因新冠入院、死亡的概率降低 89% 。发病后 28 天内,服用 PAXLOVID 的患者中 0.8% 入院,服用安慰剂的患者中 7.0% 入院或死亡。( 11 月 5 日)
[关键信息]根据一项 II/III 期研究的中期分析,辉瑞的口服抗病毒药物 PAXLOVID 使入院、死亡的概率降低 89% 。
Pfizer: The COVID-19 oral antiviral candidate, PAXLOVID, significantly reduced risks of hospitalization and death, based on the interim analysis of a phase 2/3 study of non-hospitalized adult patients with COVID-19, who are at increased risk of developing severe disease. The interim analysis showed an 89% reduction in risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization or death compared to the placebo in patients treated within three days of symptom onset. 0.8% of patients who received PAXLOVID were hospitalized within 28 days, compared to 7.0% of patients who received the placebo and were hospitalized or died. <5 Nov.>
[key info] Pfizer’s oral antiviral PAXLOVID reduced risk of hospitalization or death by 89% in the interim analysis of a phase 2/3 study.
* * *
This is issue thirty-nine, edited on the basis of information from the official websites including but not limited to those of

The World Health Organization,

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States of America, &

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy of the University of Minnesota

and from the forums of FluTrackers.com.
This issue is edited by Alex Sun, Dorothy Fang, Moyan Lu, Dora Zhang, and Fred Wong, under the supervision of Dr. Jason Chu and Conch Zhang.

via 魔都晨曦来临

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